Education, study and knowledge

The 24 best Brazilian podcasts that you need ouvir

I content you in podcast format têm won every time more força no Brasil.

A variety of subjects chama a atenção de quem adores this streaming format, which can be watched by various platforms, being more known or Spotify.

Outra interesting feature two podcasts that attracted you to the opportunity to escape a few fabrics and to be able to use another less explored sense: to audição.

Thinking about tracing a diversity of genres and proposals, we selected 24 Brazilian podcasts that have been the best oil for the public. Trust!

1. Hand to hand

cartaz do podcast Mano a mano, with Mano Brown

Hand to hand é um podcast of interviews Apresentados hair rapper Mano Brown and who premiered in August 2021.

Tracing various issues that go from politics to music, or artist addresses questions in a deep and respectful way, just as some guests have divergent opinions and thoughts.

2. Come a thousand languages

cartaz do podcast twenty thousand languages

Feito em parceria com a magazine Four Five Um e o Serrapilheira Institute, this podcast is an initiative of writers Leda Cartum and Sofia Nestrovski, who Relacionam o mundo two books as a science.

instagram story viewer

The first season was in 2018, Spotify is not addressed or released To origin of species by Charles Darwin, published in 1859 as a revolution or knowledge on the theory of natural selection.

As writers manage to place each other in an instigating manner, raising a place between the uncovered scientific and a poetic and reflective universe about life.

3. Be sonorous

Ser Sonoro podcast logo

O researcher Fernando Garbini Cespedes é o breeder desse interesting podcast on o world gives the team and gives music.

A long year of 12 episodes, you will accompany various sound landscapes that show the origins of music, and also how it impacts our lives, being able to create new connected and universes.

Or podcast was launched in January 2021 and distributed by TAB Uol, available not on Spotify.

4. Praia dos Ossos

Praia dos Ossos Podcast Logo

Praia dos Ossos é uma produção da Radio Novelo not final launch of 2020.

Idealized and presented by Branca Vianna, or podcast with character documentary and journalistic.

In episodes of about 1 hour, it presents a reconstitution of a famous crime of feminicídio Occurred in 1976 at Praia dos Ossos, in Búzios, (RJ).

Angela Diniz was a known socialite from Minas Gerais, assassinated in love with Doca Street. Na epoch, or case ganhou stand out in the middle and turned to a didactic example of how or machismo operates in our society.

That is why the production is relevant, so Branca manages to ally police investigation with important questions.

5. 451 MHz

Podcast logo 451 MHz

To magazine Four Five Um, a monthly publication of literary criticism, launched in 2019 um podcast, or 451 MHz.

O program é on you Recent releases of free books from Brazil and traced interviews com renowned authors.

A apresentação e feita by Paulo Werneck, or magazine editor.

6. Café da Manhã

Logo of the podcast Café da Manhã

Comes in 2019, Café da Manhã I have two more podcasts because I wanted to know about politics, culture and various issues of atuality.

The program is maintained by the Folha de São Paulo daily wage and presented by the journalist Magê Flores, Maurício Meireles and Bruno Boghossian.

In 2020 it was indicated to the Ibest Prize, which rewards the many initiatives of the Brazilian digital market.

7. Mamilos

Mamilos podcast logo

Certainly I am a gosta of podcasts já conhece ou ouviu falar de Mamilos, uma das produções de maior reconhecimento in Brazil.

Its brand new happened in 2014 and did not start advertising Juliana Wallauer and Cris Bartis are dedicated to tracing controversial issues.

Currently, or program is more turned to journalistic and behavioral issues, plotting interviews and reflections.

9. Maybe seja isso

Podcast logo Maybe seja isso

This is an idealized program for the writer Mariana Bandarra and the journalist Bárbara Nickel.

Ace friends unpin or release Women who run like wolves, tracing deep thoughtful reflections on each chapter of this iconic literary work by psychologist Clarissa Pinkola Estés.

The first episode was not Spotify in 2017 and last in 2019. At the initiative is a beautiful complement to the women who read or are reading or free and seek to reconnect with their potentialities and internal force.

10. Dragões de Garagem

Garagem Dragões podcast logo

Podcast of scientific dissemination, Dragões de Garagem é feito by Luciano Queiroz and Lucas Marques.

To ideia and discuss science in a relaxed and accessible way, in order to attract the attention of two people and generate critical thinking.

The program has been produced since 2012, and also has a YouTube channel and blog.

11. Peixe Voador

Peixe Voador podcast logo

This is a podcast by the journalist and musical consultant Patrícia Palumbo who traz thoughts and reflections on various aspects of life and culture, like books, travels, music and other themes that povoam Patrícia's mind.

Or no program does not suggest freedom of issues that may arise. Um peixe, animal das Águas, more with handles to also fly, or symbol of this podcast, launched in 2020.

12. Outras mamas

Outras mamas podcast logo

No ar since 2018, Outras Mamas It is a podcast created by Barbara Miranda and Thais Goldkorn.

The episodes of the week revolve around various issues, most often or feminism and or veganism.

Raised from leitura do livro A Sexual Politics of Meatby Carol J. Adams, or program seeks to create connections between the two political movements, exposing the relationships of oppression that permeate both animal exploration and objectification of women.

13. No browsing program

Podcast logo No page program

No browsing program é um projeto by Gabriel Cabral, artist and visual educator. Available not Spotify, this is a podcast of interviews with various artists, mainly visual arts.

Gabriel invites people with relevant works na contemporary art dinner For conversations that approach from the creative process to the motivations and reflections that you work on, in addition to the dissemination of works in exhibitions.

14. DrauzioCast

DrauzioCast podcast logo

O respected doctor Drauzio Varella commands this optimum podcast about health. With episodes of about 30 minutes each, it tackles various topics around health, such as prevention and clarification of dúvidas on doenças, both physical and mental.

Each program is focused on a theme and traces specialists who help to make more accessible information important to the population.

15. Preta History

História Preta podcast logo

Produced by the company B9, Preta History It was presented by Thiago André and it was the focus of memory and culture of black povo no Brazil and no world.

The program is no longer on Spotify since 2019 and has a documentary character, tracing the history of important personalities in music in other fields of culture.

16. Petit Journal

Petit Journal podcast logo

Petit Journal trace the latest news about politics and international economy in an uncomplicated and accessible way.

What is the presentation or program of professors Daniel Sousa and Tanguy Baghdadi. Present not Spotify, or podcast with episodes that vary from 6 to 30 minutes and help to understand the Brazilian and world political scene.

17. Stories of ninar for rebel garotas

Logo do podcast Histórias de ninas para garotoas rebeldes

Inspired not livro bet-seller de mesmo nome by Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo, Stories of ninar for rebel garotas trace inspiring narratives about women that will help transform reality in various aspects.

Notáveis ​​women such as Frida Kahlo, Nina Simone and Cora Coralina are exhibited in a playful way, in a way that will be revealed for the child and adolescent public a little of their costumes.

18. Confins of the universe

Confins do Universo podcast logo

Quem gosta de HQs cannot deixar de ouvir Confins of the Universe, a podcast raised in 2015 that discusses or world two quadrinhos e a pop culture.

A produção é fruit of a work more old no site HQ Universe, which has existed since 2000 and has become a reference for the history of the city. A team is formed by Sidney Gusman, Samir Naliato, Marcelo Naranjo and Sergio Codespoti.

19. Philosophical impositions

Logo do podcast Philosophical Impostures

Esse podcast about philosophy é o desdobramento do site Inadequate reason, launched in 2012.

O projeto addresses, apart from philosophy, topics such as psychology, music, books and films. There will be no Spotify all the sixth-shows, tracing relevant texts and analyzes.

20. Daily dos

Dose Diária podcast logo

Daily dos is a podcast originating from the YouTube channel Flower and Manu, not what Emanuel Aragão presents reflections on life by maneira geral.

Emanuel, a psychoanalyst scholar, tackles the issues in a low-key, preconceived and comfortable way.

21. Self conscious

Self-Conscious podcast logo

Um two podcasts more ouvidos about self-awareness and emotional health é Self conscious, produced by Regina Giannetti, journalist and specialist in mindfulness.

Regina is called a "reporter of the soul" and traces in her program important reflections to live in a milder way, with so much self-recovery. Their goal is to take our years to a calming experience so that they end the experience less anxious and more confident.

22. Falando of music

Falando de Música podcast logo

Produced by Nelson Faria and Leo Justen, Falando of music Receive guests of the musical meio for a frank conversation with questions from the public.

Either the first episode was launched in 2019 and the program, or the program received artists such as Monica Salmaso, Fátima Guedes, Marcos Valle, Leila Pinheiro and Zelia Duncan.

23. Prato Cheio

Prato Cheio podcast logo

Why do I want to know more about conscious eating, this podcast is on request! Prato Cheio is a program derived from the site O joio e o wheat, which seeks to trace information about or "eating as a political act."

In addition, it discusses issues such as ultra-processed food, an agribusiness industry, a development epidemic that has returned to the country and other relevant related issues.

24. Flow Podcast

Podcast Flow Podcast Logo

This is a podcast that has existed since 2018, made by Bruno Aiub, Igor Coelho and Gianluca Eugenio.

Or program recebe assorted guests for interviews sem um pre-established roteiro, give people free to say or what they want.

According to the idealizers, there is no "taboo" theme and any personality, both progressive or conservative, can participate.

There are two podcasts with the highest audience in the country.

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