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All PARTS of the human DENTURE

Parts of the human denture

Image: Association "Emotion and Health"

The teeth is without a doubt one of the important structures of the human face that allows us to throw a captivating smile to chew food, through the correct articulation of words and sounds. Human teeth are delicate and changeable throughout life and each one can be as defining of ourselves as our fingerprint.

In this lesson from a TEACHER we will review the characteristics of human teeth that differentiate them from other animals, the parts of the initial or milk teeth, the parts of the permanent teeth some curiosities about something as human as the teeth of the judgment. If you want to discover more about the parts of human teeth, We invite you to continue reading!

The set of teeth make up the denture. The human teeth have a number of functions, very important for human beings such as:

  • Bite, chew and mash the food we eat, starting mechanical digestion.
  • Help shape sounds and words. Many sounds and words are generated correctly thanks to the correct disposition of the teeth and the position of the tongue or lips with respect to them (ex: dental, alveolar phonemes, etc.)
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  • They intervene in the expression of emotions important in the relationship of human beings with other individuals. An example of its importance is in the amount of nuances and interpretations that the simple fact of letting a glimpse of our teeth (half smiles, shameful smiles, big smiles of joy, false smiles, etc.)

Human teeth are one of the most delicate of the animal kingdom. Thanks to the cooking and processing of food, human teeth have evolved becoming more and more delicate and adapting to omnivorous eating we have today.

In addition, human teeth are very prone to infections, mainly by bacteria, which cause so-called cavities. It is called cavities to a disease in which the tooth tissue, which is composed mainly of minerals, is destroyed. This destruction is caused not only by the acidic environment generated by the microorganisms that grow in our mouth, but also by the ingestion of highly acidic foods. The greater occurrence of cavities has a genetic component, but if we want to keep our teeth healthy we must remove food scraps, which lead to increased bacterial growth and an acidic environment, by brushed.

Remember that if you want to know more about the parts of the teeth or what types of teeth we can find inside the human teeth, you can take a look at our lesson What are the parts of teeth?

Parts of the human denture - The human denture: function and characteristics

Image: Urbina Dental Clinic

Newborn babies lack teeth. The first human teeth are called initial, temporary, or "milk teeth." Milk teeth appear approximately at six months old, when the baby should begin to introduce solid foods in his diet. The temporary denture is made up of 20 teeth:

  • 8 incisors. The incisors are the teeth that are in the center of the denture: four in the upper jaw and four in the lower jaw. They are the first to emerge in babies and do so between 6 and 8 months, the central ones appear first and then the lateral ones.
  • 4 canines. On each side of the incisors are the canines: two in the upper jaw, to the right and left of the incisors, and two in the lower jaw. They appear between 16 and 20 months of age.
  • 8 molars. Premolars do not appear in children, pieces that in humans are between the canines and the molars, mainly due to the lack of space in the small mouth of children. The first four molars appear between 12 and 16 months, at the same time as the canines or somewhat earlier than these, while the last group of molars appear between 21 and 30 months.

The rate of eruption of the teeth varies according to the child, being the normal thing that the teeth begin to appear first teeth at approximately 6 months and that all teeth have finished emerging by three years dental Normally the pieces of the upper jaw begin to emerge before those of the lower jaw. In addition, temporary teeth in humans are smaller, whiter, and flattened than permanent teeth, as they have less space to be placed in children's mouths.

Parts of the Human Denture - Parts of the Temporary Human Denture

Image: Stanford Children's Health

Unlike the temporary human denture, the permanent denture consists of 32 pieces, larger and less white than those of the temporary denture. These pieces are:

  • 8 incisors. As in the temporary denture, in the permanent denture there are 8 incisors, which are the first to emerge, at approximately 6 or 7 years of age.
  • 4 canines. In the permanent teeth, 4 canines also appear, which begin to emerge and displace the milk canines between 10 and 11 years of age.
  • 8 premolars. The premolars is one of the parts of the human denture that only appears in the permanent denture, approximately at 10 years of age.
  • 12 molars. Molars or molars are the most numerous teeth in permanent human teeth and the last to emerge. The first group of molars appear at approximately 6 or 7 years of age and the second group of molars emerge at approximately 12 or 13 years of age. Finally, the third group of molars is called "wisdom teeth" and they usually emerge between 17 and 21 years of age. Sometimes the four wisdom teeth do not erupt or it is delayed a long time, causing great pain when moving the rest of the teeth.
Parts of the Human Denture - Parts of the Permanent Human Denture

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