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The best 14 Psychologists in Benito Juárez (Mexico City)

Maria De Jesus Gutierrez She is a licensed psychologist from the Universidad del Norte and has several diplomas among which Highlights include medical sexology, care for children of separated parents and disorders of the state of cheer up.

This psychologist is an expert in treating people of all ages with problems related to attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity, anxiety and depression, as well as other types of complications such as drug addiction and codependency in relational and social settings. couple.

Irma Malpica Batista She is one of the most recognized psychologists in Benito Juárez, with a really extensive career.

This clinical psychologist (graduated from ULA) can assist us to treat all kinds of emotional and relational difficulties. She is characterized by using an eclectic approach, based on different techniques and therapeutic approaches.

The psychologist Patricio madrigal She has more than 20 years of career behind her and currently she attends online to adolescents, adults and also the elderly who are going through a period of discomfort.

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His intervention integrates the cognitive-behavioral approach together with Mindfulness and other highly effective guidelines proven, with which he treats cases of anxiety and depression, addictions, stress and deficits in the management of the wrath.

Patricio Madrigal has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Valle de México, has a Master's degree in Educational Sciences, a She is a Training Course in Mindfulness in Education and has a Diploma in Transpersonal Psychology and a Postgraduate Degree in Psychotherapy Existential.

The psychologist Adriana serrano She has a Degree in Psychology from UNAM, she has a Higher Degree in Sex Education, a Master's Degree in Models of Thinking and she has Diplomas in Gestalt and Humanist Psychotherapy, in Emotion Management and in Programming Neurolinguistics.

Her intervention is offered online with all possible guarantees and in her consultation she attends to people of all ages, from children to the elderly, as well as couples and families

This professional has more than 25 years of experience and some of her main intervention specialties are processes divorce, family conflicts, low self-esteem, school difficulties, anxiety and addiction to video game.

The Psychologist and Psychoanalyst Clara Lopez She offers a professional therapy service both online and in person to adults and seniors who request it.

This professional has a Master's Degree in Psychoanalysis from the University of León, she has a Master's Degree in Psychoanalysis she and Culture from the Escuela Libre de Psicología and she has a Diploma in Child Psychoanalysis and Teenagers.

Her main intervention specialties are cases of anxiety and depression, divorce processes, emotional difficulties, stress and borderline personality.

Guadalupe Cruz She is one of the most outstanding psychologists of Benito Juárez and she has a degree in Clinical Psychology from UNAM. This psychologist also has a master's degree in Humanistic Psychotherapy and a postgraduate degree in Brief Therapies.

She is a specialist in problems related to anxiety, depression and conflicts that may occur in the family and as a couple. This is why she is also an expert in domestic violence and gender violence.

The psychologist Patricia Perez Serapio He has 16 years of experience in therapy aimed at adolescents, adults, couples and also families who wish to improve some aspect of their lives.

Among his specialties we find cognitive behavioral therapy, which is the one that presents the most scientific evidence. Thus, her therapy is based on reviewing and changing the way the patient conceives the reality that surrounds him.

Some of the treatments that this professional addresses are: anxiety disorders, depression, panic and agoraphobia disorders, social phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and eating disorders.

The psychologist Carlos Max Zavala He is an expert in couples and sex therapy, as well as treating a wide variety of disorders that he addresses efficiently and professionally.

Among the main problems that he treats in his consultation are anxiety disorders, psychological trauma, depression, hysterical neurosis, conduct disorders, specific and simple phobias, depression severe, gender identity disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, panic attacks and addictions.

The psychologist Mª Elena Salazar He offers quality therapeutic care to children, adolescents and adults. Being part of the professional team of the ELEIA therapeutic center for several years, she has a curriculum to take into account.

Among the main disorders and disorders of which he is a specialist, we find behavior problems, unipolar depression, school bullying or bullying, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, relationship problems and grief.

The psychologist Guadalupe Sanchez He specializes in the application of a wide variety of psychological tools and strategies, including brief therapy and humanistic therapy. On the other hand, his work as a psychotherapist is aimed at adults, adolescents and couples,

Regarding the disorders that he addresses, anxiety, self-esteem problems, depression, existential crisis, anguish, Burnout syndrome, motivation problems, and codependency.

Jorge Gomez Mancera He is one of the psychologists who attend Benito Juárez, as he has complete training and has more than 20 years of experience behind his back. He specializes in humanistic therapy, brief therapy, and techniques used from a psychodynamic perspective.

Some of the disorders that this psychotherapist dominates are phobias, depression, insomnia, anxiety, relationship problems in the couple, sexual disorders, self-esteem problems, sexual abuse and duel.

Ricardo Leon He is a professional psychologist who offers individual, group and couple therapeutic care to anyone who needs it, or needs to change any aspect of their life.

With 14 years of experience, this professional has specialized in treating all kinds of disorders and problems in an ethical and professional manner, such as work stress, phobias, dysthymia, and more.

The psychologist Ericka lopez She treats adults, adolescents from 17 years old on the basis of cognitive-behavioral therapy AND humanistic therapy.

In her day-to-day work with patients who have problems such as depression, anxiety, phobias, personality disorders, low self-esteem, post-traumatic stress and trauma, both in adults and in teenagers.

Erica Medina is specialized in solving the problems of each patient through brief therapy, as well as a wide variety of different disorders.

This professional is especially recommended for those who need treatment for problems such as attacks panic, depression and anxiety, sleep disturbances, anguish and mourning the death of a being Dear.

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