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The 9 best Addiction Treatment Clinics in Murcia

Seville Therapeutic Forum is a center located in the Andalusian capital specialized in the treatment of all kinds of addictions, whether they are chemical or even behavioral in nature.

These specialists can help us greatly if, for example, we find ourselves suffering from a situation of cocaine dependence, an alcoholism problem or a sex addiction.

Llaurant la Llum is a detoxification center located in the Valencian town of Picassent, which is made up of a large multidisciplinary team of expert psychologists.

In this center some difficulties such as alcoholism, smoking, dependence on cocaine, depression or very low self-esteem can be treated very effectively.

Located in the Barcelona town of Dosrius, CITA Clinics It is one of the most interesting centers specialized in the treatment of addictions that we can currently find in the autonomous community of Catalonia.

We can visit this place if, for example, we eventually find ourselves going through an excessive consumption of alcohol, a smoking problem, a very serious depression or a possible case of gambling.

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The Recal Clinic is a specialized addiction center in which both adults and adolescents tend to be frequently treated and also, it should be noted that if we also need we can go to this clinic without any problem in the company of both our partner and our family group at full.

The specialists that we will find in this place are great experts in the treatment of some difficulties such as alcoholism, drug addiction, addiction to sex or the Internet.

The Castelao Murcia Institute is a center equipped with all kinds of comforts specialized in the detoxification process of a wide variety of addictions. On the other hand, it is also very important to note that where these professionals specialize most is in the specific treatment of alcoholism.

We can also visit this center if we are interested in quitting smoking, we think that we are suffering a addiction to cocaine or if we are immersed in a very deep depression due to having left a substance.

The Temehi Foundation is a clinic specialized in the specific rehabilitation of women who are currently experiencing some type of chemical addiction. To do this, these specialists will carry out a very thorough procedure in which both the affected person and their closest relatives will be involved.

We should not hesitate to contact this team of psychologists if, for example, we find ourselves going through a smoking problem, an excessive consumption of alcohol or an addiction to cocaine.

In the Dr. García Basterrechea Clinic We will normally be cared for by Dr. García himself, who has a degree in Medicine from the University of Murcia and has a Doctorate specialized in the specific treatment of addictions.

Throughout his professional career, this doctor has been able on more than one occasion to help people who found themselves suffering from a problem of alcoholism, a situation of dependence on cocaine or an addiction to play.

Mentsalud is a psychotherapeutic center formed by a large multidisciplinary team of specialists, in which they have a specialized department in the specific treatment of addictions.

If we decide to put ourselves in the hands of this group of professionals we must know that together with them we can treat in a very efficient some personal difficulties such as depression, anxiety disorders, smoking or excessive consumption of alcohol.

The center Tibbon Psychology was founded by a group of rehabilitated ex-addicts who made the decision to help other people who were going through the same situation as themselves they had lived, and that is why together with this team of professionals we will have the opportunity to put into practice a series of methodologies of proven effectiveness.

We should not hesitate to put ourselves in their hands if, for example, we find ourselves going through a smoking problem, excessive alcohol consumption or a situation of heroin dependence.

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