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Can excess anxiety cause problems concentrating?

Sometimes it happens to us that things that we used to do at full speed, now we do them taking twice as long and, above all, badly. It is not difficult to concentrate and we even have the odd memory problem. Why?

It may be that we are so, but so overwhelmed that this happens is taking its toll on the cognitive plane, showing itself at work, studies and even at leisure.

Anxiety and concentration problems are biologically related and then we will explain why, in addition to giving a few recommendations on what to do if we suffer from these two problems. Do not miss it!

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Anxiety and concentration problems: how are they related?

It has happened to all of us that we are going through a time when it seems that we cannot concentrate in the least. Our concentration, attention, memory and decision making fail, preventing us from having a normal day. We forget such important things as the pending doctor's appointment, the credit card number or that we had the stove on making us a coffee maker.

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One of the possible causes behind problems with concentration and other executive functions is anxiety. We often underestimate the impact that this psychological state has on our brain, so that despite suffering it, we do not act to face it properly or on time. Although it is true that concentration and memory problems can have various origins, it should never be underestimated the effect that psychological states such as depression, anxiety and stress have on our abilities cognitive.

Anxiety is an emotion that, in its proper measure, it is adaptive. Being anxious is synonymous with being expectant, prepared to face a possible threat and flee if we can. This emotion amplifies our attention span and has the advantage that it helps us to protect our physical and psychological integrity. However, if it reaches high levels and becomes chronic, it becomes a harmful companion, an emotion that attracts mental disorders and psychological problems.

Anxiety and trouble concentrating
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How do I know if I suffer from lack of concentration due to anxiety?

It may seem counterintuitive, but it is not uncommon for us to see that we have such anxiety that we do not even realize it. Yes, it is curious that a state that makes us constantly worry, thinking about what can go wrong, becomes so high that we do not even realize that we are presenting it. It is essential to differentiate when we suffer from concentration problems due to anxiety or other problems, since the origin is different and therefore, so will the way of approaching it.

We can find out if we have concentration problems due to anxiety by looking at the following symptoms.

1. Mental fullness

Have the feeling of accumulating and procrastinating a lot of tasks to do or thoughts in your head that prevent you from thinking clearly. It is an eternal mental haze.

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2. Little oversights

Forget some details of the day to day, a sign that our memory is beginning to fail.

3. Difficulties enjoying tasks and hobbies

Trouble concentrating on the tasks and hobbies that we like and used to enjoy before. For example, we lose the thread of the book we are reading or we do not realize the plot of the movie we are watching and we have to rewind to find out what the movie is about.

4. Feeling of unreality

We begin to have a feeling of unreality. That is to say, we feel disconnected from everything that happens around us, even if it is an event that is pleasant to us. We feel like mere spectators of events in which we are supposed to be the protagonists or participate in them.

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What is the cause?

In this specific case, by relating concentration problems with anxiety, we can affirm that the cause here is obviously anxiety. However, what is the deeper cause is another question. It seems that the relationship between anxiety and concentration problems is especially strong in patients with generalized anxiety disorder.

This finding was in fact made in a 2017 investigation called "Difficulty concentrating in generalized anxiety disorder: An evaluation of incremental utility and relationship to worry." Dr. Lauren Hallion's group reached several conclusions about how concentration problems occur in patients with this anxiety disorder.

When anxiety persists in the individual's life and becomes chronic, at the cortical level who takes control are the structures in charge precisely of emotional aspects. Regions like amygdala they reduce the activity of the prefrontal zones, which are related to executive functions such as memory, reflection, problem solving, attention and concentration. That is why there would be such an intense relationship between anxiety and concentration problems.

In the particular case of generalized anxiety disorder, there is chronic worry. This makes the patient's mental state one of high anguish, an emotion which intensifies the activation of the so-called fear network, a neural circuit made up of the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and the amygdala. This only creates greater problems with concentration, less attention and difficulties in thinking.

  • Related article: "Generalized Anxiety Disorder: symptoms, causes and treatment"

How to deal with these problems?

Both subclinical anxiety and anxiety disorders in general affect all areas of our life. Anxiety can cause us problems with attention, memory and concentration, problems related to the cognitive aspects of our mind.

However, naturally, being a negative emotional state also brings us affective problems that will be evident in areas of our life such as work, family, studies, social life and leisure. The only thing that having too much anxiety does is distort our life and with it we lose control of reality.

The most appropriate thing is to go to a professional specialized in anxiety disorders who will help us discover the deep origin of our altered emotional state. It is a step that, although it is difficult for us to take it at first, brings with it many benefits since psychological therapy can help you acquire a more effective lifestyle to cope with the unexpected and coping strategies healthy.

But, in addition to going to psychotherapy, we can introduce some healthy habits in our lives that will help us avoid both anxiety and concentration problems.

1. Dismantle your irrational ideas

As simple and straightforward as picking up a pen and paper on which we will write down those irrational or non-functional thoughts that are blocking us, causing us a lot of discomfort.

The idea is that, by writing them down, we will try to write rationally what are the reasons why you think these thoughts are not credible or if they are, what feelings they provoke.

2. Practice relaxation techniques and deep breaths

A classic to cope with anxiety is to practice relaxation techniques and deep breathing. Psychologists themselves introduce these types of techniques in their clinical sessions because, although they are not the cure for anxiety disorders, they help reduce their symptoms and discomfort.

3. Exercise and be active

This practice of exercising to regulate our mood is a classic, and it is because it works. Performing physical activity with a certain frequency acts as a protective factor against all kinds of psychological problems, including anxiety and lack of concentration.

Sport is so beneficial because with it the well-known endorphins are released, chemicals that induce a state of relaxation and psychological well-being, in addition to reducing the perception of pain. They also reduce the feeling of being anxious.

But it is also that the practice of sports directly influences our ability to concentrate. In fact, it has been seen that people who do moderate-intensity sports between 3 and 5 days at a time the week have a higher academic performance, linked to better concentration and ability to retention.

So, even without having problems with anxiety or lack of concentration, the practice of sports is a good ally for our performance.


By way of conclusion, it should be said that these practices, although they will help us, will not generate a change immediately nor will they make anxiety and concentration problems disappear as if by art of Magic. Like everything in this life, it takes time for our mood and concentration to improve, in addition to We insist on going to a mental health professional to teach us how to deal with highly stressful.

We must also accept that in life it is impossible to have control of absolutely everything. Life is full of uncertainties and on more than one occasion things will happen that will alter us a bit, because as human beings it is impossible for us to have certain events that play with our feelings. In addition, it takes a long time to change the pattern of our thoughts but, calmly, with time, perseverance and a little patience it is a matter of improving, do not lose hope.

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