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The 90 best expressions and phrases of Argentina (with their meaning)

Argentina is the epicenter of tango, the birthplace of one of the great soccer players in the world Diego Armando Maradona, it has the best dulce de leche and is the nationality of Pope Francis. What's more, Argentines have a peculiar tone when speaking and use words that are very different from the rest of the Spanish-speaking nations. Not only is their accent so marked, but also because they have a series of words and phrases that not everyone understands.

Despite the fact that Spanish is spoken in this South American country, most of its vocabulary is very particular since they use phrases, words and funny, creative and original expressions that mostly come from lunfardo, which is a language that arose among the people of lower class in Buenos Aires in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and today it has become a very common idiom in any everyday conversation.

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Popular Argentine expressions, phrases and words

To learn a little more about how to talk about this culture, we leave you below 90 best words and expressions from Argentina.

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1. What are you doing stupid for so long?

It is a very popular expression to ask friends what they have made since the last time they saw each other.

2. They cut off my legs.

Phrase that is used to express frustration for not reaching the established goal. It was first popularized by Maradona when he was expelled from the 1994 World Cup.

3. The thermal hit him.

It is said of a person who has lost his composure in the face of a situation.

4. That recital was sailed.

Argentine expression to say that something was very good.

5. Ser Gardel.

It is used to say that someone is the best in what he does.

6. Take off your cap, che!

It means not to get serious at times of celebration and parties.

7. That guy owes me a luca.

It refers to someone owing a thousand pesos.

8. Cold chest

It means that a person lacks passion or lacks charisma.

9. The turtle got away.

It refers to saying that an excellent opportunity slipped out of hand for a person.

10. It's a jerk!

This phrase is used a lot to say that someone is stupid.

11. Hit a tubazo.

This expression means to telephone the friend who asks for it.

12. Go cry or charge Magoya.

It refers to when something is totally lost.

13. There is no your aunt.

Phrase that describes when a situation cannot be fixed.

14. Ball up.

It means hurting or hurting yourself.

15. To be made of iron.

Denotes a trusted person.

16. Find the fifth leg of the cat.

It is always looking for conflict where there is none.

17. Be made of wood.

It refers to a person who does not measure up to something.

18. Throw the greyhounds.

It is to make a woman fall in love and show feelings.

19. Wallet kills gallant.

Money attracts more than male beauty.

20. If you want to cry, cry!

Phrase used to tell someone to show their feelings.

21. Queruza.

It is a way of saying that a person is doing something secretly.

22. What a mess!

It is a very common expression that is used daily to denote that everything is a mess.

23. Make it from Cayetano.

It is said when a person does something silently.

24. He put on the shirt.

It refers to when a person commits to something.

25. Be done hanger.

This is what a person is told when he is very tired or exhausted.

26. There is no water reaching the tank.

Someone is told that they do not reason well or make poor decisions.

27. Walk like a Turk in the mist.

This phrase is used to describe the way a drunk man walks.

28. He lacks a couple of players.

Expression that means that there is a person with few intellectual abilities.

29. I'm up to my hands.

It is a way of saying that we have many things to do at the same time.

30. Have it clear.

It refers to when a person is excellent at something or has a lot of knowledge.

31. The house is in order.

It means that everything is fine.

32. I have a changa

It means that you have a short-term job that is very poorly paid.

33. I take them.

It is an expression that means to leave the place.

34. Chamuyar.

It is when you talk about more or say nonsense things.

35. Break the balls.

It is said when something bothers or bothers us.

36. Never taxi.

It is a very colloquial expression to say that something is kept in good condition.

37. Make me second.

It is a favor done to a friend.

38. Maaaaal.

It is a very frequent expression in the vocabulary of Argentines to say that one agrees with an expressed idea.

39. What a rat you are!

It refers to an extremely stingy person.

40. Let's have some beers.

Birra is a way of calling beer. So this is an invitation to go have some beers.

41. Don't be ortiva.

It is when a person does not want to do an activity with his friends.

42. But you want the pig and the twenty.

It is when you want everything without making any effort.

43. I hung up.

It means forgetting to do something.

44. I throw myself in the pool.

It is a phrase of encouragement to carry out an activity.

45. Look how I eat you, brother!

It is an expression that has become very popular on soccer fields and refers to everything that can be done.

46. Today you become a hero.

It is when you work hard to achieve the proposed objective.

47. Every cloud has a silver lining.

After a catastrophic situation, something better always comes.

48. You grabbed for the side of the tomatoes.

When a person is explained something and understands something else.

49. Here he who does not run, flies.

It is widely used to refer to those people who are agile and quick to take advantage of a situation or problem.

50. I am baked.

This phrase is said when we are at the limit of something.

51. I got fucked up.

It is a very frequent expression that is used especially when buying and that instead of money they give you something else as payment.

52. How sailed!

It is a term that can mean something out of place, but it is also a way of saying that everything is fine.

53. The cheto.

He is a person who lives in a luxurious area and who likes only branded things.

54. Chamuyo.

It is a common word in the everyday life of an Argentine, it has many meanings, but the most common is to refer to the way a girl is wrapped to conquer her.

55. These are my old folks.

It is a very affectionate expression to refer to parents.

56. Take the bondi.

It refers to taking a bus or collective as it is known in Argentina.

57. He went around the bush.

It is a way of saying that a person dispersed during a conversation.

58. You are very silly.

It is said of an unintelligent person.

59. It paints me.

It is a way of saying that you want or want to do something.

60. Give me a scab.

Way in which young people name an alcoholic beverage.

61. Hold me a chunk.

It's an alternative to saying "wait for me a minute."

62. To put claw on it.

It is a phrase that encourages you to move on and not be defeated.

63. Bad milk.

It is a way of defining a person who has bad intentions in the way they act or behave.

64. The early bird God helps.

Expression that invites you to do things early so that everything goes well.

65. Be re hot.

It is a hint to invite intimacy.

66. Very cool that proposal.

It's when something is cool or very good.

67. Rescue yourself.

Term that refers to the fact that a person must take care of themselves and protect themselves.

68. The fly.

It is a phrase whose meaning is money.

69. Che kid.

Refers to the guy who runs errands.

70. Bird in hand is better than 100 flying.

It means that it is better to have something insured than to risk everything and have nothing.

71. Gaucho.

Very common expression to ask for a favor.

72. I want to eat popcorn.

Refers to popcorn.

73. Che.

It is one of the most common expressions among Argentines, because that is how it is affectionately said to a person.

74. Take them.

Colloquial way of saying go, get out, get out.

75. That one has a job.

Statement that means a work of doubtful origin.

76. A ball.

It is when you have a lot of something.

77. Not even fart.

It is a way of saying that this is not going to be done.

78. Embole.

It means boring, monotonous, or annoying.

79. Post.

It is a term that means that everything is true.

80. A gift horse in the teeth not look.

When they give us something, we do not have to emphasize the details, we just have to be grateful.

81. That kid if he is bitter.

It is said of a boring boy, without feelings or passion.

82. Flash.

It is a word used to say that a person is imagining things.

83. Twine.

It is the way the Argentines say money.

84. I pick them up.

It means to leave quickly and in a hurry.

85. Fat.

Word that denotes bad taste, unaesthetic and ordinary.

86. The type.

It is an expression that Argentine youth use very often to refer to a man.

87. He is a groso.

Phrase that means that a person is great.

88. Give me a Diego.

This means that I want ten pesos.

89. That kid is a real boss.

It refers to a man who does his job well and stands out in it.

90. Did mice eat your tongue?

It's a way of telling someone to speak up and put shyness aside.

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