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The 90 best expressions and phrases of Mexico (with their meaning)

It is very common that when it comes to getting to know a country other than ours, we want to know all its customs and traditions, but it is also extremely important to know their dialect so that, when they speak to us, we are not so lost. Although we speak the same language, each nation has its own way of speaking and many of the phrases or expressions have different meanings.

Mexico has a culture that, over the years, has created endless expressions and unique words that tend to help in those cases where certain sciences do not know how to say them. Mexicans have a great variety of very characteristic idioms and for which they are known internationally.

  • We recommend you read: "The 16 best Mexican towns that you can discover on vacation"

Best Mexican words and expressions

Here is a compilation with the best expressions and sayings of Mexico that you should know to understand a little more about its culture.

1. She gave flight to the lint.

It is said when something is done easily.

2. They caught him swallowing pinole.

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Expression that denotes when a person is distracted.

3. He got up to his hands.

It tells a person when she has gotten too drunk.

4. The chahuistle already fell on him.

Phrase that is used when someone arrives that we do not like. It is also used when experiencing an unexpected situation or we are caught in something that we wanted to remain a secret.

5. Take a little coyotito.

Said very used to tell someone to take a nap, especially after eating.

6. Bring me the achichincle of her.

It is said to refer that we are someone's helpers.

7. She went into the kitchen.

Said of a person who meddles in everything.

8. They bagged Chuchita!

It refers to a person who does not bring the complete purchases.

9. Not even going to dance in Chalma!

It is one of the most popular Mexican expressions and is said when a problem has no solution.

10. He sucked headlights!

This Mexican phrase refers to a deceased person.

11. A good cuber eye.

It is said when an approximate estimate or calculation is made.

12. Iron relative!

Very common expression to give encouragement and support to a loved one.

13. You think you're very here, don't you?

Term used to tell a person that he has a very big ego.

14. Pulling bar.

It is said when a person does not work or is lazy.

15. Give me a cuddle.

It is a term that is used when you want a hug, remaining as a synonym for it.

16. You don't even furnish it anymore.

Phrase very used when someone is very annoying, annoying or impertinent.

17. Do not give up.

Words that serve to tell someone to keep what she promised.

18. Don't play the duck.

A person is told to pay attention.

19. Know the ball.

Phrase that is used when you do not know what you are talking about.

20. She already stuck her pick.

This expression is said when a person falls asleep in the place where he is.

21. Enchinchando el changarro.

It is used to say that a person wasting someone else's time.

22. Waters!

It is an expression that is said as a warning or warning that a situation is dangerous.

23. What a snack.

This phrase is used to express that something is very funny or funny.

24. What deals.

Very usual word to say hello.

25. Let's go in the truck for some morras.

It means we are going to go in the car to pick up some friends.

26. What a shame.

Used when something went wrong or something is of poor quality.

27. Do me a favour.

Expression used to ask for help from a family member or friend.

28. You left the viper screeching.

Phrase that is said when a conflict is provoked and the place is fled.

29. Like the dog with the two cakes.

A person is told when they are indecisive.

30. Whistling and clapping.

Words that are said when we want nobody to touch something.

31. Here, for your chuchulucos.

It is when a person is given money to buy sweets, candies or whatever he wants.

32. It gives flight to the lint.

It is used to say that someone lives a life full of excess.

33. He was left with a face of what.

It is said of someone who is surprised by a news, event or situation.

34. Really.

It is a very popular expression in Mexico and refers to when something happens that causes surprise.

35. He threw the horse on me.

It is said when a person attacks for no reason.

36. He is an old green tail.

Expression that refers to an adult man who likes young girls.

37. Of course, Simon.

Term widely used when you want to confirm what another says.

38. He is sucking you up.

It is used to describe that there is a deception or something is hidden.

39. Scare me skull.

Expression that tells someone that we are not afraid of him.

40. Brown billet.

Phrase widely used when going to a food stall, as it refers to tasting a little of everything.

41. You're doing out of the potty.

Mexicans use these words a lot to tell a person that they are lost or misplaced.

42. Go see if the sow has already given birth.

Phrase that is used when we want to tell a person to go somewhere else.

43. Paste a sturdy one.

It is said when someone beats another by a large margin.

44. What time does the store close?

It is used to ask what time the store closes.

45. Don't make me shy.

It is a very popular phrase to tell a friend not to get depressed about something.

46. The mitote has already been assembled.

It is used to say that a problem occurred or to refer to a gossip or party.

47. This canyon

It is when a situation is difficult or complicated.

48. Shake the boat.

Very common expression to refer to wanting to go out to dance.

49. What carnal wave?

Greeting that is made between friends and acquaintances.

50. I'm making talacha.

It refers to when a routine work or that requires a great effort is done.

51. From a staple.

Words that are said to indicate that something is free.

52. Donkey meat is not transparent!

It is used to indicate to a person that they are covering the vision of something.

53. How hairy the cochi is.

Statement that denotes that something is done by hook or by crook.

54. So much fart to shit watery.

It is used to say that a great effort has been made not to achieve what was expected.

55. Lay down the roll.

You tell a person when you want him to stop talking about something in bad taste.

56. You already peeled it.

Its use is to tell someone that they missed an excellent opportunity.

57. They already glued the gum.

It is used to say that a couple started a relationship or courtship.

58. Stay six.

Another expression used to say that something has amazed us.

59. You caught me around the bend.

Words that are said to a person to express that they have caught us distracted.

60. I'm going to get the soup out of him.

Expression that is said when you want someone to tell the truth.

61. The clown already loaded us.

It refers to saying that something went wrong or a good opportunity was missed.

62. I started throwing the roe.

It means that we went to rest.

63. Put on the one from Puebla.

Express that something is going to be shared.

64. They have already balconied it.

It refers to when a person discovered her secret.

65. You are rooted.

It is said when someone goes without money.

66. Hit the jackpot.

It is used to refer to when something of poor quality is passed for very good.

67. You scrub it by shot.

It means that a person does not want to understand and our patience fills us.

68. Cast rooster.

Its use is to say that someone is serenaded.

69. The squirrel is yelling at you.

It is used to tell someone that they have a bad armpit odor.

70. You already have me until the cake.

It refers to the fact that a person has already filled our patience.

71. Whatever Chencha brings you to.

It indicates that you have to concentrate on what you are doing.

72. Let's chat.

Its use is to say that we are going to walk through a shopping center or hang out.

73. If it is horny.

It refers to an unattractive person.

74. I'm going to pick.

When you buy a present or gift for someone else.

75. To give him what is mole de olla.

It is used when a task or activity is done very quickly.

76. Give me the challenge.

Expression to ask a person to pass us an object that we cannot reach.

77. Be up to the flip flops.

It is a way of pointing out a drunk person.

78. Lower your eggs.

It is used in those cases where you want a person to calm down after a fight.

79. Quiúbole!

It is a very popular expression among Mexicans to greet a friend or a stranger.

80. It is the net.

It is to say that something is true.

81. Come along.

Word widely used to tell a person to get going.

82. What a cure!

Expression that indicates that something that happened was very funny or funny.

83. You go over the spear.

It designates a person who is considered to be very intelligent or wise.

84. You are going to give yourself a frog.

It means that we can hurt or hurt ourselves.

85. Well?

Very popular expression in Mexico when answering a phone call.

86. Become a gourd.

It refers to when a person has knowledge, but does not presume about it.

87. I already did.

It is when a person can have problems because of his behavior.

88. Ya chole.

Phrase that is used to say that we are already satisfied with what we ate.

89. How cool!

Express surprise at something that is good.

90. They took the mole out of him.

Very common phrase to say that a person had blood drawn.

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