Education, study and knowledge

The 10 best Coaches in Catalonia

The Certified Coach and Gestalt Therapist Lita Munoz She graduated in Economic and Business Sciences, has a Master MBA and has more than 18 years of professional experience in the field of business.

His intervention is offered both online and in person at his office in Barcelona, ​​where he attends adolescents, adults, families and also executives who want to improve in some aspect both personally and professional.

His main specialties are the processes of personal growth or self-knowledge, anxiety, emotional management, academic disorientation, family conflicts, low self-esteem or ADHD.

The Psychologist and Sports Coach Francesc Porta He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona and a Master's Degree in Management-Sports Coaching and High Performance Psychology from Unisport Management School.

This professional has competed throughout his career in basketball, tennis and athletics, currently he is superior basketball coach and collaborates with federations and sports clubs that request their services.

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In his consultation he also attends professionals and athletes with leadership or self-esteem deficits, as well as cases of anxiety, emotional management difficulties, stress, lack of concentration and also that may need skill development or mental adaptation in injuries.

The Mentor & Coach Manel Fernandez Jaria has specialized for more than 25 years in serving managers, businessmen and also people who may present some kind of discomfort both personally and professionally.

His intervention is based on the application of Coaching together with other guidelines of proven effectiveness, with which he addresses the lack of emotional competencies, leadership deficits, stress management, team cohesion, goal setting and difficulties Of relationship.

Manel Fernández Jaria has a Bachelor of Humanities from UDL, a Master in Psychopedagogy from UNIBA, a Master in Occupational Safety, Health and Well-being, a Postgraduate Degree in Emotional Intelligence for Organizations and an Expert Training Course in Coaching, Emotional Intelligence and Neuro-linguistic Programming.

The psychologist Pol Osés Throughout her career, she has specialized in providing a Psychology and Coaching service totally individualized and aimed at adolescents over 14 years of age, adults under 45 and also couples who request.

Her intervention is integrative in nature and is based on the joint application of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy together with Mindfulness and other equally effective therapies, with which she deals with family conflicts, emotional difficulties, low self-esteem, trauma and crises as a couple.

Pol Osés graduated in Psychology from the University of Barcelona and has a Graduate in Business Administration and Management from the Open University of Catalonia.

The Anxiety Specialist Coach Ana Isabel Marin Jodar She directs the Barcelona Anxiety Therapy center, one of the most prestigious in this city and in which She attends both online and in person to adults and also couples who request their services.

In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in dealing with family conflicts, difficulties emotional relationships, couple crises, infidelities, divorce, phobias, grieving processes and low esteem.

The Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist Andrea Gaia She is another of the most valued expert coaching professionals in Catalonia and in her consultation she attends to both online as well as in person to adults and especially to women who may be going through some process of discomfort.

Her intervention integrates Coaching together with Clinical Hypnosis and Neurolinguistic Programming, orientations with which she attends addictions, cases of anxiety, depression, phobias, insomnia and difficulties related to pregnancy or maternity.

The Psychologist and Coach Ester Fernandez she has more than 10 years of professional experience behind her back and currently attends so much online as well as in face-to-face sessions with adolescents, adults, seniors, couples and also families.

This professional is a specialist in applying Coaching together with other orientations based on scientific evidence such as the cognitive-behavioral approach, with which attends to couple crises, family conflicts, divorce processes, low self-esteem and deficits in coping skills. coping.

Ester Fernández has a degree in Psychology from the Open University of Catalonia, she has a Master's degree in Human Resources, a Diploma in Teaching and two Training Courses in Coaching and in Disorders of Anxiety.

The Coach and Teacher Cristina Salguero She has a Master MBA of Specialization in HR from Cerem Business School and a Postgraduate Degree in Coaching and NLP from Isabel I University.

Her intervention is offered both online and in online sessions in which she serves adolescents and adults who may present cases of anxiety, depression, gender violence, trauma, stress, infidelity or deficits in the skills of coping.

The Coach Aroa Quer She is a specialist in serving women who are going through a difficult period in their lives and her services are currently offered both online and in person.

This professional has a Master's Degree in Coaching from EDPyN and in her consultation she integrates Coaching together with Mindfulness with the objective of addressing in the best possible way the deficits of self-esteem, the cases of stress and the vital obstacles of all.

The Psychologist and Coach Judith Gallego She has a Graduate in Psychology from the Open University of Catalonia, she has a Postgraduate Degree in Couples Therapy Integradora Humanista, another Postgraduate in Integrative Psychotherapy and has a Specialty in Sexual Coaching and of Couple.

This professional offers her services both online and in person to adults or couples who may have a crisis relationship, sexual difficulties, family conflicts, low self-esteem, emotional dependence and relational deficits or social.

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