Education, study and knowledge

7 tips to encourage young children to read

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Reading skills are a fundamental key in the psychological development of the little ones. Because, it is important to incorporate elements that reinforce their readiness to read into the education and parenting strategies of children. Let's see some tips in this regard.

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How to encourage reading in young children?

These tips can serve to strengthen the bond of the little ones with the habit of reading.

1. Create a stimulating reading space

Generating an environment of accessibility to books is essential when the little ones access them. If from an early age the small child can play with rubber books, or thick pages with colors eye-catching and textures that create a pleasant sensory experience, you will choose these materials for fun forever.

2. Approach books from sensations

It is good that you can explore and find books of various materials, and that the adult is nearby to tell her the stories and encourage her foray into literature through language.

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They will learn the stories and enjoy our company as they look at each page. They will take the book in their hands and share that unique moment with us.

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3. To be interested in what interests them

In addition, we must gradually get to know the child to assess your interests. Sometimes they have to do with age, other times with characteristics of your own routine. Let us go with them to the bookstores and let them explore. Many of them have an area for young children with rugs, pillows and toys where we can find books of different types. Some with puppets or other recreational materials that create friendlier situations.

Book fairs are also usually opportunities to find publishers that we did not know or news.

Receiving gift books is a great joy, but also it is important that it is the child who approaches the variety and the experience of choosing. In this way you will feel it as your own and will have vivid memories about that book that will generate a link with literature over time, being a faithful companion for every moment of his life.

How to get children to read

4. Read together

At home, we must also take care of this literary environment leaving the books on the most accessible shelves for children according to their age and preferences, and rotating them so that they can vary without getting bored.

Those most delicate books will be those that we adults have at our fingertips to read at other times; They will be able to see and touch them by learning about their care. They will be special for reading together, for relax before going to sleep or to spend some time and share with the family.

Choosing to give away books is also a nice option. We can go with our children to buy books for other children on special dates. We know that the word convinces but the example drags, so The more reading habits we generate, the greater the effect of contagion in their circle. and will feed back into the environment.

5. Crafts and creative products

We can also create books with cardboard, textures and a lot of creativity through the story of everyday life situations, which we can make fiction with them, proving that our life is a great adventure worth living and told as such. Those books will be remembered forever.

In addition, we can assemble shelves in their rooms near the bed, placing a lamp and generating the complicity of those spaces that accompany us in our lives savoring incredible stories.

6. Generating a routine

Who has not happened to change a word in the story that we read before going to sleep and it is our children who correct us by indicating the correct one? That sign means we are on the right track. They know and recognize history and it is already part of our routine.

Let's not forget that reading should be present in our lives too, so that they can see us reading and nour example is a confirmation of this habit, generating a deep-rooted bond with family life.

When we go to the supermarket, let's see the gondola of books; and in the pharmacy, and in places where books are not usual in general, reinforcing this behavior in a positive way.

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7. The importance of a successful initiation

Let's not let the first experiences be when we are sick, for a school duty or on vacation without computers. Let's make it routine.

For the oldest there are also applications for reading, but I recommend that the first link is paper to invoke the experience of touching it, smelling it, feeling the noise of the pages, holding it in our hands and discovering it as a treasure that opens before our senses.

Concluding ...

The stories, in addition to favoring the imagination, the memory, language and access to wonderful worlds, makes us connect with what happens to the other, what they feel, what they think, what they are living. We generate empathy through stories. We wonder what is happening, why, how else would we have solved it, how this event would be experienced today at home or some time ago or in a future time. What these characters teach us. What can we teach them.

In short, reading this kind of text allows us to interact with the story and generate a new story. Think possible endings. Living a new challenge in each reading.

Let's not miss out on this great family adventure.

Don't let others tell you about it!

Reading is living unimaginable worlds and making them our own story.

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