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The 90 best hospitality phrases

Hospitality does not only refer to the fact of giving a warm welcome to a person in our home or country so that they feel comfortable and safe. It is also about offering a helping hand to those who need it, as a gesture of kindness can help more than we think.

Here you will find a selection of the best hospitality phrases that help to understand and appreciate this interpersonal phenomenon.

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The most memorable hospitality phrases

These are phrases about hospitality that will show you the importance of this for the rest of the people and for society in general.

1. Charity is humiliating because it is exercised vertically and from above; solidarity is horizontal and implies mutual respect. (Eduardo Galeano)

He chooses to be more supportive, it is an act of great empathy.

2. If you give the light to ignite the life of your brother, in you it will shine more splendidly. (Albert Schweitzer)

It is always gratifying to help the needy.

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3. You have to entertain the guest when he is at your house, but also fire him if he wishes. (Homer)

It is important to be kind to the one he is staying at, but give him the same affection when he decides to leave.

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4. I see that your reputation as a hospitable person is already just a mere legend.

Don't let your solidarity be lost for any reason.

5. The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. (Mahatma Gandhi)

When you live to help others, life has another meaning.

6. Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort. (John Ruskin)

Do not settle for doing something mediocre, put all your desire and everything will be wonderful.

7. When spiders unite, they can tie up a lion. (Ethiopian proverb)

Teamwork gives very good results.

8. The destiny of all depends on the conduct of each one. (Alexander the Great)

Your actions influence not only you, but also others.

9. Good hospitality is simple; It consists of a little fire, some food, and a lot of stillness. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Always seek to do your best in every situation.

10. Big opportunities to help others rarely come, but little ones surround us every day. (Sally Koch)

Every day presents you with an opportunity to provide help to those who need it, you just have to observe.

11. Helping others is like helping yourself.

When someone else is helped, we grow a little more.

12. Hospitality knows no gender or race. (Danny Meyer)

When we offer our help, we do so without any form of discrimination.

13. Airbnb is a company with values ​​around hospitality. (Brad Stone)

Hospitality is also present in the industrial sector.

14. Many small people, in small places, doing small things, can change the world. (Eduardo Galeano)

You do not have to have power to provide assistance to those who require it.

15. Almost all good things come from an attitude of appreciation for others. (Dalai Lama)

If you do good things, beautiful things will happen to you.

Reflections on hospitality

16. Solidarity is the tenderness of the people. (Gioconda Belli)

Each country has a unique hospitality.

17. Imagine how different the world could be if we all spoke to each other with respect and kindness. (Holly Branson)

Respect and kindness are values ​​that have the magic of changing the world.

18. Other people's food, even if it is bad, is good. (Unknown)

When something is given in a good way, joy comes.

19. Remember there is no such thing as a small act of kindness. Each act creates a wave with no logical end. (Scott Adams)

No matter what little help you can give, just offer it selflessly.

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20. Joining is the beginning; being together is progress; working together is success. (Henry Ford)

Working as a team, everything is easier.

21. You will not know all that I am worth until I can be with you all that I am. (Gregorio Marañón)

Never allow others to want to be from you, something that you are not.

22. Be nice to strangers… Help them feel at home, and make their lives a little more pleasant. Well, this kindness will help them to be better. (Abdu'l-Bahá)

Treat others with the same love and respect that you want for yourself.

23. When someone is invited to eat, if a good dish is not presented, he is disappointed. (Samuel Johnson)

If a person feels that she is not welcome, she immediately looks for a way to leave that place.

24. We cannot become good by striving to be good but by finding the goodness that dwells in us to let it out. (Eckhart Tolle)

If you practice kindness, you will be a better person.

25. A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. (Steve Maraboli)

Always try to be compassionate, someone will thank you.

26. The customer is never wrong. (Cesar Ritz)

A phrase that can have many answers, depending on your point of view.

27. A vocabulary of truth and simplicity will serve you throughout your life. (Winston Churchill)

The simpler you are, the better you will feel.

28. Solidarity is not an act of charity, but a mutual aid between forces fighting for the same goal. (Samora Machel)

Find friends who are generous with you.

29. You have to come together, not to be together, but to do something together. (Donoso Cortés)

Friends are important tools for teamwork on behalf of others.

30. With diamonds and money you really get a lot, but with sweet words you get a lot more. (Charles Perrault)

Money often does not achieve what a polite phrase can do.

31. Imagine how different the world could be if we all spoke with respect and kindness. (Holly Branson)

If we had the ability to respect others when speaking to them, the world would be better.

32. Concord, solidarity and mutual help are the most important means that allow animal species to survive. (Christian Lous Lange)

Solidarity is one of the tools that allows us to move forward.

33. The destiny of all depends on the conduct of each one. (Alexander the Great)

Every attitude has its consequences.

34. We have come to this world as brothers; So let's walk hand in hand and one in front of the other. (William Shakespeare)

Treating others like family is what guarantees the continuity of the world.

35. I am convinced that this consumer society, blinded by the market, will be succeeded by another that will be characterized by the transcendent fact that it will not neglect social justice and solidarity. (Rene Gerónimo Favaloro)

We must not allow consumerism to put aside the commitment to others.

36. Buenaventura Durruti, Ascaso and García Oliver: Called Los Solidarios, who despise Power. (Chicho Sánchez Ferlosio)

It refers to the ability that few have to renounce power.

37. Three things in human life are important. The first thing is to be nice. The second is to be nice. And the third is to be nice. (Henry James)

Kindness is what makes a man great.

38. Together we can change the world, just one random act of kindness at a time. (Ron Hall)

If all people came together, the world would change for the better.

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39. Strong people don't knock other people down, they help them get up. (Michael P. Watson)

If you want to be great, help whoever needs it.

40. We seek solidarity not as an end but as a means aimed at making our America fulfill its universal mission. (Jose Marti)

A caring people achieves many things.

41. The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the greatest intention. (Kahlil Gibran)

Don't focus on the size of your kind actions, just do it.

42. There is no way to achieve goodness without offering it first. (Sri Chinmoy)

Offer your unconditional support.

43. One by one, we are all mortal. Together we are eternal. (Apuleyo)

Working together allows you to achieve great things.

44. Racism is not fought with racism, the best way to fight racism is with solidarity. (Bobby Seale)

Give support to anyone who feels rejected because of the color of their skin.

45. The old trick of raising self-esteem with the elevator of gentleness. (Rafael Pérez Gay)

Being gentle allows you to believe in your abilities.

46. The most important word in the language of the working class is solidarity. (Harry Bridges)

Workers have the ability to unite in the face of difficulties.

47. A single act of kindness sheds roots in all directions, and roots sprout and make new trees. (Amelia Earhart)

Kindness attracts kindness.

48. Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least expensive, and most underrated human agent of change. (Bob Kerrey)

Being kind allows the world to be better.

49. Only by fighting for freedom, equality and solidarity will you understand anarchism. (Nestor Makhno)

Anarchy is fought by practicing aid, respect and working for freedom.

50. When you see a good man, think about imitating him; when you see a bad one, examine your own heart (Confucius)

Imitate the good, reflect on the bad.

51. We make a living with what we receive, but we make a living with what we give. (John Maxwell)

In life the main thing is to give and help those in need.

52. There is no stability without solidarity, nor solidarity without stability. (Jose Manuel Barroso)

You have to be persistent to practice solidarity.

53. There is no better exercise for the heart than bending down and helping people get up. (John A. Holmes)

Providing aid to those in need is the greatest action that can be done.

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54. You can't force yourself to feel something you don't feel, but you can force yourself to do good despite what you feel. (Pearl S. Buck)

Sometimes doing good requires a certain personal sacrifice.

55. There is no good that delights us if we do not share it. (Seneca)

Sharing with others is what makes us great.

56. When men are brought together for some purpose, they discover that they can also achieve other ends whose attainment depends on their mutual union. (Thomas Carlyle)

In union is strength.

57. Kindness and faithfulness keep a king safe, through kindness he secures his throne. (King Solomon)

People with power are sustained by their hospitality.

58. Teaching children good manners is teaching them about kindness, consideration, and respect. (Claire Stranberg)

From a young age, children must learn the value of hospitality, respect and consideration.

59. This is the duty of our generation as we enter the 21st century: solidarity with the weak, the persecuted, the abandoned, the sick and the desperate. (Elie Wiesel)

Supporting the weakest must be everyone's commitment.

60. Sorority is the twinning between women, feminine solidarity.

Women are supportive in any situation.

61. You can make more friends in two months by caring more about others than you would in two years trying to get people interested in you. (Dale Carnegie)

Being in solidarity with others is a positive way to attract attention.

62. We have to be the change we want to see in the world. (Gandhi)

You have to change in order to improve the world.

63. The little things are responsible for the big changes. (Paulo Coelho)

In the smallest things changes occur.

64. A bone for the dog is not charity. Charity is sharing the bone with the dog when it is as hungry as the dog. (Jack London)

Sharing what you have is one of the greatest gestures of charity that we can find.

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65. Now I understand that my well-being is only possible if I recognize my unity with all the peoples of the world without exception. (Leon Tolstoy)

We are fine if others have better well-being.

66. He who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants goodness gathers love. (Saint Basil)

Hospitality attracts good friends.

67. Kindness is like a pillow that, even if it has nothing inside, at least cushions the onslaught of life. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

Kindness gives another person a warm moment that allows you to lessen their suffering.

68. When the self is replaced by the we, even illness becomes well-being. (Malcolm X)

Working as a team allows you to reach deeper paths.

69. There is no good that does not delight us if we do not share it. (Seneca)

Sharing gives many satisfactions.

70. Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. (Bill Gates)

We always learn from people.

71. Great companies are created by people who never stop thinking of ways to improve the business. (J. Willard "Bill" Marriott)

The business world is full of people who think about improving.

72. I would rather make mistakes in kindness and compassion than in cruel and harsh miracles. (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

Hospitality can do anything.

73. I have discovered that kindness is everything in life. (Isaac Bashevis Singer)

Being kind, kind and hospitable allows life to smile on us.

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74. To host someone is to take charge of his happiness all the time that he is under our roof. (Anthelme Brillat-Savarín)

Kindness brings its successes and failures with it.

75. Hospitality is greater than receiving the Shechina, the Presence of God. (Najman of Breslov)

Being kind brings a reward from the hand of God.

76. Do good to as many as you can, and it will frequently happen to you to find faces that bring you joy. (Alessandro Manzoni)

A smile is the best gift when doing good.

77. Those who are happiest do the most for others. (Booker T. Washington)

Happiness lies in helping others.

78. Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little pieces of good put together that overwhelm the world. (Desmond Tutu)

With just small works, you are helping to improve the world.

79. Kindness does wonderful things to one side. (Dixie Doyle)

Hospitality is a wonderful thing.

80. Solidarity is not an act of charity, but a mutual aid between forces fighting for the same goal. (Samora Machel)

Solidarity is not charity, but empathy.

81. May humanity cease to be dominated by the desire to achieve useless gains. May the international feeling of solidarity be renewed among the peoples. (Alicia Moreau de Justo)

You have to work so that hospitality is a way of life for the majority of people.

82. If I help a single person to have hope, I will not have lived in vain. (Martin Luther King)

Not only is the help monetary, the spiritual is also important.

83. There is nothing stronger in the world than the heart of a volunteer. (Colonel James H. Doolittle)

That individual who serves others is worthy of all admiration.

84. How can you franchise hospitality? (Danny Meyer)

Hospitality is not a business, but a lifestyle

85. When hospitality becomes an art, it loses its very soul. (Max Beerbohm)

You don't have to practice kindness to be recognized.

86. Men are rich only to the extent of what they give. He who gives great service receives great reward. (Elbert Hubbard)

Fortune is proportional to what is given.

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87. I do not know of any great men except those who have rendered great service to the human race. (Voltaire)

A great man is one who serves others.

88. Christmas is the season to light the fire of hospitality in the room, the brilliant flame of charity in the heart. (Washington Irving)

At Christmas we all become more hospitable people.

89. Culture is related to objects and is a phenomenon of the world; hospitality is related to people and is a phenomenon of life. (Hannah Arendt)

Hospitality has nothing to do with culture.

90. What is the essence of life? Serve others and do good. (Aristotle)

Hospitality and serving others is the fundamental thing in life.

Hospitality is a way to become better human beings and build a kinder world.

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