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5 emotional characteristics that will help you achieve your goals

In many places you hear about personal development but very few people understand how it can be achieved. That is normal, because it is a rather abstract idea, a process, a path through which one has to walk for a long, long time.

Getting to grow as a person is a difficult task that takes time and patience, with emotions playing a crucial role in its achievement. Emotional intelligence is essential to achieve personal development.

We will discover the key emotional characteristics to achieve our goalsAspects that will allow us to have an ideal emotional state to improve as individuals and achieve what we set out to do.

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10 emotional characteristics to achieve goals

Personal development is something that has become very fashionable in recent times. And it makes all the sense in the world, because as it is presented to us, it is the key to being a happy person, be successful in life and be better prepared for the more than probable inconveniences that may arise in the life. However, how do we do it? ¿

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What are the keys to personal development? The answer may not seem too simple.

Personal development drinks a lot from emotional intelligence. Having well-developed the ability to identify emotions in oneself and in others is something that certainly helps in our development as people. For this reason we can say that the key to achieving it is found in the world of emotions. and for this reason we are going to delve into the following emotional keys for development personal.

1. Enjoy solitude

This is a point that many people find difficult, but it is essential to develop as people. Being alone with yourself is a very good experience to delve into your own emotions, opinions, desires and feelings, a moment when we can get to know the most important person in our life better: ourselves. It is also that ideal time to give yourself affection, take care of yourself and satisfy your own needs.

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2. Filter the information

Filtering the information that comes to us is a very important emotional key, although at first it seems that it has little to do with our emotions. However, the truth is that the information is based on stimuli that awaken in us emotional reactions and, therefore, knowing how to filter is also a way of selecting what we want to affect us emotionally.

That is why we must filter the information and let pass that which makes us grow, removing from us that which is toxic or blocks us. Therefore, if necessary, it is advisable to leave the mobile off, not watch according to what news on television or disconnect from the networks. If your messages provoke emotions that prevent us from developing, why do we want to know that information?

3. Express emotions openly

We live in a culture where sometimes expressing our emotions is seen as a symptom of weakness. As a society we should be learning that, as long as they express themselves in an assertive way and in order to improve, saying how we feel should not be interpreted as anything bad.

If something bothers us or we disagree with something a boss or co-worker has said or done, we should tell them. controlling our tone and taking advantage of the energy that has arisen from our discomfort to change things, preferably by the good.

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4. Self-knowledge

Closely related to the previous key, a mandatory action to grow as a person is to practice self-knowledge. In fact, for some it is the first emotional step to personal development. We must do an attempt at deep introspection by answering the following questions, whose answer will undoubtedly improve us:

  • Who I am? How would I like to be?
  • Where I am? Where would I like to be?
  • What can i do to get it?
  • What are my strengths? And my weaknesses?
Emotional characteristics to achieve goals
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5. Patience

Personal development is something everyone yearns for but, like everything good in life, it takes long to wait.. Growing as a person is not something that is achieved overnight, rather it is a process where the individual is discovering his strengths, weaknesses, what he wants in life and how to get it during the road. As in any process, there will be ups and downs, identity crises and moments of low morale, but if you are constant and have patience, it will be a matter of time before personal development is achieved.

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6. Stop pretending to like everyone

Trying to be liked by everyone is physically and psychologically exhausting, as well as a waste of time. It is difficult to recognize it, but we must accept it: you cannot be liked by everyone. We are always going to meet people who don't like usIn the same way that we ourselves meet individuals who, without having done anything wrong, we cannot bear.

If we live according to the expectations and tastes of others, we are not being authentic. It is natural to want others to love us, but everything has a limit. If there comes a time when we have to give up important parts of our personality in order to like another person, we will stop living our life and live that of others.

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7. Think positive

Thinking positive is a classic in all self-help manuals and guides to grow as a person, so some may feel it as an empty recommendation of meaning. It is true that thinking positively does not guarantee that we will be successful in everything we do, it would be very naive to believe it. In life there are moments of success and others of failure, but it is our attitude that can make the difference. The fruitful moments will be more if we adopt a positive vision, seeing the glass half full instead of half empty.

8. No more comparisons

Comparisons are hateful, and even more so if we are the ones who compare ourselves with others. It is normal for us to compare ourselves because at the end of the day people have some references and we want to resemble them but we must understand that when we do we are expending a lot of energy, the same energy that we could be investing to grow as people in every way.

To give a very basic example: we want to be in shape and we do not stop comparing ourselves with influencers who are very bundled. Instead of spending hours on Instagram gossiping profiles of fit people, we can spend that time in the gym and get in shape all at once.

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9. Empathy

You cannot grow as a person if you are not a good person. The absence of empathy is a major obstacle on our path to personal development. Knowing how to put yourself in the place of others is essentialIn fact, we can affirm that empathy is one of the most important qualities in our life and the basis of emotional intelligence. We must make an effort to admit the emotions of others, apply active listening, understand why pass those people who matter to us, understand their thoughts and feelings, even what they do not express to us verbally.

  • Related article: "Empathy, much more than putting yourself in someone else's shoes"

10. Create healthy social relationships

Finally, it should be noted that an emotional key to personal development is knowing how to create healthy social relationships. Friends, family, partner... All of them are relationships that can greatly influence our mood. and, consequently, mediate our personal success through motivation. For example, a toxic relationship, in which there are screams, reproaches and acid comments are not going to help us grow as people because we are going to be frustrated, in a bad mood and always ruminating on something bad that you have said about us.

The best way to create healthy relationships is by developing skills aimed at conflict resolution, communicating assertively how we feel and make the decision to end a relationship when necessary, even if it is a measure extreme. Although it hurts us, if a family member, friend or partner misbehaves with us or does not give us anything, it is best to get rid of that relationship and try to live without it. We cannot grow as a person if we suffer because of someone who acts as a drag in our lives.

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