Education, study and knowledge

Top 10 Life Coaches in Portland, Oregon

Bethlehem Humenczuk She has a degree in psychology from the University of Buenos Aires, she has a postgraduate degree in brief psychotherapy by the Gregory Bateson Foundation, and she is also a specialist in family therapy and of couples.

She stands out for being an expert in life coaching, helping all kinds of people to achieve their goals. personal thanks to emotional management and planning of both professional and individual.

Alex Gonzalez is a great specialist in personal development and expert leadership in emotional and financial management, in addition to having implemented the PFC method (Process of Consistent Finance), which allows its clients to achieve the financial goals of each person in a effective.

Thanks to the action plan that is proposed through the PFC method, you will be able to work day by day with a defined objective, and establish the most appropriate time frame for your case to achieve these objectives.

Gabriela villalta She is a personal and professional coach, and is an excellent specialist in the field of leadership within the organizations, in addition to having extensive experience in improving social skills in the world of business.

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Throughout all these years she has also treated patients with other types of pathologies, among which we find harassment also known as bullying, relationships in the family environment, and people with low self-esteem problems.

Laura Chimaras She is certified in life and leadership coaching by the ILC Academy Worldwide, and also stands out for having written the book '' Never lose faith '', where she talks about personal development, and the role of religion in this area of ​​the life of each person.

She has also treated patients with other types of personal situations, among which we find the problems of low self-esteem, personal development, and situations of grief before the loss of a being Dear.

Manel Fernandez Jaria He has a degree in psychology, an expert in emotional intelligence in organizations, and a specialist in coaching, neurolinguistic programming and neurosciences, having improved the quality of life of many persons.

She leads the Newskilling mentoring and coaching center, focused on managers and entrepreneurs who want to improve their quality of life and her professional performance, working with professionals with an experience of more than 25 years in this field.

Andrea Gaia She has a degree in psychology and has extensive experience in the field of life coaching, neurolinguistic programming, and hypnotherapy, helping all those people who are in a complicated situation, to regain control over their situation emotional.

She has cared for patients with all kinds of pathologies, among which we find problems of anxiety, depression and stress, addictions to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances, and people with different types of phobias such as fear of flying or fear of spaces open.

Alejandra Ruffa She is a well-known professional in the field of mental health who offers both online and face-to-face therapy to her patients, being a specialist in personal and sports coaching, focused on improving the quality of life of their patients.

She has also had the opportunity to care for patients for more than 20 years, with pathologies related to anxiety, depression and stress, and the different types of phobias such as fear of flying or fear of open spaces, achieving very good results.

Alisa karmel She is a well-known American professional who has a degree in psychology from the National University of Natural Medicine, and she has a professional career in the field of mental health of more than 5 years, being an expert in life coaching.

She helps her patients improve their quality of life, achieve their personal goals, and improve leadership within the work environment, in addition to serving people with eating problems, anxiety, stress and depression, among others disorders.

Anna hennings She has a degree in psychology from the John F. Kennedy University, and she is a specialist in coaching focused on the personal and sports fields, helping her patients achieve their personal goals through leadership.

He has also treated people with problems of anxiety, depression and stress, in a situation of grief over the loss of a loved one, and with low self-esteem problems, achieving very good results after psychological sessions.

Donald marks He has a degree in psychology from the Lewis and Clark Graduate School and has a background professional of more than 4 years helping many people in their personal development and to be able to achieve their objectives.

He has extensive experience in the treatment of other pathologies such as eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, anxiety, depression and stress disorders, and psychological trauma in children and adolescents, achieving very good results.

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