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Top 10 Life Coaches in Columbus, Ohio

Gabriela villalta She is a highly experienced Coach who is an expert in finding solutions to all kinds of possible difficulties, regardless of whether they are of both a work and a sentimental nature.

We can get in touch with this specialist if, for example, we find ourselves going through some very high levels of work stress, a conflict between family members or a complicated situation of Bullying (Harassment School).

Alejandra Ruffa She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires and she also has a certificate specialized in the use of Positive Digital Psychology issued by the Argentine Association of Positive Psychology.

In the consultation of this specialist, some difficulties such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, work stress or crises that arise within the couple are very often treated.

The coach Alex Gonzalez Herrero is a great expert in the specific field of financial productivity and has an extensive experience, helping people who wish to enhance their ability to generate wealth.

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We can contact this coaching professional if, for example, we are interested in learning to better control our impulses, we would like to consider new investments in the near future or if we are going through a very delicate moment within our scope labor.

Laura Chimaras She has a degree in Life Coaching from the ILC Academy Worldwide training center and has a specialized Master's degree in the specific area of ​​Narration, awarded by the School of Writers of Spain.

Throughout her professional career, this specialist has been able to accumulate considerable experience in the search for solutions to some difficulties such as very low self-esteem, very high levels of work stress or lack of motivation generalized.

Manel Fernandez Jaria He graduated in Humanities at the University of Lleida and after spending some time, decided to specialize in the correct practice of Personal Coaching so she took a specialized training course through the MOTIVALIA training school COACHING.

Where this specialist undoubtedly manages to stand out the most is in the treatment of some difficulties such as poor management of the emotion of anger, very poor athletic performance or lack of control over impulses.

Victor Fernando Pérez López He completed his basic studies in psychology at the University of Valle de Atemajac and after obtaining his accrediting academic degree, he thought that he should investigate the subject of Business Administration so he did a specialized Master through the Spanish training center EUDE Business School.

In his role as coach, this specialist can be of great help if, for example, we would like to enhance our self-esteem, we are going through a serious depression or if we are suffering from very high levels of work stress. elevated.

Arodi Martinez He has a degree in Psychology from InterAmerican University College and a Master's degree specialized in the correct application of General Health Psychology, which was also issued by this same institution university.

Over the years this specialist has been able to help on more than one occasion some people who found themselves suffering from severe depression, addiction, or unexpected conflict within their core family.

Diego Tzoymaher He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires and also has a Postgraduate specialized in the study of Scientific Journalism issued by the Fundación Instituto Leloir de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Mismanagement of the emotion of anger, lack of control over impulses, and depression are some of the personal difficulties that are most often addressed in this consultation specialist.

Michael DeVine graduated in Psychology from Otterbein University and subsequently made the decision to specialize in the use of both in couple and family therapy through a Master's degree that was taught by the Universidad del Norte de Texas.

At present we can contact this coaching professional if, for example, we find ourselves suffering from a very severe depression, an anxiety disorder or an addiction to some kind of substance.

Carla sabbah She has a degree in Psychology from Oakland University and a specialized Master's degree in the practice of Humanistic Psychology, awarded by the Michigan School of Professional Psychology.

We should not hesitate to contact this specialist if, for example, we find ourselves immersed in a very recent conflict family, we have suffered some type of traumatic situation or if we are going through a possible postpartum depression.

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