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Guidelines to follow when a child denies addiction

Many parents decide to go to a specialist when they begin to see that their children do not accept having a problem with an addiction. This is because many of the youth who use drugs or alcohol They don't see it as a problem but simply see it as something they do for fun and can stop at any time they want.

It does not matter how much they talk to them, and it does not matter too much how concerned they are, because the addict will always reaffirm himself in the position that what It is not a problem, he will even take refuge in the Manichean argument that the only thing that happens is that the parents try to control his life and everything he does. He is not able to admit that there is a problem, and serious.

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"No, I am not addicted"

One of the most common and common symptoms that an addiction exists is precisely the denial of it. It occurs when the person cannot see or recognize that this situation is occurring. The reason is that, at first, he does not see that there is any change, so in his eyes, what he does is something harmless

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: a drink from time to time, a joint when he goes out with friends... That makes him think that he is in complete control of the situation, when in reality he is not.

This first phase of addiction It is called the pre-contemplation stage. In it, the addict is not yet aware of the real problem, and therefore does not consider that anything needs to be done about it.

To make a positive change in a person's life, you need to be able to see reality. In most cases, this is difficult because the addict tends not to want to believe that something negative is happening. However, those who are aware of their situation and who have the opportunity and the will to change tend to do better than those who remain unaware of it. And worst of all, is that at this stage of addiction there is little that others can do for the addict.

Youth addiction
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The contemplation phase

The contemplation phase is the stage in which the individual decides that he wants to change her behavior and live a life without addiction. This phase usually begins when the addict realizes that he has a problem with drinking, drugs, or any other substance or behavior. This is the point where you can start working towards detoxification.

However, despite the fact that at this point the addict already knows that something is happening, he still has not made up his mind that the situation will change despite the fact that he is aware that it is not going well.

It is an objective of any therapy to help the person reach this stage of contemplation, since it involves taking the first step towards confronting the addiction. Parents, friends, and family can go a long way toward achieving this.although it can be very complicated.

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What can we do in this situation as parents?

There are many different treatments available to help addicts. Of course, you can never give the same treatment to two different addicts, because each person has their problems and their way of dealing with them. It depends on the personal needs of the individual and how they want his life to be at the end of treatment.

The treatments are based on theoretical models that have demonstrated their effectiveness, although each professional approaches the therapies in a different way, based on each person.

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Two concepts to take into account: reactance and freedom

Within addiction there are two important concepts, reactance and the addict's freedom.

When we speak of reactance, we are referring to the possibility of the person feeling under pressure or forced to do something. This will lead to it doing the opposite of what it is supposed to do. Keep in mind that, in general, nobody likes to be dictated what to do, how to behave, so imagine if you are dealing with an addict. Therefore, it is best to avoid excessive pressure or confrontations and orders that have to do with addiction.

The concept of freedom is closely related to what we have talked about before. We do not want to feel that nothing or no one is pressuring us, and that we have free will. For that reason, to help an addict be aware of his situation, we must leave space for him, but at the same time, show him reality. A good idea, to help him reflect and express himself.

Despite everything we have talked about, there is a harsh reality, that it is not easy to show that an addiction exists. Very often it is a time-consuming process that can be downright frustrating at times.

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