Education, study and knowledge

The best 10 Psychologists in Rianxo

Ana Paz she has a degree in psychology from the University of Santiago de Compostela, she has a master's degree in general psychology from the University of Valencia, and has a specialization in sexology from the University of Estremadura.

She has treated patients with all kinds of disorders, among which are problems of anxiety, depression and stress, with low self-esteem problems, and with mood disorders, among other types of pathologies.

Eva Nuñez Pastor She has a degree in psychology and has extensive experience in the psychological treatment of children, adolescents and adults, managing to improve the quality of life of many patients.

She has also treated patients with addictive disorders to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances, with low self-esteem problems, and with different types of phobias such as fear of flying or fear of spaces open.

Miraculous Gutierrez she has a degree in psychology and is specialized in the field of positive psychology, putting the focus in human strengths and virtues, treating patients between childhood and old adult

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She stands out for having treated patients with anxiety, depression and stress problems, with disorders of the eating behavior such as bulimia and anorexia, and mourning the loss of a being Dear.

Nerea Antunes She has a degree in psychology from the University of Santiago de Compostela, has a master's degree in general psychology by the USC, and is also an expert in EMDR therapy, improving both emotional and psychological well-being in her patients.

Throughout all these years she has treated people with low self-esteem problems, with anxiety problems, depression and stress, and with emotional and relationship problems, managing to improve the well-being of many people.

Maria Teresa Pena she has a degree in psychology from the National University of Distance Education, she has a course in emotional management by the UNED, and is also a specialist in third generation therapy by the Higher Institute of Studies of Barcelona.

She has treated pathologies of all kinds, among which we find oppositional defiant disorder, problems in behavior, problems of low self-esteem, and situations of mourning before the loss of a being Dear.

Mª del Pilar Abeleira Alvarez She has a degree in clinical psychology, a master's degree in individual and group psychotherapy, and is also an expert in psychosomatic medicine and health psychology.

She is an expert in psychotherapy focused on adults, she has treated patients with anxiety problems, her depression and stress, and with low self-esteem problems, managing to improve the well-being of her patients.

Mapi Pinilla López She has a degree in clinical psychology from the Pontifical University of Salamanca, she has completed a master's degree in clinical and health psychology, and also has a master's degree in strategic brief therapy.

She is an expert in neurolinguistic programming, also known as NLP, and has treated patients with all types psychological problems, such as anxiety, depression and stress disorders, getting very good results.

Yolanda Berdullas Del Rio has a degree in clinical psychology from the University of A Coruña, has a career of more than 30 years in the field of mental health, and has completed a postgraduate degree in clinical hypnosis from the National University of Education at Distance.

He is a specialist in sexual and relationship disorders, in cases of patients with low self-esteem problems, and with different types of phobias such as fear of flying or fear of open spaces, getting very good results.

Luis Martínez-Reboredo Cuervo She has a degree in psychology from the Pontifical University of Salamanca, has a master's degree in psychotherapy and Ericksonian hypnosis, and she offers the possibility of consulting her both online and face-to-face.

She has treated patients with all kinds of pathologies, among which we find low self-esteem problems, different types of phobias such as fear of flying or fear of open spaces, and with sleep disorders such as insomnia.

Cristina Alles Leon She has a degree in clinical and health psychology from the University of Santiago de Compostela, she has a master's degree in general health psychology, and is also an expert in family therapy.

He has treated all types of patients, including adults and adolescents with impaired low self-esteem, with anxiety and depression disorders, and in the process of separation and divorce, among others pathologies.

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