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The 14 best Life Coaches in Miami (Florida)

Laura Chimaras She is one of the most recommended Life Coaches in Miami and in her consultation she attends both online and in person to adults who may be going through a period of discomfort in their lives.

This professional is a specialist in achieving lasting changes in people's lives, helping to overcome obstacles and also in enhancing her unique strengths and abilities.

As for his intervention specialties, self-esteem deficits, stress, the establishment of goals or objectives and life transitions of all kinds stand out.

The psychologist Arodi Martinez She graduated with honors from the InterAmerican University College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, has a Master's Degree in General Psychology from the same university and also has a Doctorate in Psychology.

This expert in human behavior, offers a psychotherapy and Life Coach service aimed at children, adolescents, adults, families and parents who may request it, through online sessions with all possible comforts for the client.

His intervention is based on the integration of Coaching with various therapies of proven efficacy, with which he treats cases of anxiety, infidelity, low self-esteem, alcoholism, internet and video game addiction, sex addiction and cases of sexual abuse.

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The psychologist Bethlehem Humenczuk She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires, has a Postgraduate Degree in Brief Psychotherapies and He also has Training Courses in Emotional Dysregulation, Couples Therapy and Couples Therapy and Families

Throughout her career she has specialized in providing a Coaching service specialized in cases of separation, infidelities or couple discussions and in his consultation he also attends to anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, chronic pain and stress.

His intervention is offered online to adolescents, adults and couples who may request it and is based on the joint application of Coaching together with other therapies of proven efficacy.

The Coach Alex Gonzalez Herrero He has been offering his services as an expert in personal financial productivity for several years and currently he attends online to anyone who wants to take control of their finances and wants to achieve income extra.

His intervention is based on a methodology of his own intervention and some of the areas that he works are the establishment and achievement of objectives financial, emotional difficulties, the enhancement of one's abilities and capacities and learning the best investment methods in the actuality.

The Mentor & Coach Manel Fernández Jaria She has a professional experience of more than 25 years of experience, in which she has specialized in serving managers and entrepreneurs who may have any type of problem on a personal or professional.

His services are offered in online sessions in which he applies various therapies of proven efficacy, with the aim of addressing leadership deficits, team management problems, stress, emotional management problems, deficits in coping skills and performance problems sports.

Manel Fernández Jaria has a Bachelor of Humanities from the UDL, has a Master in Psychopedagogy, another in Occupational Safety, Health and Well-being, a Postgraduate Degree in Emotional Intelligence for Organizations and an Expert Training Course in Coaching, Emotional Intelligence and Programming Neurolinguistics.

The Coach Andrea Gaia She is a specialist in offering a quality Coaching service based on the application of various highly effective therapies, such as Clinical Hypnosis or Neurolinguistic Programming.

Some of her main intervention specialties are cases of alcoholism or drug addiction, substance abuse, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, divorce, infertility, and daily difficulties related to pregnancy, childbirth, or maternity.

Her intervention is offered online and is adapted at all times to the needs of each client.

The Emotional Coach Gabriela villalta She is a specialist in providing a totally online therapeutic support service to people of all ages, that is, to children, adolescents, adults and the elderly.

This professional attends to family conflicts, cases of anxiety or depression and also cases of low self-esteem, addictions, lack of leadership and orientation difficulties labor.

His intervention is based on the individualized integration of Coaching together with other effective orientations such as the cognitive-behavioral approach or Family and Couples Therapy.

The psychologist Juan Martin Florit He has specialized throughout his career in providing an online or face-to-face therapy service in Miami, applying the Cognitive-behavioral therapy together with Brief Therapy and Third Generation Therapies, all of them highly effective proven.

In his consultation he cares for people of all ages who may have anxiety or depression problems, codependency, family conflicts, school difficulties, stress, low self-esteem or deficits in the management of the wrath.

Graduated in Psychology from the National University Mar del Plata, this professional has a Postgraduate degree in Cognitive-behavioral Therapy in Anxiety Disorders and has another Postgraduate in Clinic Infanto-juvenile.

The psychologist Victor Fernando Pérez López He is one of the most recommended Coaches in the city of Miami and currently his services are offered to adolescents of any age, adults, seniors and couples.

His sessions are integrative in nature and his services are offered online with all possible comforts, some of his main intervention specialties: cases of gender violence, anxiety, depression, divorce processes, low self-esteem and addictions

Víctor Fernando Pérez López graduated in Psychology from the Universidad del Valle de Atemajac, he has a Certification in Transformational Coaching and also has a specialty in Brief Therapy Systemic

The Personal and Executive Coach Nieves Rodriguez He has a Master's Degree in Personal-Executive and Business Coach, a Master's Degree in Mindfulness, a Master's Degree in NLP Therapist and also has a Mindfulness-Coaching Training Course.

His intervention is offered online to adolescents, adults, seniors and executives who may present cases of anxiety, low self-esteem, stress, leadership deficits, or inquiries related to team management, leadership, change management, or development processes personal.

The Family and Couples Therapist Cecilia Rubio She is a specialist in also serving children, adolescents and adults of all ages, both online and in person at her Miami practice.

This professional graduated from the University of Miami, is certified as a Professional Coach and integrates various therapies adapted to the needs of each client, such as Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness or Coaching. Among the main specialties of her intervention can be highlighted couple conflicts, relationship problems, anxiety, depression, divorce proceedings, domestic violence, and duel.

The Mental Health Counselor Eric Campillo has more than 10 years of experience serving adolescents, adults, seniors, couples and also groups.

Graduated from Carlos Albizu University, this professional is a specialist in offering a service of Life Coaching integrated with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, the humanist current or the Mindfulness

His intervention is based on modifying the client's thoughts and beliefs, and some of his specialties, anxiety disorders, relationship problems, codependency, depression, and crises as a couple.

The Professional Counselor Walter Restrepo graduated from Ana G. Méndez University and currently offers a Life Coaching service aimed at adolescents, adults and the elderly.

His intervention is based on the integration of various effective therapies, with which he treats disorders of anxiety and depression, grief, marital or relationship problems, divorce or problems professionals.

The Counselor Ernesto Felipe-Cuervo He graduated 20 years ago from the University of Miami and currently offers a Life Coaching service for people of all ages, as well as couples and groups.

Its services are also offered from an integrative modality and its main specialties are deficits in the anger management, anxiety and depression disorders, relationship problems, addictions, grief and the processes of divorce.

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