Education, study and knowledge

The 9 best Psychologists for Couples Therapy in Utrera

The General Health Psychologist Carolina Marin She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Seville, she is Federated by FEAP, she has a Master in Relational Psychology by the University of Seville and she also has a Training Course by the same college.

This professional has more than 20 years of professional career behind her and currently attends online to couples who may present family or relationship conflicts, emotional difficulties, divorce processes, anxiety or depression.

Her intervention integrates Coaching together with other effective orientations such as the humanistic approach or Family and Couples Therapy.

The General Health Psychologist Maria Rojas-Marcos He offers an online therapy service from his consultation in Seville and in his consultation he attends to adolescents, adults and also couples who request it.

This professional works from the cognitive-behavioral orientation, one of the most used by professionals and some of their main intervention specialties are addictions, trauma, anxiety cases, depression, family conflicts and stress.

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The center Cribecca Psychology is another of the most recommended comprehensive psychology clinics in the province of Seville and its team of multidisciplinary professionals are specialized in serving people of all ages, couples and families

The center's intervention is offered through online sessions in which its psychologists integrate the best therapies of proven efficacy adapted to the needs of each couple, among which stand out the cognitive-behavioral approach and Acceptance Therapy and Commitment.

In Cribecca Psychology you will find the best therapist to attend to family conflicts or relationship, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and brain damage from trauma.

The General Health and Sports Psychologist Diego Segura He is a former professional soccer player and currently attends online to couples of any age who may have emotional or relational difficulties.

His intervention is based on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, orientation of proven scientific evidence with which he treats anxiety disorders, mood disorders, divorce processes, low self-esteem, deficits in anger management and addiction to the internet or to video game.

Diego Segura is Graduated in Psychology from UNED, has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology from the VIU and also has a Master's Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Psychology from the UNED.

The psychologist Manuel Jesus Ruiz She has more than 20 years of career and throughout her professional career she has specialized in dealing with all kinds of problems or difficulties on a personal or professional level.

Her intervention is offered online and in her sessions she attends couples who may present cases of domestic violence, anxiety, depression, relationship crisis of all kinds, emotional difficulties and low self esteem.

This professional graduated in Psychology from the University of Seville and is Qualified as Health Psychologist and Family Psychotherapist by the Andalusian Association of Family Therapy and Systems Humans.

The General Health Psychologist Rosario Garcia She has more than 25 years of career behind her, throughout which she has specialized in serving people of all ages and also couples who request her services.

This professional offers her services through fully individualized online sessions, in which she attends to phobias, low self-esteem, stress, anxiety, codependency, family conflict, internet addiction, and pain chronic.

The psychologist Mariola Moreno She graduated in Psychology from the University of Seville, has a Master in Coaching and Conflict Resolution, a Master in Neurosurgery and Behavioral Biology, a Master in Applied Clinical Psychology and a First Aid Training Course in Psychology.

His intervention is offered through online sessions, is integrative in nature and in his sessions he attends couples who can present cases of domestic violence, codependency, divorce processes, family conflicts, low self-esteem or deficits in the management of go to.

The psychology center Advance Psychologists It opened its doors more than 20 years ago and currently has a team of professional psychotherapists specialized in attending all kinds of consultations in couples that request it.

The center's intervention is based on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy among other highly effective methodologies, with which its psychologists treat relationship crises, sexual difficulties, relational difficulties, anxiety, depression and disorder bipolar.

The center Advance of Seville has a team of highly specialized Health Psychologists with great experience at the time to attend online to couples who may be going through a period of difficulty or discomfort in their relationship.

The center's intervention is based on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, among other proven efficacy guidelines, with which its professionals deal with emotional difficulties, cases of anxiety, depression, family conflicts, low self-esteem and grieving processes.

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