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Observational method: what is it, types, characteristics and operation

In the field of psychological evaluation, countless contexts can be raised in which various behaviors, providing a wide variety of information that can be collected in order to be checked and analyzed subsequently.

Due to this wealth of information, different methods have been developed, among which is the observational method that consists of a process of the scientific method that is used to observe and analyze perceptible behaviors, which usually take place in contexts natural.

In this article we will explain in more detail the observational method, as well as its most relevant characteristics.

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What is the observational method?

The observational method is that strategy that the scientific method follows with the objective of being able observe and study people's behaviors in a non-reactive way, that is, in a natural context where the evaluated subjects behave spontaneously and where the evaluated person does not intervene or modify any contextual aspect.

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Because the observational method is within the different modalities of the scientific method, it must also meet a series of requirements to conform to a formal procedure that has been developed sequentially, step by step and in order, to be applied in a structured.

This modality of the scientific method uses the technique of observation using specific tools and resources, which have been specifically designed for this type of methods to obtain a series of data related to variables of the subjects that are being analyzing that are of interest to the observer in a non-reactive way (for example, questionnaires, a Gesell camera with a one-way glass, a notepad, a video camera, among others).

Characteristics of the observational method
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Requirements to be met in the observational method

So that the observational method can be recognized as a modality within the scientific method and also reliable, it should have a series of very important aspects, such as those discussed below. continuation.

The observer has to be an expert in the use of this methodology or, at least, should have been trained to apply this class of methods with enough hours of practice to be able to carry it out successfully for the observational method to be reliable.

Before starting with the observations it is necessary to have established a series of objectives and also hypotheses related to what is intended to be analyzed using the operational methodology.

When choosing the context in which the operational methodology is to be carried out, it is necessary that a perceptible observation objective has been previously chosen. Therefore, if it were intended to measure the emotions of a person or the thoughts of her, it would not be possible using this method; however, gaze exchanges, response levels could be measured through gestures, postures, etc. which are related to the cognitive level of the people to be analyzed.

The observational method should be carried out in a natural context if possible, in order to analyze people's behaviors in the most reliable way possible. Although, on those occasions in which it is not possible to carry out the observation in a natural context, it is It is necessary to use an artificial context as close as possible to the natural one so as not to lose the reliability.

The observer using an observational methodology You must make sure to collect the data following a systematization and trying to make it as objective as possible, using recording instruments that are not invasive and that allow observation under control conditions, as well as that they also offer the possibility of being complemented with other technical resources, such as a camera video.

Ultimately, all these requirements together form the systematic observational methodology used in psychology, whose fundamental tool is observation, which is understood as a scientific method and also as a technique.

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Types of observational method

In the observational method there are two types of people who are essential for this method to be possible: the observing subject and the observed subject, with a psychological distance between them. Depending on this distance, there are 4 different levels.

1. Non-participating observer

In this case, the observed subject and the observing subject, who is usually the one who performs the observational method, have no relationship or interaction some, which allows to guarantee a maximum level of objectivity.

2. Participating observer

Here we are faced with a case in which the observer is in charge of directing the observed subject, so that here there is interaction between them. In this case there could be some level of interference, so that some degree of objectivity is lost.

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3. Participation-observation

In this mode the observer and the observer have a smaller psychological distance between them, because they know each other and have some degree of relationship (for example, they are relatives, professionals who work in the same work team, etc.).

Knowing the observer greatly increases the degree of interference. However, there is an advantage in this case, and that is that this could facilitate observation because the observer has very important information from the observed that may be relevant to the objective of the observation.

4. Self-observation

This case occurs when a subject must make an observation to himself, in other words, when the observed and the observer are the same person.

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Units of analysis within the observational method

The units of analysis found in the observational method are those variables, events or phenomena that must be determined; In other words, it is important that the units of analysis have been previously defined before carrying out the observational method, and that the Behaviors or units of analysis of a subject must be defined correctly and with a low level of interference for the analysis to be effective. observation.

For this reason, it is important that observation takes care of subdivide the behaviors of the subject to be analyzed into units that are more precise, being as concrete as possible and not such global and generic concepts, such as anxiety or depression.

The most common units of analysis within the observational method are the following:

  • Overt behaviors that offer the possibility that they can be observed.
  • Interactions between two or more people.
  • Emotions or attributes not directly observable but that can be inferred through expressions.
  • Behavioral products or results obtained from a set of actions in natural contexts.

Objectives of this research method

The final objective of the observational method is to obtain information about a problem or behavior in order to know them in greater depth., and the first step that must be taken is to choose the topic of observation and research, always following an observational method previously designed and scheduled according to the objectives and needs.

It must be borne in mind at all times that the observational method is not infallible or applicable to all problems, so It is necessary to analyze if it will be useful for the type of observation that we intend to carry out and if it is feasible with the resources available.

Thus, It is worth asking first if we have a qualified and properly trained observer in this mode of observation., if this method is feasible for its application to what we intend to analyze, etc.

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Differences between direct and indirect observation within the observational method

Within the observational method it is relevant to differentiate between direct and indirect observation.

While direct observation is primarily based on direct visual perceptionIndirect observation includes a series of techniques and resources, such as oral behavior that has been transcribed, texts from previous interviews, WhatsApp, blogs, etc.

Both types of observation can be used together, it should be noted that, in the case of observation indirectly, it is advisable to exercise greater caution in order not to diminish the objectivity of the observation.

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