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The functions of the skin and its layers

The functions of the skin and its layers

Image: Gentlemen's Corner

The human body is a complex apparatus confirmed by a large number of elements, of which the skin is one of the most important, since it is the protective barrier against external agents that every day they try to pass into our organism. In this lesson from a TEACHER we talk about the layers of the skin and their functions since, being one of the most extensive elements of our entire body, it is also of great importance.

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  1. What is skin?
  2. Epidermis, the most extensive layer of the skin
  3. Dermis
  4. Hypodermis, another layer of the skin

What is skin?

We begin the lesson on the layers of the skin and their functions, talking about their definition. The skin is made up of endless cells whose main function is to protect the body of external agents. The thickness of this varies depending on the areas, so it is not surprising that the elbows and knees have much stronger skin than the eyelid area for example, whose thickness is minimum.

The functions of the skin and its layers - What is skin?

Image: Slideshare

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Epidermis, the most extensive layer of the skin.

Continuing with the functions of the skin and its layers, we must know that all human beings have three layers of skin, which are studied by two fields within medicine: the dermatological sector and the Histoanatomical, in addition to the skin, they also study the cebaceous glands, nails and sweat glands.

The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin and the main function of this is the defense of the organism from external agents, in addition to being in charge of carrying out cellular respiration through the pores and lastly and most importantly, letting light pass through while retaining the dreaded rays grape.

Within this, there are melancholics, which are the cells in charge of the creation of melanin, which is the substance responsible for the skin becoming pigmented, in other words, it is the cause that we can get brown. Depending on the amount of said substance that is created.


Continuing with the lesson on the layers of the skin and their functions, we place ourselves in the second layer of the skin, whose name is the dermis. This is made up of a large amount of collagen whose function is to give the skin the necessary injuries in the movements so that it does not crack.

Within this, we will also find a series of very important elements, such as:

  • Pilot follicle: or what is the same, the root of the hair, therefore it is from here from where the creatinine-based hair is created.
  • Piloerector muscle: is responsible for what we know as goose bumps, this muscle makes the hair stand on end.
  • Nerve endings: the nervous system is one of the most important in the entire body, since it is in charge of carrying information of the brain to any part of the organism, in addition to giving the information to the brain of any alteration that occurs in the Body.
  • Sweat and cebaceous glands: both are of fundamental importance within the skin. The first is in charge of sweating, that is, of cellular respiration and that its temperature is the ideal one, that is why we sweat, to temper our cells. The second has the function of fat, a very important element also for the issue of temperature regulation. In the same way, it serves to waterproof the epidermis against water.
  • Blood vessels: Finally, inside the dermis, we will find the various blood vessels that pass through the skin, a fundamental element for the supply cells both at the food level and at the respiratory level, since the blood is responsible for carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide. carbon.
The functions of the skin and its layers - Dermis

Image: Unsam

Hypodermis, another layer of the skin.

We conclude our lesson on skin layers by talking about the second thickest part of all layers. This is made up of the ligaments for the most part, essential elements for the movement of the skin, since for example near the joints of the body, if we did not have these, it would be impossible to bend the skin. Similarly, it is the reservoir of fat in the skin.

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