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Agglutination and precipitation reactions

In this BIOLOGY video we will explain "Agglutination and Precipitation Reactions ". Agglutination and precipitation reactions. Two specific types of antibody antigen and let's see how they work. I am referring to agglutination and precipitation reactions. We have these two types of reactions and in a video that you find below, we talk about the other two types of reactions there are; neutralization and opposition. For now we focus on these. The precipitation reaction will occur when the antigen and the antibody are soluble molecules, such as what can happen with viral particles that we have in our blood, which will be recognized by antibodies that are also traveling in a soluble way through the blood) when these are recognized by the antibody specific, what is going to happen is that they are going to unite with great force and are going to rush. They literally go from being dissolved in blood to falling to the bottom of the blood vessel, which is why we speak of precipitation. This makes it easy to remove. If you want to know more about the subject "

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Agglutination and precipitation reactions", don't miss this video and practice with the exercises that we have on our website.

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