Education, study and knowledge

The 10 best Psychologists experts in Anxiety in Talavera de la Reina

María Martín Sáinz-Pardo She has a degree in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and also has a Master's degree specialized in Child Neuropsychology issued by the Official College of Psychologists of Madrid.

This psychologist is an expert in the treatment of some difficulties such as attention deficit (ADHD), conflicts between family members, very high levels of stress or anxiety disorders.

In Blanca Esther Psychology Normally we will be attended by the Psychologist Blanca Eshter, who has a degree in Psychology from the University National Distance Education and also has a specialized Master in the specific field of Hypnosis Clinic.

In the consultation of this specialist they can help us greatly if, for example, we find ourselves suffering from a very severe depression, a complicated situation of codependency or a problem related to the dream.

Javier Ares He graduated in Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid and after spending some time, decided to specialize in the area of General Health Psychology thanks to a Master that was taught by the Distance University of Madrid (UDIMA).

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Where this psychologist undoubtedly manages to stand out the most is in the treatment of some difficulties such as Alzheimer's, lack of control over impulses, anxiety disorders or seizures within the partner.

Paloma Rey Cardona She has a degree in Psychology from the Catholic University of Valencia (UCV) and has a Master's degree specialized in the practice of General Health Psychology, awarded by the International University of Valencia (VIU).

Throughout her professional career, this psychologist has been able to accumulate considerable experience in the treatment of some difficulties such as very low self-esteem, postpartum depression or conflicts between relatives.

Tomas Santa Cecilia He has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid and has a Master's degree specialized in the use of Cognitive Behavioral Psychology, which was taught by the Group's training center Albor-Cohs.

Her remarkable academic training allows this specialist to be very efficient in treating some difficulties such as obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), depression or very complicated situations of divorce.

Natalia Mejías Bielsa She completed her basic studies in Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid and after obtaining her academic qualification, she thought that she had to investigate the application of Gestalt Psychotherapy so she did a specific Master through the Training Institute Ananda.

We can contact this specialist if, for example, we find ourselves suffering from a stage with very low self-esteem, an anxiety disorder or very high levels of stress labor.

Patricia Cano Garcia She has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid and also has a specialized Master's degree in the specific study of Child Psychology issued by the Technical Institute for Applied Studies (ITEAP).

Over time, this psychologist has been able to treat difficulties such as depression, childhood aggressiveness, very low self-esteem or learning disorders on more than one occasion.

Maite Valasco Garcia She has a degree in Psychology from the National University of Distance Education and has a training course specialized in the use of Systemic Therapy, issued by the Psychogestalt Center located in the city of Madrid.

Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, work stress or very complicated stages of grief, are some of the personal difficulties that are most frequently dealt with in this consultation specialist.

Maria Cristina Rivera González de Rivera She graduated in Psychology from the National Distance Education University and after obtaining her academic degree Accrediting, she made the decision to specialize via Master in the correct practice of the Mindfulness Technique.

Currently this psychologist can be of great help if, for example, we find ourselves suffering from an anxiety disorder, a phobia or some type of problem related to sleep.

Maria Luisa Jimenez Garrido She has a degree in Psychology from the National University of Distance Education and has a Master's degree specialized in the field of Forensic Psychology, which was also awarded by this same institution university.

We should not hesitate to contact this specialist if, for example, we find ourselves going through a stage with very low self-esteem, severe depression or very high levels of stress labor.

Psychologist Silvia Guinea Castany

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