Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Esther Ponce Blázquez (Tomelloso)

I am an Educational Psychologist from UNED and Gestalt Humanist Arteterpeta. My commitment to the knowledge of the human being, art and color, led me to create a method of Educational psychology based on eighteen years of experience in the social, family, educational and therapeutic fields (Ponce, 2020). I have been the director of the Educarte Psychology Center for nine years, where I help minors, adolescent and adults, individually and in groups and I carry out training for educators and professionals. I am committed to my work and, with it, to research and dissemination of knowledge, being the author of several publications related to personal balance in the processes of learning, movement and color in conscious education and communication in education integral. I have created the publisher Educarte. Currently a professor at the Ciudad Real Faculty of Education at the University of Castilla-La Mancha.

I am specialized in comprehensive conscious education. I help people to identify their imbalances and the personal way to restore them to evolve. Although my main competence is childhood and adolescence, I have clients of all ages in processes of development, change and vital evolution. My specialty is all the difficulties associated with the stages of development and the problems related to them.

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Since I was little I felt a special connection with my passion, art. I painted and studied color from the age of twelve to twenty and dedicated myself to the professional art world. But personal circumstances made me change course and I entered the world of psychology, I did my studies and that was where my work of research, study and experience. Art and color have continued to be my allies, my inspiration to know the union of body, mind and heart with human needs. My vocation and persistence make me continue to learn enthusiastically.

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