Education, study and knowledge

Top 10 Mindfulness Courses in San Diego (California)

The 8-week MBSR Online Mindfulness course offered by psychologist and instructor Lorena Irribarra It is aimed at all those who want to learn and train the main mechanisms of Mindfulness in their day to day.

This course consists of 8 weekly sessions of 2.5 hours, in which we will find interactive development videos, guided meditations and self-assessment exercises.

The habitual practice of Mindfulness has been widely proven to reduce stress or anxiety levels, improve management emotional, increase resilience, self-esteem and also to acquire tools aimed at improving all kinds of conflicts.

The "8-week live program: Mindfulness at work" is taught by the coach Nieves Rodríguez, launched from her Fastracktorefocus platform and offers the possibility of accessing the recorded sessions once they are finished.

The course is aimed both at people who want to learn the practice of Mindfulness in their work daily as professionals in the business field or companies who want to instruct their employees in said technique.

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Each participant will acquire the necessary tools to increase their productivity, increase attention and mental clarity, improve your emotional management and improve emotional regulation when making decisions complex.

The Mindfulness for Health MBPM-Online Course by Espacio Psikonet is aimed especially at all those participants who want to learn to identify pain or any adverse situation, as well as to manage it correctly and to use the Mindfulness technique to overcome it in a satisfactory.

The course offers practical theoretical content to treat cases of anxiety, depression, chronic diseases, emotional difficulties of all kinds or stress. Its price is 280 and consists of 8 weekly sessions of 2.5 hours each.

The Awakening Meditation and Psychotherapy center offers various courses on Mindfulness aimed at people of any age and adapted at all times to their particular needs and characteristics.

The main courses of the Awakening center are: Transform your mind, Awaken your Heart; Lo Jong. Mental Training in Seven Points; Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Compassion-Based Resilience Training (CBRT).

Its team of multidisciplinary professionals has authentic experts in Mindfulness, as well as teachers belonging to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.

Lidia Dols, instructor at the head of Gurumind, has a team of experts in Mindfulness and currently offers an 8-session Mindfulness program with theoretical and practical content for any user who wants to put it into practice to improve their performance both personally and professionally.

With the Gurumind course, each participant learns the basic tools and strategies to cope with stress or anxiety situations, increase your self-esteem, as well as your confidence, work performance and well-being in general.

The Gurumind application offers at all times content adapted to the needs of each user, a constant monitoring of their achievements through TWA and the possibility of receiving specific exercises and personalized feedback through their channel of Telegram.

European Institute of Positive Psychology makes this Mindfulness and Emotional Management course available to its students, a Degree from the La Salle University Center of 85.5 hours and 3.25 ECTS credits.

This course is offered from the approach of Positive Psychology and its main objective is the learning of the Mindfulness to practice at any time of the day, improving self-knowledge and also management emotional.

The course lasts 3 months, it is 100% online and it works on strength tests, practical exercises and video-lessons.

The Crehana Mindfulness course for companies It is especially suitable for all those workers or businessmen who want to integrate Mindfulness into their daily work. to increase your self-awareness, your leadership levels, improve emotional regulation and intelligence and exceed your levels of stress.

This course lasts 4 hours 41 minutes (52 classes with unlimited access), it is totally online, it contains 7 downloadable attachments.

The Udemy Training Academy offers this Midfulness course for any participant who wants to learn the theoretical and practical foundations of Mindfulness, as well as identify major maladaptive thinking patterns and become a professional instructor of Mindfulness

The course is offered online, consists of 35 articles, 47 downloadable resources, 15, 5 hours of video on demand and unlimited lifetime access to all its contents.

This online course offered by the Institute esMindfulness It is based on the classic MBSR program of Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn of the University of Massachusetts, one of the fathers of Mindfulness.

It is an intensive training course with which each participant will have access to meditations guided tours, personal interviews with the instructor, theoretical sessions and both group and individual.

The Deusto Salud Mindfulness Superior Course offers each of the participants who successfully complete it two degrees: a Deusto Salud Diploma and a University Diploma from the Catholic University of Murcia.

Its objective is the learning of Mindfulness, as well as various meditation or relaxation techniques; It consists of 4 annual masterclasses, 3 annual practical cases, guided meditations, video tutorials, face-to-face workshops and one-to-one sessions.

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