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The 70 best phrases of Nicky Jam

Nick Rivera Caminero, known in the artistic and musical world as Nicky Jam, is an urban genre singer and actor of Puerto Rican and American origin. He began his music career at the young age of 14 and it has been since 2010 that his music has taken a huge turn and reached the top within reggaeton.

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Nicky Jam's best lyrics, quotes and reflections

Next we will take a walk through the life of this artist with the 70 best phrases of Nicky Jam about his songs and other aspects of the environment around him.

1. Your parting for me was tough. It will be that he took you to the moon and I did not know how to do it like that.

The reasons behind a breakup are not always understood.

2. I had no father. I didn't have a mother after I was 8 years old.

Speaking of his rough childhood.

3. What is your name, I don't know. Where did you come from, I didn't even ask.

Casual encounters that turn into something more.

4. Marry me, I see myself all my life with you.

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Marriage is a commitment.

5. Al Green is from another world.

Talking about one of your favorite bands.

6. It is not a story, you do not know the agony in which I find myself.

People may believe that you are exaggerating when you talk about your feelings.

7. If you ask me what I like best, I wouldn't know where to start.

You can have a specific taste or thousands of things that you love to do.

8. Not everyone can sing, that's something I have.

Talking about his musical talent.

9. Nobody knows what happens when you and I are, in the dark, making love.

A passionate secret.

10. There is my God, now I have to choose whether to be a great friend or I go with his wife. Sometimes the three of us walk together and I can't stop looking at you, their eyes meet and they can hide it well.

Betrayal when passion is mixed with someone else's commitment.

11. I deeply respect the term classic reggaeton, and not only that, but I consider myself one of the architects of this music.

Showing your respect for the early days of reggaeton.

12. Now I wake up without your body I don't know what I'm going to do.

Being lost when someone important leaves your side.

13. That routine is wrong for you, I want to be the man who changes your life.

There are relationships that affect us rather than help us.

14. It's that I without you, and you without me... Tell me who can be happy, I don't like that, I don't like that.

It is always difficult to let someone go.

15. I am a real man. I can suffer.

Everyone can have a hard time at some point in their life.

16. Tell her that her heart is cold since she left.

We believe that we are not capable of loving again when a relationship has been broken.

17. In the air you will fly when I touch you on a slow fire.

Promises of a passionate encounter.

18. For me, reggaeton is everything.

A musical genre that has become his life.

19. When you want to go back, I don't think I'm waiting for you.

There are times when it is better not to keep waiting.

20. I want you to lose control, I'm going to burn you in passion.

An unbridled love.

21. You have to understand the mentality of the people who come from below, who come from the neighborhood. When they put on the clothes and jewelry and all that, it's like saying, "I did it too."

The meaning of possessions depends on each person.

22. Smartest? They are right, I own what is mine, I don't have to give my percent to anyone.

Take pride in what you do.

23. I remember the day that you left. Crazy in my bedroom, I was alone and very sad.

The sadness that attacks after seeing a person leave.

24. Above any business, I made that series so that people would know and understand many things about me.

About his participation in the program ‘The winner’.

25. Come to my house so you can see how well I treat you. I always have your portraits on my walls.

An admiration beyond the obvious.

26. Yours is the interests, buying stupid things, traveling abroad. Mine is when I kiss you, let's add the times that we give each other love.

Differences between what matters to two people.

27. The success of reggaeton has to do with sound, the sound of reggaeton is contagious. It has a beat that makes you dance, regardless of what the lyrics say.

Without a doubt, the rhythm of reggaeton is so catchy that we always want to dance to it.

28. He kisses you and you look at me, because deep down your body tells you that you are mine.

It is better to be alone than to be with someone only out of commitment or obligation.

29. Woman why are you crying? If you know that with him you feel alone.

When you stop feeling comfortable in a relationship, you better end it.

30. Reggaeton has something that is catchy and it can be anything but a boring beat.

She invites you to dance.

31. For love, for love is forgiven. If it is for that person, there are no mistakes that are worth.

Do you think mistakes are more easily forgiven in a relationship?

32. I'm a hypochondriac, the truth is (…) I feel like I have everything.

Demonstrating a constant and obsessive concern for her health.

33. When she calls me on the phone, I already know what she wants. I am the one she prefers.

The role of lover does not last long being something 'ideal'.

34. Live happily and nothing else, you have to know how to get there, taking my steps plus I will follow.

Happiness should be a goal to meet every day.

35. That day I saw you and I felt your energy. Since then I don't want you away from me.

Attraction at first sight.

36. Sometimes I even want to kidnap you, take you to a world where you and I are apart.

A somewhat obsessive passion.

37. You with time changing, passion cooling, I can no longer believe you. You with time changing, passion cooling, better leave at once.

Disinterest kills love in a partner more than anything else.

38. Mommy, I feel yours, I know that you feel mine, tell your boyfriend that you feel cold with him.

When you are with the wrong person.

39. No one can prevent me from achieving everything that I once dreamed of.

No person can prevent you from achieving what you want, if you put your mind to it.

40. As we live today in a world where there are so many problems, I think it is not worth listening to a song that gives you depression, sadness or insecurity; Every now and then you have to listen to something crazy that makes you forget all those things.

An interesting piece of advice that can be very useful in times of low emotions.

41. I know that maybe it made you suffer, it made you cry, it's not the same with me. I know that also, you know about me, I'm going after you, I'm not going to lie to you.

It's hard to trust someone again when they've already let you down.

42. How strange it is, that it hurts me, That a year has gone by and I keep thinking how I was able to lose you.

A difficult relationship to overcome.

43. I respect all kinds of music, I love rock, I love ballads, I love salsa, but I recognize that my music has something and that is that even if you don't like it, you start to move your foot.

The fact that he is an interpreter of one genre does not mean that he cannot enjoy the others.

44. The only thing that matters is in your heart.

Knowing yourself reciprocated is a very satisfying feeling.

45. Mine is come to love you, let's make our relationship stronger.

Relationships grow stronger with time, effort, and commitment.

46. You cannot judge a person if you don't know what that person went through. I cannot judge you if I do not know what you have lived, what your life has been.

Before judging someone, you should analyze the position you are in.

47. They think that, somehow, having many things that you did not have before, they no longer feel that you are in the fight, you already have everything. They do not identify with you.

A mention of how people's interest changes when you climb to success.

48. I'm calling you every so often, you don't answer me, I know you're pitching, I don't know what the hell you're thinking about.

If you are in constant worry in a relationship, you will never enjoy it.

49. Sometimes the trophies can be exaggerated and large, like watches, which are a statement, determine the status from where you are speaking.

The meaning of awards for people.

50. They start looking for the 20 mistakes that artist always had, but since he was not a millionaire, they let those mistakes pass.

A sample of the envy that grows in the minds of some people when they are at the top.

51. Surely if I see you again I will be the one who leaves.

Don't go back to where you were treated badly.

52. I knocked on many doors for music to be where it is today, and the fact that I am recognized for me shows how great my culture and urban music is.

Nicky Jam started from the bottom like many artists.

53. All I know is that I want with you, stay with you until dawn.

Have you felt identified with this letter?

54. I need your love to heal this pain.

There are people who get involved in a relationship to try to overcome a love past.

55. Colombia changed the way I write and sing.

About its growth in Colombia.

56. They start looking for other artists who are in the same position as them, who are starting to rise, and they feel part of that growth.

When people are not able to accept someone's triumph.

57. You are looking for the exit, motivate yourself, get pretty, we're going to flee ...

A nail drives out another nail?

58. Let's see what I'm making up what I'm telling you is real, it's not a story, you don't know the agony I'm in.

No one can really know how we feel more than ourselves.

59. What happened in my life made me a better artist.

We must always take our experiences as motivation to keep going.

60. If I could control the time and go back I would change everything I did to you wrong.

A wish that many of us have in common.

61. I endured what no one endured, you were everything in my life, and now you say that you don't want to see me, that you are confused.

When the other person does not give everything in the relationship.

62. It has happened to me a lot, that I have bought something to fill a void and in time it goes away.

There are emotional voids that are not calmed with material things.

63. I knew that when he met me in person I was going to like it.

Talking about his girlfriend.

64. I will be your husband, your lover and your friend. And of that I put God as a witness.

A promise that all couples must make.

65. It is not the same when you did not have money and you buy your first luxury, that is different, that is like a trophy.

It is something that marks a before and after of your situation.

66. I have been singing reggaeton for more than 25 years, and I think many of my songs are true classics of this genre.

A long history.

67. I know I just met you and it's very quick to have you. What I want is to please you. You calm down, let yourself go.

Do you think there can be a strong connection when you just met someone?

68. When you have had money for a long time and have bought a lot of things, there comes a time when you start shopping to fill those gaps.

A confession that undoubtedly surprises many fans.

69. I want to enter the English market, completely.

An ambitious project for your musical future.

70. What I want is to navigate your body more.

With our partner we always want a little more.

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