Education, study and knowledge

The best 10 Psychologists in Castrillón

The psychologist Lucia Martin Garrido She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Seville, she has a Master in Cognitive-Behavioral-Social Therapy and another Master in Treatment of Eating Disorders.

This professional offers her services by video call and in her sessions she attends to adolescents, adults and the elderly who may have psychological difficulties of all kinds.

His intervention is based on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, one of the therapies most used by professionals around the world and with which treats trauma, anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, eating disorders, and mental disorders personality.

The psychologist Estrada purification She has a degree in Psychology from the UNED, a Master in Contextual Therapies, a Master in Behavior Modification and has Training Courses in Psychological Techniques for Stress Control and in Accredited Professor of Mindfulness

His intervention is based on the joint application of various therapies of proven efficacy, among which the Therapy Cognitive-behavioral, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Mindfulness, all of them adapted to the needs of each client.

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Some of his main specialties are cases of anxiety, depression, emotional or relational difficulties, low self-esteem, relationship crises and stress.

The gabinet is a Center for Psychology, Speech Therapy and Early Care specialized in serving children from 0 years old, adolescents, adults and also the elderly.

The center's team of professionals is specialized in applying proven effective therapies such as the cognitive-behavioral approach or EMDR Therapy, with which they treat trauma, anxiety cases, depression, emotional difficulties, developmental disorders, autism and ADHD.

The Health Psychologist Lorena gonzalez She is part of the team of professionals at the Serena Psicología Online women's psychology center, where she works alongside highly specialized therapists.

His intervention is offered online and is based on Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, a methodology with which he treats cases of anxiety, depression, divorce processes, low self-esteem, stress and difficulties associated with pregnancy or maternity.

Lorena has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the UNED, a Master's degree in Psychopharmacology and Drugs of Abuse from the UCM, a Postgraduate Specialist in Psychopathology and Health and a Postgraduate Specialist in Cognitive-behavioral Therapy in Children and Teenagers.

The center Advance Psychologists She has more than 20 years of experience and currently her team of professionals serves people of all ages, couples and also families who request it through the online modality.

The intervention of the center is based on the application of various therapies of proven efficacy, such as Therapy Cognitive-behavioral, EMDR Therapy or Family and Couples Therapy, all of them adapted to the needs of each client.

Some of his main specialties are cases of anxiety, low self-esteem, conflicts family, personality disorders, relational difficulties, family conflicts and Bipolar disorder.

The psychologist Javier Ares Throughout her career, she has specialized in serving teenagers, adults, seniors and couples online with all possible comforts.

Her intervention is based on the joint application of Third Generation Therapies and Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, with which treats cases of anxiety, family conflicts, depression, addictions, couple crises and disorders of the sexuality.

Javier Ares has a degree in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, has a Master's degree in Psychology General Sanitary, a Master in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and a Master in Clinical and Psychology of the Health.

The Institute of Psychode Psychology He is one of the most prestigious in our country and his team of multidisciplinary professionals specializes in serving adolescents, adults, the elderly and couples online.

The center's therapists work only with proven methodologies and some of their areas of expertise are family conflicts, couple crises, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and deficits in the management of go to.

The psychologist Cristina Jurado She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Oviedo, she has a Master of Clinical Practice in Mental Health and is an EMDR Therapist.

Her intervention is offered to children of all ages, adults, couples or families who may present trauma, cases of anxiety, phobias, addictions, depression or emotional difficulties.

The psychologist Rachel Lopez Gonzalez She has a degree in Psychology from UNED, she has a Master's degree in Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama and is a Diploma in Therapeutic Pedagogy.

This professional has more than 20 years of career behind her and currently she attends to cases of anxiety, bullying, depression, relationship difficulties and relationship crises.

The psychologist Tamara Rodríguez Cardin She has a degree in Psychology, she has the Qualification as a Health Psychologist and is a specialist in Psychopathology, Psychotherapy and Family Mediation.

His intervention is offered to adolescents, adults and families who may present cases of anxiety, low self-esteem, depression, phobias, grieving processes, relationship difficulties and addictions.

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