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The 15 best typical dishes of Catalonia (with photos)

As in most regions of Spain, Catalonia has its own history and very significant traditions, especially as far as gastronomy is concerned, is that the variety of dishes that make up Catalan cuisine has an incomparable flavor.

With great influence from Italy and France, the culinary culture of this region is based on products from both the land as well as from the sea, while bread, tomato, olive oil, sausages, garlic and almonds. It is based on the Mediterranean diet and is characterized by its high quality standards, which makes it very attractive especially for tourists who are in search of new experiences culinary.

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What are the best typical dishes of Catalan cuisine?

Catalonia has a geography that has allowed its gastronomy to evolve over time, but without put aside the philosophy of their ancestors that says: 'If the product is good, the dish is good too. will be'. To learn a little more about its gastronomy, we bring below 15 typical dishes of Catalonia.

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1. Escudella and meat d'olla

It is a dish with a lot of tradition, as it is believed that it was one of the first soups that was consumed in Europe and it is one of the daily dishes that are consumed in Catalonia. It consists of a broth that is made with pieces of meat and seasonal vegetables such as carrots, celery or cabbage, in addition a large meatball is added that is known as the pilota that is cooked in the broth and then sliced ​​to share among the diners. At Christmas, a version of this dish is consumed, which is known as Sopa de Galets or Sopa de Nadal, which is made with a large pasta in the shape of a snail shell.


2. Catalan cream

This is one of the most representative desserts of Catalan cuisine and highly recognized throughout the Spanish territory as well as internationally. It bears a resemblance to French crème brûlée and custard. It is made from eggs, milk, sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon and lemon peel, once ready and plated, sugar is added on top and burned with a torch to give it a crunchy layer.

Catalan cream

3. "Mongetes" with sausage

It is a very simple dish that has been made since the 16th century.. It consists of a sausage made with beef and spices that is known as sausage, is cooked on the grill or in the pan and is accompanied with white beans. There is also the black butifarra that is made with pig's blood, the butifarra d'arròs that has rice and the fattiest parts of the bull's meat.


4. panellets

These are delicious sweets that are very traditional on Easter and All Saints' Day. It is a very typical dish in Catalonia and also in its surroundings. It is a dessert that is consumed both alone and accompanied by a good cup of coffee or hot chocolate. Its elaboration is made with a mass of sweet potato, almonds, sugar and eggThe most popular are pine nuts, but coffee, coconut, chocolate, orange and pistachio are also famous.


5. Snails ‘a la llauna’

It is a typical dish from the Lleida area that causes a lot of attraction due to its unique presentation. These are battered snails with bacon, salt and pepper, with the addition of thyme, oregano, rosemary, garlic and parsley, but It is generally accompanied with aioli, which is a sauce made with egg yolk, olive oil and crushed garlic, very characteristic of all Spain.


6. escalivada

Dish that is made with typical Mediterranean vegetables such as tomatoes, aubergines and peppers, its name is derived from the verb escalivar which means cooking in ashes.

Each of the vegetables is grilled or they are cooked over the fire or directly in the ashes, previously the vegetables must be seasoned with a little olive oil olive oil and a touch of salt and pepper, it can be accompanied with anchovies or tuna, but alone it represents a delicacy that must be taste.


7. Meat stuffed potato dumplings

It is one of the most common tapas in all of Barcelona, ​​since was born in one of the taverns in the fishing neighborhood of La Barceloneta, although it is a sandwich that is prepared in many ways, the potato is its main ingredient.

This vegetable is cooked and then a puree is made with it, pork and beef are added, previously cooked, a kind of ball with this mixture, pass through beaten egg and breadcrumbs and proceed to fry in abundant oil, accompanied with alioli or any other sauce.


8. paved

It is one of the most popular salads in Catalan cuisine, it is consumed at any time, but it is very common at times when the heat increases strongly. Its main ingredients are white beans and desalted cod or esqueixat, as they call it in Catalan. You can add tomato, onion, red pepper, black olives and halved hard-boiled eggs.


9. Recapture Coca

This succulent dish consists of a baked flatbread dough to which extra virgin olive oil, roasted vegetables, sausage, sardines, tuna, anchovies, among other ingredients, are added. It is a traditional dish that was made to welcome the good weather. As not all the houses of the towns did not have ovens, a collection was made among all and it was ordered to be prepared in the baker's oven and then proceeded to be distributed among the inhabitants.


10. the samfaina

It is a contour that usually accompanies a piece of meat or fish, made with eggplant and zucchini, which are fried with oil, garlic, onion and parsley, grated tomato and olive oil are added, in other places thyme, rosemary and green or red peppers are added. The samfaina is cooked in a pot in which the fish or meat is also cooked so that it has a better flavor.


11. Cannelloni with carn d'olla

Every December 26th, Saint Stephen's Day is commemorated. and to celebrate it, the family gathers at the family home and to speed up the meals, a dough is made and filled with the meat that was left over from the Christmas meal in the form of cannelloni.

This not only prevented wasted food, but was an ideal dish for the holiday. So now, not only is it a tradition to celebrate, but it's a dish that can be replicated anytime there are leftovers from a previous dish to create something entirely new.


12. The carquinolis

Carquiñoles or carquinyolis, as it is known in Catalan, is a kind of cake very similar to Italian biscottis are made with almonds, eggs, wheat flour, sugar and a liqueur to give it smell. It is enjoyed as an accompaniment to a dessert, with a glass of wine or with a cup of coffee.


13. Suquet de Peix

Because Catalonia is located on the shores of the Mediterranean, it has a wide variety of very fresh fish and seafood of excellent quality. The fishermen used to prepare a dish with remains of fish that were not sold during the day and in order not to lose them, they created a mixture known as Suquet de Peix that includes hake or monkfish, along with mussels and clams. Saffron is added to give color and enhance flavors.


14. Pa Amb Tomàquet

This dish so simple and simple, shows that in the simplest things in life is the happiness, and it is that bread with tomato is one of the most delicious things that gastronomy has Catalan.

It is only a slice of bread to which half a tomato is rubbed or rubbed, until all the crumb is soaked with the juice, then a splash of olive oil and a touch of salt are added and it is ready to be consumed only to be accompanied by a good sausage.


15. The Trinxat

It is one of the most popular recipes in Catalan cuisine, it is associated with the cool months where cabbage, which is one of its main ingredients, is in season. Consists in a mixture of potatoes, leek, cabbage, garlic and bacon that are mashed or 'trinxa' until a perfect combination is achieved. Extra virgin olive oil is added to enhance the flavors.

Unquestionably, Catalan gastronomy is one of the most fun, tasty and complete in the entire Spanish territory, since it is the result of several centuries of evolution where the transmission of culinary knowledge was carried out from generation to generation until it became today one of the most popular cuisines both nationally and international. It is a gastronomy with a life of its own, but it also receives contributions from neighboring cultures.


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