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The 7 main characteristics of synthetic cannabis

Cannabis is known to be the cause of various mental health problems for its users, especially if they take it frequently and their age of onset was adolescence.

Although the marijuana plant is still a drug, there is an artificial version that, despite being presented as a legal, harmless and natural alternative of that plant, the truth is that it is the product of clandestine laboratories of very negligent hygiene.

Here you will find a summary of the characteristics of synthetic cannabis, although we can anticipate that all of them imply a greater risk and potential for addiction than conventional marijuana. Let's discover them below.

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The most important characteristics of synthetic cannabis

Synthetic cannabis, more correctly called synthetic cannabinoids, is about artificial chemical compounds whose psychoactive effects are similar to those produced by natural cannabis (cannabis sativa). These chemicals are sprayed on dried and ground plant material and then smoked, although It can also be found in the form of liquids for electronic cigarettes or even to prepare infusions.

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Synthetic cannabis goes by all kinds of names in the specialty market: synthetic marijuana, fake weed, Spice Gold, Spice Silver, pescao, K2, hardcore, and Yucatan fire. Regardless of the name under which it is purchased, in most cases synthetic cannabis is presented as a supposed legal and healthy alternative to conventional marijuana, even more "natural". The reality is quite the opposite: it is much more dangerous, addictive and potentially deadly than the real cannabis plant.

There are several characteristics of synthetic cannabis that clearly differentiate it from conventional marijuana.

1. High content of THC and no CBD

The main reason synthetic cannabis is so dangerous is its composition. Although it is marketed as a healthy and natural alternative to marijuana, there is nothing natural about it. It is a laboratory substance, made with a high content of artificial THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol).

THC is the “bad” substance in marijuana, the one responsible for its detrimental psychoactive effects. Furthermore, it is also this component that makes synthetic cannabis more addictive than the natural marijuana plant. Added to this, contains zero content of cannabidiol or CBD, the "good" substance in marijuana, to which therapeutic and neuroprotective properties are attributed.

This means that synthetic marijuana has all the bad things about cannabis and none of the medicinal properties that have become popular in recent years. Because of this, synthetic cannabis is extremely neurotoxic.

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2. Unstable and slippery formula in drug tests

Synthetic cannabis is categorized in the group of drugs known as “new psychoactive substances”. These are mind-altering substances, like conventional drugs, but since they are very new, there are still no clear regulations on them. Due to this, its consumption goes unnoticed since there are few specific tests to detect synthetic cannabis in drug analysis.

Added to this, there is no single formula of synthetic cannabinoids. Every time the authorities register a form of synthetic cannabis as illegal, manufacturers change the formula and, taking advantage of a legal loophole, sell it. As the new formula remains unregistered due to ignorance of the authorities, its sale is not yet a crime and the sellers profit from it.

Thanks to this, synthetic cannabis is relatively easy to obtain online, and can even be found at gas stations or drug paraphernalia shops in certain countries. It is precisely this ease with which they can be obtained that, added to the belief that they are "natural" and, therefore, harmless, its consumption among young people has skyrocketed in the last decade.

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3. Consumption similar to that of conventional marijuana

The most common way to take synthetic cannabinoids is smoking dry plant material that has been sprayed with this substance. This dry plant matter is sometimes mixed with a little real marijuana, usually to make the person who is going to smoke that “joint” believe that they are smoking pure marijuana and hit the spot.

There are also the options of making a tea with dried leaves sprinkled with this substance or buying synthetic cannabinoids in liquid format and vaping it.

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4. Desired effects similar to natural cannabis

This drug is known as synthetic cannabis because it causes desirable effects similar to those of the "natural" drug. Synthetic cannabinoids act on the same neuron receptors for THC, which is the main psychoactive substance of the cannabis plant. This is, along with the false belief that it is a real derivative of marijuana or an essential oil thereof, the main reason why they are consumed.

Among these “desirable” effects we would have:

  • Good humor
  • Relaxation
  • Alteration of perception

But it also shares with real marijuana several common effects that are not so nice, although not serious, What:

  • Agitation
  • nausea and vomiting
  • increased heart rate
  • Violent behavior
  • suicidal ideation
  • Tachycardia
  • Arrhythmia
Effects of synthetic cannabis
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5. Many serious side effects

Synthetic cannabis is a drug of illicit production that does not comply with any sanitary control. Contrary to what its consumers believe, it is not a natural drug and, even if it were, this would not prevent very dangerous side effects from occurring due to its consumption.

Due to the high content of THC and the fact that there is none of the CBD, as we have mentioned, produces all the bad things about natural marijuana and does not have the neuroprotective function that is attributed to real cannabis. This results in the following side effects, shared with conventional marijuana, being more likely.

  • Delirium
  • Aggressiveness
  • stroke
  • seizures
  • Heart attack
  • Breakdown of muscle tissue
  • Kidney damage
  • Psychosis
  • prolonged vomiting
  • Death

6. Induces psychotic breaks

For some time now, the possible psychotic effects of herbal marijuana have been studied. The main responsible for these effects is THC, but its action is partially counteracted by CBD in the natural plant. As we have mentioned, this is not the case with synthetic cannabis, where there is a high concentration of THC and, consequently, a greater probability of its occurrence. psychotic symptoms. There are more cases of psychotic breaks among users of synthetic cannabis than those who take the real plant.

The main psychotic effects of synthetic cannabis are:

  • extreme anxiety
  • Confusion
  • Paranoia
  • Hallucinations and other perceptual disturbances
  • catatonia
  • depersonalization
  • Dissociation

Psychoses caused by the use of synthetic cannabis harm the long-term mental health of the consumer. They can occur without a history of mental disorder prior to the use of the synthetic cannabinoid and are more common among male and young users. The consumption of this substance is a risk factor for developing schizophrenia and is associated with a greater probability of requiring pharmacological treatment with antipsychotics than those who take marijuana conventional.

7. Risk of overdose

Synthetic cannabis users can overdose, meaning they take too much of the drug and have a dangerous reaction with very severe symptoms or even death. Main symptoms associated with synthetic cannabis overdose are:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Reduced blood flow to the heart
  • Dysrhythmia (heartbeat disturbance)
  • seizures
  • Renal insufficiency
  • Liver failure
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Hypothermia

If synthetic cannabis was mixed with synthetic opioids, such as fentanyl, the risk of death is increased.

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