Education, study and knowledge

How to improve as a psychologist? 5 key learnings

Working as a psychologist with a specialty in offering psychotherapy is a process that goes hand in hand with constant training. Not only because new research appears every year showing interesting findings about human behavior and the human mind, but also because to be therapist it is important to learn a whole series of skills that, simply, or can be acquired by reading books or studying the Degree or Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. It is necessary to accept with humility that becoming a good psychologist takes years and keep an open mind while developing various skills and abilities.

In this article we will talk about how to improve as a psychologist having as a reference a series of aptitudes to “train” once the university degree has been completed.

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The keys to improve as a psychologist psychotherapist

The work of the psychologist specializing in patient care in the context of psychotherapy is as complex as it is fascinating; That is why there is much to learn and improve in this professional field. Here we will limit you to seeing a summary of the keys to take into account to improve as a psychologist, explaining their implications when offering services.

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1. Learn to see beyond the literal

One of the characteristics of psychotherapy is that, especially in this area, "the client is not always right". Obviously it is essential to know and understand the explanations that the patient gives about why he has decided to go to therapy, but either you just have to have this as a reference, you need to look more there. And it is that part of the work of the psychologist is to help the person to understand what happens to him, the reason for his discomfort (which does not mean unilaterally imposing stories about the origin of their problem, as we will see later) ahead).

Thus, the psychologist must go beyond the literal, what in the world of art and text analysis is called attending to the "subtext" of what is said. Words are only a resource to communicate, not an objective representation of what happens in the person's mind.

learn to be a psychologist
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2. Training in specific techniques and strategies

It is essential not to stay only in abstract ideas about life habits and routines that help preserve mental health; It must be very clear that specific problems require specific therapeutic resources. Luckily, every year meta-analyses and all kinds of studies are carried out that test the efficacy of different therapies and forms of psychological intervention analyzing their effects in patients with disorders determined.

In addition, this training process will enrich our range of possibilities when using techniques, ensuring that we always use the most useful and effective given a specific problem (despite the fact that others of general application would also have served, but without offering the same results).

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3. Maintain a professional role without falling into condescension

As we anticipated, it is one thing to assert our knowledge as psychotherapy professionals, and another is to limit ourselves to “Explain” to the patient what is really happening, as if her role were to accept any type of feedback from us.

After all, their reactions to the hypotheses that psychotherapists draw are also part of the information that the psychologist must analyze, since they reveal things about their beliefs, their way of perceiving themselves, etc. And, on the other hand, with a unilateral approach to therapy it is impossible to establish a correct rapport and therapeutic alliance.

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4. Assume that the work of the psychotherapist goes beyond sessions with patients

It would be very comfortable to assume that the work of the psychologist is only what happens between the moment the moment in which the patient enters the consultation and the moment in which he leaves at the end of the session of therapy. But this is not true at all, and or only because it is important to prepare for the sessions and reflect on the information gathered during them.

In today's society the psychotherapist he must also do his own tasks belonging to the world of marketing: know how to create a flow of patients, make yourself visible, make things easy to arrange appointments, develop a brand image... It is useless to be psychologist if, due to an excessively passive attitude, no one knows of our existence and no one gets to benefit from what we know how to do.

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5. Develop social skills for a correct therapeutic alliance

Training social skills is essential in psychotherapy, for several reasons. First of all, avoid misunderstandings and allows both parties to make clear what the other is saying.

Second, beyond the world of information understanding, helps to establish a good harmony from the first sessions, so that the patient is able to open up and honestly express their fears, their insecurities, what makes them feel bad, etc.

And thirdly, it is something necessary for the patient to keep coming to therapy and do not experience any progress or benefit despite having paid and invested time and effort in the process.

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Do you want to train in psychotherapy?

If you are interested in learning the theoretical and practical aspects of psychotherapy to professionalize yourself, the Master in Integrative Psychotherapy of Instituto Mensalus may fit what you're looking for.

This training program, which is in its 12th edition and lasts one year, can be carried out in person (at the Psychology Center of Mensalus, located in Barcelona), online (with live classes and content uploaded to the intranet and accessible at any time) or mixed.

Regardless of the chosen modality, the contents and classes are designed and taught by a teaching team made up of psychologists and researchers who are fundamentally dedicated to the field of clinical psychology and Health. From an integrating theoretical position, this Master allows both to learn the fundamental ideas and concepts of therapy and to observe and participate in real cases with patients, something that is possible because it is a training program carried out by one of the most important psychological and psychiatric care centers in the capital Catalan. In addition, its completion allows obtaining a University Degree from the Nebrija University of Madrid.

If you are interested in knowing more about the Master in Integrative Psychotherapy, contact Instituto Mensalus.

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