Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Cristina Llovera Rossell (Barcelona)

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From a very young age linked to the world of sports, I started in the world of figure skating passing through other disciplines until in 2010 I discovered athletics where it led me to represent my country at an international level like the Olympic Games in London. In 2016, I was at the gates of the Rio Olympics, I suffered an injury months before the competition that I did not recover in time. This unexpected situation put my emotional balance in check, it was a turning point but I learned to turn it around and see the obstacle as an opportunity for personal growth. There I discovered how various factors impact a person and how it directly affects sports performance. From there, my interest in Sports Psychology was born. The fusion between my passion; sport and my vocation; the psychology.

I am a psychologist specialized in sports psychology and coaching. My mission is to convey the importance of the psychological factor as a comprehensive training and multidisciplinary to optimize sports performance and provide tools, techniques and strategies for

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[email protected] that can be useful and achieve greater balance and well-being with themselves. In addition to contributing my resources, knowledge, experience and passion, in the personal and sports field!

We are all born with a predisposition but being constant is the key. Constancy is a virtue for success because it drives us daily to pursue what we long for. And of course life is full of obstacles, but difficulties must be seen as an opportunity to continue growing. I try to live each day and squeeze every moment with passion, dedication, perseverance, resilience, attitude, happiness and ambition. These are the axes that structure my life.

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