Education, study and knowledge

How to face some oppositions of Education? 3 good tips

How to face some oppositions of Education?

Those applicants who manage to pass the first phase of opposition, have access to the second: the contest phase. This constitutes 40% of the final grade and depends directly on your scale. This is the result of the sum of different merits of different types.

Next, from a Teacher we tell you How to deal with oppositions in Education and we propose some tips to improve your scale. Pay attention!

If you want to face some oppositions of Education you have to know the different phases that exist. These are the headings that make up your scale.

Previous teaching experience: maximum 7 points

Your result will vary depending on different factors. Have you accredited your professional experience in the same body to which you apply or in another? Was the center in which you developed your professional activity public or private? On the other hand, did your work correspond to a different educational level or a different specialty?

Academic training: maximum 5 points

Beyond the average grade you obtained in your specialty degree, other complementary indicators come into play at the academic level. Possession of specific professional training qualifications, special regime teachings, postgraduate degrees, official master's degrees, doctorate and official qualifications, or obtaining mentions and distinctive awards will also help you increase your scale.

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Other merits: maximum 2 points

The two previous indicators are common to the selection processes of all the autonomous communities and all the teaching bodies. However, depending on the call and the geographical area, additional merits may be evaluated.

These may vary, although the most common are accounted for in the form of permanent teacher training courses (based on approved courses). Language certificates, training projects, participation in publications or attendance at educational seminars and workshops are also subject to assessment.

How to face some oppositions of Education? - Contest phase of an opposition

To overcome and pass the competition phase of the oppositions, here are 3 good tips that will surely be of great help to you.

Do not underestimate the importance of your scale

One of the most common mistakes made by applicants for education oppositions is give more importance to test preparation than the scale. Neglecting the contest phase can have a direct impact on the final result and can even cause you to lose your place.

Keep it in mind and do not forget that makes up 40% of your final grade Therefore, even if you have obtained good results in the opposition phase, it is possible that you will not be able to obtain a place if your scale is poor or you do not achieve a sufficient score.

Take advantage of the possibilities provided by specialized training

There are some areas where it is easier to score points in the short term than in others. For example, the heading of "other merits" may be a good opportunity to increase your scale in a short space of time from the completion of permanent training courses (for example, the courses for education that you can find on specialized online platforms) or obtaining foreign language certificates.

On the other hand, adding points in the epigraph of teaching experience or educational background It can be much more complicated, especially if what it is about is increasing your scale for the next call.

Increase your scale in the long term

Keep in mind that some of the points that make up your scale they do not expire Possession of qualifications from approved courses is an example. It is important that you take this into account and value it with a future perspective.

if you propose enrich your resume and your professional profile From recurrently approved qualifications, you will be able to add points in the long term. Pay attention to this, especially if you are forced to present yourself to different calls. If you do, they will most likely help you improve your chances of access as an interim and in other selective processes.

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