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The 10 most dangerous sports in the world (and their risks)

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Sport is a habit that allows us to obtain innumerable benefits for our health. For this reason, it is considered that an adequate lifestyle requires the regular practice of physical exercise. Although going for a run, cycling or swimming are perfectly valid ways to promote a state of health optimal, these may not be enough for those who find in sport not only a means to take care of the body, but a source of fun and experimentation.

  • We recommend you read: "The 17 Types of Sport (and Their Characteristics)"

What are risk sports?

In this sense, it is important to talk about the so-called risk sports. These are defined as those in which there is a real or apparent danger to the physical integrity of the person who practices it, endangering his own life. These types of sports activities are carried out in extreme conditions or where it is not possible to technically control the situation one hundred percent.

Sounds strange, right? The truth is that, although it may seem paradoxical, there are those who enjoy these extreme experiences. The explanation lies in adrenaline, a hormone that is triggered in this type of situation and gives us a feeling of euphoria and happiness. This state is so pleasant that many people who start in extreme sports end up getting hooked on them and the well-being they produce.

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For many athletes, the risk of these activities is synonymous with living new experiences and emotionseither by land, sea or air. Examples of this type of sports are skydiving, bungee jumping, hang gliding, ice climbing... It is impossible to list all sports existing extremes, since there are countless variations and combinations that try to provide that bit of adrenaline to sports traditional.

It is essential to bear in mind that this type of sports is not suitable for everyone. It is essential that all those who decide to practice them receive prior physical preparation, since otherwise they could be reckless and put their lives at risk. In addition, those who suffer from physical problems in the spine, limbs or cardiovascular risk, should avoid this type of activity at all costs.

The adrenaline shock experienced when practicing these sports can be "deadly" in vulnerable people. In any case, if you are considering starting out in the world of extreme sports, it is essential that you carry out a medical check-up and consult with a health professional to avoid risks. In this article we are going to make a list of the ten most dangerous sports in the world, only suitable for a few daring.

What are the most extreme and dangerous sports in the world?

Next, we are going to know the most dangerous sports in the world. This list includes the riskiest of all the existing ones, although a specific order is not followed.

1. Skydiving

This sport is performed by parachute, so that the person is thrown into the void from an airplane, helicopter, small plane, etc.. There are those who choose to practice this sport from fixed areas, such as the top of a building. In some cases the parachute is opened immediately as soon as the person jumps. However, there are those who choose to perform a controlled free fall, so that the opening of the parachute is postponed for a few seconds.


2. tow surfing

Surfing is a well-known sport, but the version that we present here is much more risky and crazy than the original. This type of surfing It is done with waves that can exceed eight meters in height, to which are added extreme weather conditions such as storms or blizzards.

Needless to say, the risk of this sport is very high, since surfers who dare with this type of scenario can reach remain submerged up to ten meters deep, being very difficult to rise again to the surface due to the action of the currents underwater.

tow surfing

3. Mountaineering

This sport is centuries old, and it derives from the exploratory tradition of human beings in nature. Mountaineering consists of trying to reach the top of a certain mountain, a challenge to nature that has cost many their lives. Climbing up and down mountains requires a specific set of knowledge and skills.

It is one of the toughest sports that exist, because Requires great endurance and survivability. Some of the complications that can put the integrity of those who practice it at risk are hypothermia, corneal burn, pneumonia, lack of oxygen and frostbite. The great tradition that surrounds this practice has made many people conceive of mountaineering not only as a sport, but rather as a whole lifestyle and relationship with nature.


4. extreme rafting

River descent or rafting, better known as rafting, is a type of sports activity in which a river is traversed following its current, using a boat, such as a canoe or a kayak. Extreme rafting is a modality that is practiced in the so-called white water rivers, those in which there are very fast currents, turbulence, eddies, waterfalls and waves.

Precisely, its name is due to the fact that the agitation of the water gives the impression that the color of the river is whitish due to the foam that is generated. Only the most daring are capable of crossing rivers of such difficulty, although for some, anything goes as long as they achieve the desired dose of adrenaline.

extreme rafting

5. cavern diving

Surely on some occasion you have heard of diving and you have even been able to practice it. However, there is an extreme practice derived from this sport. Cavern diving consists of diving to inordinate depths, with the aim of sneaking through the recesses of underwater caverns. The risk of this sport derives from the number of meters that separate the athlete from the surface, therefore unforeseen events derived from pressure, darkness or temperature that are complicated to sort out.

cavern diving

6. bungee jumping

This is undoubtedly one of the most popular risk sports. Its name already gives a clue as to what it consists of, and that is that the person must make a jump from a bridge to launch into the void. For it, must have an elastic cord attached, which precisely prevents the collision with the ground. Although it is a very impressive sport on a visual level, the truth is that it is one of the safest of those we have discussed, since there can be a very high degree of control of the situation.

bungee jumping-sport

7. Climbing in solo integral

Free solo climbing is a type of activity derived from free climbing. In her, a solo climber starts the ascent relying solely on his own strength and ability to climb. This means that the use of tools such as ropes, harnesses and other protective equipment is not used.

It is important not to confuse this modality with free climbing without further ado, which is the one in which the support material is only used to prevent the fall, but not to help in the process of rise. As expected, free solo climbing is a high-risk sport, so it is only suitable for people with great physical preparation.

solo climbing

8. heli ski

If there is a sport that is less impressive, it is Heli-Ski. This consists of the person is thrown from a helicopter to fall on a mountain of virgin snow, in order to go down the slope with skis or board.

Although skiing is a sport that can be very exciting, this modality is only suitable for lovers of pure adrenaline. It is important to keep in mind that, as it is virgin land, there are no signs or prior knowledge of the area. That is why the danger of this activity is very high, so only a few can get to practice it.

heli ski

9. Boxing

Boxing is one of the classic sports. However, in itself it could be considered a high-risk sport. Boxing is considered a contact sport, since in it two opponents fight using their fists, which are sheathed in gloves. The essential rule is that each of the boxers must hit the other only from the waist up, always within the rim, the quadrilateral enclosure destined for the activity.

Fights are divided into short sequences, each called a round. Although it is a sport with detailed regulations, of course the injuries that may appear are serious and imply a significant risk for the participants. Of course, watching a fight is not suitable for all audiences.


10. freestyle motocross

Motocross is a form of competition in which participants circulate using motorcycles on all types of terrain in closed circuits. It is a very physically demanding sport in which the conditions can be adverse.

A variant of this sport is freestyle motocross or freestyle. In this case, it goes one step further and the pilots perform jumps, stunts and pirouettes in the air with their motorcycles. Taking into account the movements they make using vehicles of these characteristics, it is not surprising that this modality is considered an extreme sport.

freestyle motocross

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