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The 10 best Expert Psychologists in Couples Therapy in Envigado

Certified Psychologist and Coach Lina Fernanda Tamayo She is a specialist in attending both online and in person to couples who may present emotional or relational difficulties of all kinds.

As the creator of the Integral Psychology of Being brand, Lina Fernanda is a specialist in successfully serving cases of anxiety, couple crises, stress, divorce processes and conflicts relatives.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, she has a degree in Ontological Coaching, she has a Master in Human Development from the University of Barcelona and she also has a Postgraduate Diploma in Care Specialist Palliative.

the psychologist Catherine Munoz She has a degree in Psychology from the Institución Universitaria de Envigado and has a Higher Professional Degree in Coach from Axon Training.

Her intervention is offered both online and in person to adults, couples and also families, always applying in a holistic way and adapted to the needs of each client, various psychological therapies together with the Coaching.

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Some of her main specialties are family conflicts, emotional difficulties, addictions, codependency, low self-esteem, stress and divorce proceedings.

the psychologist Melissa Santamaria She attends by video call and with all possible comforts to adolescents, adults, the elderly, couples and also families who request her services.

Her intervention is based on Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, a proven orientation with which she treats cases of anxiety, addictions, emotional difficulties, family conflicts, personality disorders and low self esteem.

Melissa has a degree in Clinical Psychology with a Cognitive-Behavioral Orientation from Atlantic International University, she has a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy and she also has a Diploma of Specialization in the Treatment of Anxiety and Stress.

The psychologist Manuel Antonio Duarte He has a degree in Psychology from the Santo Tomás de Aquino University and has a Superior Degree in Family Consulting Specialist from the La Salle University.

This professional has spent more than 20 years serving satisfactorily couples and families who may be experiencing for a period of difficulty and currently his intervention is offered online with all the comforts possible.

Manuel Antonio applies various therapies in his sessions to successfully address the problems with children, marital crises, family conflicts, infidelities and divorce proceedings.

the psychologist Paula Andrea Rodriguez attends people of all ages and couples online, applying Brief Therapy in an integrated manner along with other guidelines of great proven efficacy.

Some of his main intervention specialties are cases of sexual abuse, anxiety, depression, family conflicts, low self-esteem and self-harm cases.

This professional graduated in Psychology from the Santo Tomás University and has a Diploma in Clinical Sexology and Human Sexuality from the CES University.

the psychologist Alexandra Moreno She has a degree in Psychology from the Javeriana University, she has a Postgraduate Psychoanalyst and also has a Training Course in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.

This professional is one of the most outstanding in our country and throughout her career she has specialized in serving online to adults and also couples who may present divorce proceedings, cases of anxiety, depression, addictions or low self esteem.

the psychologist Liliana Patricia Ojeda She has a Higher Degree in Psychology from the Catholic University of Colombia and in her sessions she applies combines Cognitive-behavioral Therapy with Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy and Family Therapy and Partner.

Her intervention is offered online with total flexibility to couples who can present cases of anxiety, domestic violence, codependency, divorce proceedings, emotional difficulties, or low self esteem.

The Clinical Psychologist Yoana Andrea Losada She assists couples and families through video calls and in her sessions she treats psychological disorders such as cases of anxiety, depression, grieving processes, marital crises and dependency emotional.

This professional applies Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in an integrated manner together with Mindfulness, Therapy Family and Couple and Applied Behavioral Analysis, all of them adapted to the needs of each client.

The psychologist Mauricio Saenz attends people of all ages online, as well as couples who may have cases of anxiety, depression, trauma, marital crisis, Alzheimer's or personality disorders.

Mauricio graduated in Psychology from the Universidad Católica Colombia, has a Postgraduate degree in She is Occupational Psychology and she also has Masters in Clinical Neuropsychology and Intelligence Artificial.

the psychologist Natalia Perez Door She attends both online and in person to couples who may present cases of emotional dependency, grieving processes, depression, stress, anxiety or low self-esteem.

Natalia graduated in Psychology from the San Buenaventura University and has a Diploma in Humanistic-Existential Clinical Psychology.

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