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How to do an INTRODUCTION to a job

How to make an introduction - with examples

Make an attractive introduction for a job, an article or a text in general can be quite a challenge, but it is worth spending the time necessary time to this initial moment of your composition, because otherwise it will be very difficult for the reader to stay with you.

In this lesson from a PROFESSOR we want to teach you how to make an introduction step by step and We will give you some examples so that you can see the best way to attract the attention of your readers from the first moment.

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  1. What is a job introduction
  2. Characteristics of an introduction
  3. How to make an introduction: step by step
  4. Introduction Examples

What is a job introduction?

The introduction is the first part of a text., regardless of the theme or the type of text we are writing. Mainly, it is used for contextualize the information that we will give later and make a brief summary of what will be explained during the book, the article, the essay, the work, etc.

Contextualize the text

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means to frame it within a time and circumstances concrete, so that the reader quickly locates his mind and understands the text at first. If we don't make a good introduction, the reader could be lost for quite a while until he caught the thread of the story.

Make a small summary at the beginning It might seem that we are making "spoilers" to the reader, but the truth is that without him knowing it, it will be very good for him to know what the text is about so that it causes an internal interest in continuing reading.

What should a good introduction look like?

  • The introduction, as its name suggests, is the moment in which the topic is introduced about which the reader will be told without revealing some of the most critical points that we will save for later, in the development of the text.
  • Generally, the introduction is short and concise to create a quick interest in the reader, that is why it is recommended to write it at the end of everything, so that as a writer you have all the information clear in your mind.
  • In some more technical types of text we can find that the introduction has other names such as summary, preface or synthesis, but we must take into account that the same thing is being talked about in all cases.
  • The structure of a text is this: The first thing you will read is the introduction of the text, then you will find its development and finally the conclusion.
How to make an introduction - with examples - What is a job introduction

Image: Scientific Research

Characteristics of an introduction.

If you want to make an introduction, it is important that you know the most outstanding elements. And it is that the introduction of a text is practically the most important part, because if we don't capture the reader's attention at that moment, it will be difficult to create his interest later, if he hasn't already stopped reading us.

Many times, this part of the text has been undervalued and the authors have written the introductions of anyway, but today we want you to see the main characteristics of this part of a text so that you can value the importance to make the introduction well in each of your writings.

These are the Characteristics of an introduction:

  • is the first part that we find written in a text. It is followed by the body and the conclusion of the text.
  • Must be brief and only talk about the main topics of the writing.
  • Show a resume what will be discussed later
  • State the idea in a way clear and neat for further explanation
  • Is found in all kinds of texts, no matter what topic they talk about
  • We find it, both in written texts and in exhibitions oral
  • Must be easy to understand, with appropriate language. Difficult concepts should be developed in the body of the text.
  • No element of the introduction can be repetitive
  • It must be written in accordance with the rest of the work, maintaining the same grammatical style
  • must catch the attention of the reader
  • In case it is a literary book, the introduction must present the time, space and characters
How to make an introduction - with examples - Characteristics of an introduction

Image: Slideshare

How to make an introduction: step by step.

When you have more practice writing texts, surely while you are in the body or the conclusion of your work you will already come up with ideas about how to write your introduction, but until that happens, we want show you step by step how you can write the introduction of your writing.

The first thing we recommend is that leave the introduction for last that is, you can write the body of the text and the conclusion before addressing the introduction. That will allow you to have much clearer ideas and, therefore, transmit the same to your readers.

These are the steps to follow to make an introduction correctly.

Before you start writing the introduction

Before you grab your pen and paper and get ready to write your introduction, we recommend that you Follow these steps to organize your ideas. You have just written an entire paper with a lot of information and your ideas are very clear in your mind, but there are so many that you probably do not know where to start.

These recommendations will help you clarify your ideas and synthesize them so that the introduction becomes the front door that welcomes your text:

  • Take into account the text length what you have written: the start of your introduction will depend on that. If you have written a one-page text, three or four lines of introduction will suffice, but if your essay is 50 pages long, you will probably need to use one or two pages to introduce the theme.
  • make a scheme with the main topics your text is about
  • Try to visualize the type of public to whom your text is addressed and what is the best way to get their attention
  • Read other introductions and get ideas of the ones you like the most
  • make one ready of how you will develop the main ideas in the introduction and discard all those that are not essential

While you write the introduction

Now that you have your ideas a little clearer, it is time to get down to work and start writing. A blank page can be very scary and paralyze you as a writer, so we recommend that you have the outline and the list that you have created previously at hand and that you follow these steps:

  • Write on a voice tone that the reader can understand you and that it is not unknown to him. If you are writing for children you will not be able to do the same introduction as if you are writing for scientists, even if the theme is the same. Your vocabulary and expressions should always be consistent with your audience, who should read your texts easily.
  • The introduction begins with broader topic and then move towards the most concrete. First you can start by giving a general context of the time or place where we are located and little by little focus on the specific issue you have written about.
  • You must present from very short way the topic on which the text will deal. Keep in mind that it is recommended that the introduction be a fifth of your final work, that is, 20%, therefore, you should not extend too much.
  • you must be very organized when writing the text so that your reader can grasp the main idea and not get lost in the first paragraph of your work.

After writing the introduction

Writing is not only putting your ideas on paper, but they must be in order, without spelling mistakes, they must use an appropriate vocabulary, etc. That's why you should take a moment after typing your introduction to check that it is well written or, on the contrary, change everything that is not right.

Follow these steps after you have written your introduction:

  • Read the text two or three times and check that the spelling and grammar are well written, that the text is well understood, without gaps in information that will make the reader lose and that the vocabulary is suitable for the public to which it is directed.
  • Let read your introductionsomeone you trust that they do not know anything about the topic you have written about and verify that they perfectly understand each of the points that you have wanted to express.
  • Forget the text for a couple of days and reread your introduction after that time. Surely you will realize some errors when letting the text rest in your mind.
How to make an introduction - with examples - How to make an introduction: step by step

Introduction examples.

The best way to learn about a subject is by putting it into practice and examples are a good way to detect if you are able to see all the elements and features mentioned in this lesson. Can get ideas from these example texts to approach your introductions more safely.

“On January 24, 1917, two visionaries, doctors Bernardo Samper Sordo and Jorge Martínez Santamaría founded the Samper Martínez Laboratory. The entity was private at first. It arose in part from the personal pain and concern that its founders had been caused by diphtheria from a close relative and a bite from a rabies-infected animal from another. Its projection soon turned it into a research center for the production of supplies for public health.” National Institute of Health S.F.

"The knowledge of God and his existence, the origin of the creation of the world and the relationship of men with a being that surpasses all reality. Theology is, more than a field of speculation, a science that seeks to demonstrate with solid and verifiable facts the existence of an almighty God. It moves in the field of the human intellect, it needs reason, as Karol Wojtyla explained, today Saint John Paul II, in his encyclical "Fides et Ratio" (1998), but it also depends, absolutely, on faith." Theology as science.

"The environment is the space made up of nature and the urban environment. It is itself the space that surrounds us, where we live and that directly affects our lives just as our actions have a direct impact on it. To talk about the environment, it is necessary to take into account that everything that surrounds us and even what is not we can see and that it is miles away, it maintains a symbiotic relationship with us." Pollution of the environment, a path to our destruction.

Now you know how to make an introduction and you have seen some examples. If you are interested in continuing to learn about this topic or something similar, do not hesitate to take a look at the writing section.

In addition to the introduction, another part of a work is the conclusion. In unProfesor we tell you how to make a conclusion step by step so that you know the most suitable method; as well as the annexesalso essential.

How to make an introduction - with examples - Introduction examples

If you want to read more articles similar to How to make an introduction - with examples, we recommend that you enter our category of Study techniques.


  • Cruz-Cruz, E. m. (2021). Reflections on how to write the introduction of a scientific research article. Electronic Magazine Dr. Zoilo E. Marinello Vidaurreta, 46(3).
  • Armus, D., & Rinke, S. (2014). Introduction. Introduction, 9-12.
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