Education, study and knowledge

The 10 best Mindfulness Courses in Mexico

The D'Arte Human & Business School center makes the Expert Course in Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness available to its students, one of the most recommended in this field of training.

The course lasts 450 hours of training, in which each participant will learn the basic principles both theoretically and practice of Mindfulness, you will have access to an individualized mentor to resolve doubts and you will be able to carry out all kinds of practical exercises of great utility.

Some of the most important contents of the course are the fundamentals of emotional regulation, the detection of one's own and others' emotions, and the main utilities of Mindfulness.

The team of professionals at the Gurumind center, led by Lidia Dols, offer this Mental Mastery and Mindfulness course for anyone who wants to use the daily practice of Mindfulness to overcome their cases of anxiety, stress, low self-esteem, confidence or personal control deficits.

The course lasts 8 hours, consists of theoretical-practical content and can be done in 4 training modalities: Face-to-face, Online, Capsule or Fully customized individualized.

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In addition to that, Gurumind therapists offer their participants a personalized follow-up through PWA, as well such as content adapted to the needs of each user and continuous and personalized feedback on their Telegram channel.

The Happiens center offers the course "Mindfulness, emotions and relationships". He is specialized in the relationships between the practice of Mindfulness and its link with emotions and relationship skills.

The course consists of 4 main topics that are taught by various renowned professionals in the field of Mindfulness and Personal Growth, whose contents are worked from explanatory videos, readings, practices and podcast.

The duration of the course is 5 hours and some of its most notable contents are positive emotional and increased social relationship skills.

The Learn Mindfulness Mindfulness Course It is offered online and is taught by a professional with more than 20 years of practice in the Mindfulness instruction and training with the world's leading experts at various universities in renown.

The main benefits offered by this Learn Mindfulness course are stress reduction, improved management of emotions, greater effectiveness at work, an increase in daily happiness and a strengthening of the system immunological.

The course consists of 16 hours of training carried out during 2 days of intensive training, it offers all kinds of resources to deepen the practice of Mindfulness and free access for one month to all the online content of the app of the center.

The team of professionals at the Mindful Academy center offer the online course "Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program", based on the classic MBSR program created by Professor Jon Kabat-Zinn of the University of Massachusetts (USA).

This course teaches each participant to live in the present, focus attention and become aware of oneself, with the objective of overcoming states of anxiety or stress, as well as discomfort, anguish, low self-esteem or relationship difficulties Social.

In addition to that, with the MBSR-based course we will also learn the main emotional management tools to be owners. of our emotions at all times and to learn to respond to stimuli in our environment, instead of reacting to they.

The Course in Mindfulness of Cocreate It is taught by the therapist Deva Ashik, a professional with more than 15 years of experience who has worked with therapy, meditation and consciousness development groups in Mexico, Spain and the India.

The Cocrear course is based on the scientifically found benefits offered by the daily practice of Mindfulness and some of its main objectives are the deactivation of states of stress or anxiety, awareness of one's being and one's own thoughts, reduction of pain and improvement of relationships interpersonal.

The Buddhist Center of Mexico City offers its students a wide variety of training courses and workshops in the field of Mindfulness and classical Buddhist meditation.

This systematic Mindfulness and Meditation course is offered online for any participant who wants to improve their quality of life. applying the practice of Mindfulness in their daily life with the aim of reducing levels of anxiety, stress, chronic pain or developing attention.

The Agoralucis center offers the Mindfulness for Stress Course in the face-to-face modality in CDMX for all those participants who want to train in the practice of it through the MBSR program.

The course takes place over 2 weekends and lasts 28 hours. Throughout each of the 2 sessions, each student will learn the main practical foundations of Mindfulness with which you can better manage your emotions, become aware of your being and improve various aspects of your life daily.

The Advanced Course in Mindfulness at the University of Deusto aims to promote personal and professional growth through the application of Mindfulness, and integrate into the practice of each professional key skills such as Cognitive Therapy Based on the Mindfulness.

This course is a double degree and with its completion, each participant will receive a Diploma from Deusto Salud and a University Diploma from the Catholic University of Murcia.

This degree from the Miguel de Cervantes European University It is a 200-hour online course that consists of 8 ECTS credits and allows the possibility of accessing important discount offers.

The course is offered from a scientific perspective and is carried out in paper format, with the contents sent by the center itself. Its minimum completion time is 3 weeks and the maximum is 6 months.

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