Education, study and knowledge

The 10 best Mindfulness Courses in Peru

The D'Arte Human Business School center offers the Expert Course in Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness. It consists of 450 hours of training in which each student will combine theoretical study on their own with attendance at guided sessions and also carrying out very useful practices.

Each participant will be able to count on an individualized mentor during the course and some of the main contents that will be work in the course are the uses of Mindfulness, the foundations of emotional regulation and the detection of one's own affective states or alien.

The Mental Mastery and Mindfulness course organized by Lidia Dols, at the head of Gurumind, aims to teach its participants the main tools and exercises to overcome their states of stress or anxiety, vital anguish, confidence difficulties or mastery deficits personal.

The duration of this course is 8 hours, it consists of theoretical-practical contents and can be done in 4 Different modalities depending on the student's preferences: Face-to-face, Online, Capsule or A measure.

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Gurumind therapists also offer their users personalized follow-up through PWA, content adapted at all times to your needs and also exercises and continuous feedback via Telegram.

The team of professionals from the Happiens training center offer the course "Mindfulness, emotions and relationships" for all those people who want to learn and put into practice in their daily lives the power of Mindfulness to improve emotionally and relationally.

The course consists of 4 important well-differentiated topics taught by 4 psychology professionals, the personal growth and mindfulness, whose explanations are accompanied by videos, readings, practices and podcast.

The online course offered by the Mindfulme center is based on the classic MBSR program of 8 sessions implemented by the prestigious professor Jon Kabat-Zinn of the University of Massachusetts.

This course is offered through online sessions by ZOOM to people with any level of specialization, its start date is February 14, 2022 and its end date is April 4, 2022.

With this course each student will learn the essential techniques and exercises in the practice of Mindfulness, with the which can reduce their cases of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem or interpersonal relationship difficulties.

The Awakening Center for Psychology, Mindfulness and Dharma offers its clients a series of online Mindfulness courses for anyone who wants to learn the main techniques of this relaxation and mindfulness modality so widely used today around the world.

Some of the courses offered by this prestigious center are taught by authentic expert teachers in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, being some of the most important courses: Transform your mind, Awaken your Heart; Lo Jong. Mental Training in Seven Points; Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Compassion-Based Resilience Training (CBRT).

The Universidad Científica del Sur makes this face-to-face course on Mindfulness for Stress Management available to its students, especially aimed at executives, businessmen and workers of all kinds who present cases of stress in their day to day.

The duration of the course is 16 hours divided into 4 sessions in which the elements essential elements of the practice of Mindfulness (Awareness and Communication, Breathing, Meditation and Movement).

This course takes place in the district of Miraflores, and with it any participant will be able to use the technique of Mindfulness in your daily life both inside the office and outside, and with the aim of reducing your levels of stress.

This Mindfulness Online Course from Lecciona It is aimed at all those people who wish to learn the practice of Mindfulness and frequently use the different exercises of the same to reduce their levels of anxiety, stress and to improve the management of their problems diaries.

The Lecciona course focuses on the main benefits of Mindfulness and its contents are divided into 5 topics of great importance (Mindfulness; difference between meditating and Mindfulness; elements involved; psychological factors and implementation of Mindfulness programs)

The course consists of 25 hours of work, 3 months duration, permanent access 24 hours a day to the content of the platform and offers a certificate to each of the participants who pass it with success.

This online Mindfulness course for educators offered by Innova Teaching School It is aimed at teachers, psychologists and directors of basic or higher education who wish to incorporate the professional practice of Mindfulness to improve both personally and at work.

This course consists of 50 hours of work, is offered online and some of its main contents are the power of present, the value of the body, empathic communication, the game as a metaphor and the dynamics and exercises of Mindfulness in the College.

Some of the benefits of the practice of Mindfulness in the educational field are an improvement in attention and creativity, improved communication and empathy in the class, increased camaraderie and improved management of stress.

This Deusto Salud Advanced Mindfulness Course It consists of 200 hours, has an equivalence of 8 ECTS credits and with it each student will learn the key skills in the application of Mindfulness, as well as the application of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in its practice professional.

This course offers its participants a double degree, consisting of a Diploma from Deusto Salud and another University Diploma from the Catholic University of Murcia.

This Mindfulness Online Course from La Casa Ambar It is taught by the prestigious Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence Instructor Jordi Ferrer, a professional with more than 20 years of experience in the field of meditation and Mindfulness.

The date of this online course is February 8, 2022 and in it you will be able to learn the main bases of management and Mindfulness to achieve a state of emotional balance and overcome your problems of anxiety, depression or stress.

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