Education, study and knowledge

The 9 best Educational Psychologists in Ciudad Real

the psychologist Esther Ponce She graduated in Psychology from the UNED, she is a specialist in Gestalt Humanist Art Therapy and throughout With more than 18 years of career, she has created a method of Educational Psychology that is completely her own and effective proven.

Esther offers her services online and in her sessions she serves children, adolescents and adults who may present emotional or relational difficulties, behavioral problems, deficits in coping skills, or mood disorders developing.

The Educational and Health Psychologist Ivan Planaguma She has more than 10 years of professional experience behind her and currently she attends online to children, adolescents, adults and also couples who request her intervention.

Iván applies in his sessions the cognitive-behavioral approach and some of his main specialties of intervention are cases of anxiety, family conflicts, low self-esteem, school difficulties and ADHD.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from the University of Valencia and has a Training Course in Psychological First Aid from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

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the psychologist Romina Paola Giarrusso She has a degree in Psychology from the Argentine Catholic University, she has a Sanitary Master's Degree in Psychology Clinical Practice and has two Training Courses in Personality Disorders and in Personality Disorders. Childhood.

This professional has been serving children, adolescents and also adults online for more than 10 years. may have learning disabilities, cases of ADHD, anxiety, emotional difficulties, low self-esteem or insomnia.

The Psicode Institute of Psychology He has been successfully serving children, adolescents, adults, seniors and even couples who may be going through a period of discomfort for more than 15 years.

The intervention of the center is offered online and is based on the joint application of various therapies of proven efficacy, such as EMDR Therapy, the cognitive-behavioral approach or the Mindfulness.

In the Psicode center you will find the most suitable educational psychologist to attend all kinds of online of alterations, especially cases of anxiety, obsessions, addictions and difficulties emotional.

the psychology center Advance Psychologists It opened its doors in the year 2000 and for more than 2 decades it has served people of all ages, as well as families and couples, through the online therapy modality.

The team of professionals at this center is specialized in applying the best therapies of proven efficacy adapted at all times to the needs of each client, among which Mindfulness and Cognitive-behavioral Therapy stand out.

Some of the center's specialties are cases of anxiety, school difficulties, low self-esteem, behavioral problems, depression or phobias.

The Health Psychologist Sonia Galarza Valles She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Valencia, has a Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology and also has She has Masters in Clinical Sexology, in Integrative Gestalt Psychotherapy and in Cognitive Neuroscience and Educational Needs. Specific.

Her intervention is offered online, in whose sessions she attends to children, adolescents, adults, the elderly, couples and also families who may present difficulties in their mental health.

Sonia is a specialist in applying the cognitive-behavioral approach together with other effective therapies, with which she treats the school difficulties, family conflicts, anxiety, depression, family conflicts and cases of disability intellectual.

The Chartered Psychologist and Certified Coach Anne Elizabeth King She applies her own intervention methodology specialized in vocational, academic, professional orientation, and in Educational Psychology in her online sessions.

Some of her main specialties are cases of test anxiety, poor performance academic, school failure or dropout, school difficulties and training in study techniques.

Ana Isabel Rey graduated in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid, has a Master's degree in Orientation and Labor Intermediation with Groups at Risk of Exclusion and has a Certification in Coaching by Values.

the psychologist king pigeon She graduated in Psychology from the Catholic University of Valencia, has a Master's degree in Psychology General Sanitary and also has a Master's Degree in Comprehensive Care for People with Disabilities Intellectual.

His intervention is offered online to people of all ages and some of his specialties are the difficulties of learning, ADHD, emotional dependency, low self-esteem, stress, grief processes, and deficits in coping skills. coping

The General Health Psychologist Juan Carlos Fernandez Molera He is a Graduate in Psychology, has a Certificate in Family, Civil and Commercial Mediation and is an expert in Eating Disorders.

Some of his intervention specialties are the management of test anxiety, cases of depression, professional burnout syndrome, stress and grieving processes.

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