Education, study and knowledge

Training Psychologist (Madrid)

The Psicode Institute of Psychology is a reference center in Psychology in Spain. Since 2006, there have been more than 5,000 patients treated and many interns have been trained by Psicode's team of psychologists. Psicode has three centers in Spain, specifically in Madrid, Alicante and Valladolid, although much of its work is now carried out online, both in patient care and in training psychologists who want to learn how to practically apply their knowledge. The Psicode team also provides training through the Official College of Psychology of Madrid, to through congresses and masterclasses in different universities and also online to psychologists from all over the world. world. The format of the training consists of short, fundamentally practical courses and different masterclasses on specific topics in which the student learns techniques and skills to work with their patients in query. All trainings are based on practical cases. The student also learns to solve problems and difficulties that arise in the consultation and learns to achieve therapeutic changes in their patients.

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The Masterclasses capture real clinical practice with patients who come to the Psicode Institute, which is what the student wants to learn. For example, sometimes we know that the perfectionism of some patients undermines their goals. We know that they have to stop being perfectionists, but HOW to put it into practice and HOW to get the patient to change that is the difficult part, which does not usually appear in intervention manuals.

Obviously, the practical cases are always treated anonymously and modifying aspects to guarantee absolute confidentiality. The ultimate goal of training in Psicode is for the student to acquire more security in their psychotherapies, the day they encounter obstacles in therapy. The student actively participates and can solve her doubts, for this reason places are limited. If you are interested in attending a Masterclass, access our website, select the topic that interests you the most and the dates that suit your schedule.

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