The 7 best Psychologists experts in ADHD in Irun
the psychologist Eli Fisas She is a specialist in Systemic Family Psychotherapy and in her consultation she attends both online and online. in person to people of all ages, as well as couples and families who can request it.
This professional is a specialist in applying the best therapies and techniques of proven efficacy adapted to the needs of each client, among which Mindfulness or Neurofeedback stand out.
In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in dealing with cases of ADHD, anxiety, depression, family conflicts, school difficulties, stress and conflicts relatives.
the psychologist Nuria Minteguia She has more than 20 years of experience successfully treating ADHD cases in children and adolescents of all ages.
This professional is part of the team of professionals at the Miguel Ángel Psychotherapy Center, one of the prestigious in the Basque Country and from where she offers her psychology services through the modality on-line.
Nuria Mintegía has a Sanitary Master's Degree in Child and Adolescent Psychology from the AEPCCC and in her consultation she also attends learning difficulties, school deficits, developmental disorders and problems of behaviour.
Clinical and Forensic Psychologist Idoia Castro She has more than 20 years of professional experience behind her and currently she attends children, adolescents, adults and couples online.
Her intervention integrates the cognitive-behavioral approach together with Mindfulness and other effective orientations, with the She deals with cases of ADHD, learning disorders, anxiety, depression or spectrum disorders autistic.
Idoia Castro has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Deusto, a Master's in Legal Psychology and Forensic, a Master in Mental Health and Therapeutic Techniques and a Brief Psychotherapy Training Course Cognitive-Analytics.
The Health Psychologist Amaia Amalur Ruiz Las Heras She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Deusto, she has a Master's Degree in Psychological Intervention and She received Mental Health from the UDIMA and she also has an Expert Training Course in Eating Disorders.
Her services are offered online to people of all ages who can file cases of ADHD, school difficulties, anxiety, depression, learning disorders, low self-esteem or stress.
This professional has more than 8 years of professional experience and throughout her career she has specialized in applying Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, one of the most used by professionals in everyone.
The General Health Psychologist Marisa Parcerisa She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, she has a Master's Degree in Clinical Practice in Psychotherapy from Mensalus, she has an EMDR Therapist Diploma and has a Master's Degree in Intervention in Learning Disabilities from ISEP.
His intervention is also offered online to children, adolescents or adults who may have cases of ADHD, as well as anxiety, depression, OCD, eating disorders, stress or trauma.
The Clinical Psychologist Santiago Luque Dalmau attends online cases of ADHD in people of all ages, as well as in the family and couple.
This professional has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the UAB, has a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology from ISEP and is a specialist in applying Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness.
the psychologist Nuria Fernandez de Marticorena She has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Deusto, has a Master's degree in Health Psychology, is an expert in EMDR Therapy and also in Child and Adolescent Systemic Therapy.
His intervention is offered online to children and adolescents with cases of ADHD, behavioral disorders, low self-esteem, relationship difficulties or social skills disorders.