Education, study and knowledge

The 9 best expert psychologists in grief in Albacete

the psychologist Marisol Quinonez She has a degree in Psychology from the UNED, she has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology from the VIU, another University Master's Degree in Third Generation Psychological Therapies and also has a Master's Degree in Intervention Counseling in Grief, Loss and Trauma.

His intervention is offered both online and in person at his office in Albacete, where he receives to adolescents, adults, the elderly and also couples who may be going through a period of grief.

This professional is a specialist in providing a psychological care service based on the joint application of best therapies with proven efficacy, among which Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, EMDR Therapy and Mindfulness.

The psychologist Gabriel Quintanilla has more than 20 years of professional experience and currently offers his services both as online as well as in person to adults and also couples who may be going through a period of discomfort.

His intervention is based on the cognitive-behavioral approach and Mindfulness, orientations with which she treats addictions, cases of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, stress and disorders cognitive.

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This professional has a degree in Psychology from the UNED and has a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology and Health, in Personal Development and Mindfulness, and also in Dependency and Management of Social Services.

the psychologist Laura Garcia Navalon she graduated in Psychology from the UNED, she has a Master's degree in Third Generation Psychological Therapies and he has Training Courses in Positive Discipline, Perinatal Mental Health and Couples Therapy.

This professional offers her services in person and also by video call in whose sessions she attends to children, adolescents and also adults, all through the application of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy together with Third Party Therapy Generation.

Some of her main specialties are grieving processes, anxiety, depression, family conflicts, low self-esteem, stress or infertility cases.

The psychologist Ivan Planaguma He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Valencia and has a Training Course in Psychological First Aid from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

This professional has more than 10 years of experience behind him and currently attends to both online as well as by video call to people of any age who request their services and also to couples.

Her intervention is based on Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, one of the most used by professionals around the world and with which addresses divorce proceedings, family conflicts, anxiety, ADHD, school difficulties and drug addiction video game.

the psychologist Jennifer Arfeli attends both online and in person to adults and couples who may go through processes of grief, couple breakups, cases of anxiety, depression, codependency, insomnia or conflicts relatives.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from the University of Valencia and has two Training Courses in Emotional Dependence and Traumatic Rupture.

The center Serena Online Psychology has a team of professionals specialized in telematically assisting women who may be going through a grieving process in their lives.

The intervention of this center is offered both individually and as a couple and is based on the application of best therapies of proven efficacy, among which Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and Family Therapy and Partner.

For more than 20 years, the clinic Advance Psychologists stands out as one of the most prestigious in our country in the field of online therapy aimed at people of all ages, families or couples.

The intervention of the center is based on Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and some of its main specialties are the processes of mourning, family or couple crises, low self-esteem, divorce processes and problems derived from maternity.

The psychologist Amin El Imami He has a degree in Psychology from the Complutense University, has a Master's degree in General Health Psychology and also has a Master's Degree in High Training in Brief Strategic Therapy.

His intervention offers both online and face-to-face and in his sessions he attends to children, adults, couples or families that may present grieving processes, cases of anxiety, depression, phobias, low self-esteem or crisis of relationship.

the psychologist Maria Jose Martinez Charcos She has a degree in Psychology from the UNED, has a Master's degree in Clinical Neuropsychology and has training in Humanistic Therapies and Coaching.

His intervention is offered both online and by video call and in his sessions attends the grieving processes in children over 7 years old, adolescents, adults, couples and also families.

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