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20 myths about animals (that are false)

Sometimes we humans forget that we share the planet Earth with other living beings. The study of the animal world reveals surprising characteristics. There are many species of animals, with different traits and capabilities that make each one unique. It has even been observed that when comparing two animals of the same species, they can show different characteristics.

If that there are beliefs that, as happens in other areas, are far from reality and either they don't happen or the information is not completely true. If you want to discover new curiosities about animals and you want to know the truth of some of the popular myths that are linked to them, you cannot miss this article.

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Beliefs that are not true about animals

The animal world causes great interest as they show some behaviors similar to humans, but at the same time they have characteristics that are very different from us. There are many beliefs that revolve around these living beings. Here we disprove some of the most frequent myths giving you a scientific explanation.

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1. Camels store water in their humps.

It is a popular belief that camels retain water in their humps and for this reason they resist the high temperatures of the desert, but this belief is false. Contrary to what is thought what they store in the hump is fat and this is what allows them to regulate the water and energy they have and thus survive the extreme weather conditions of the deserts.


2. Mice's favorite food is cheese.

It is usual that in movies cheese is mentioned as the mouse's favorite food, but it is totally wrong, the Although mice can eat practically anything, they prefer other foods, especially those with a sweeter taste, such as fruit.

3. Dogs see in black and white

The popular belief that dogs see in black and white is completely false. It has been proven, using for example operant conditioning techniques where the dog must distinguish between two plates of different colors in order to receive food, that are able to see gray, yellow, and various types of blue. Thus, they are capable of perceiving some colors and use this ability to distinguish between different elements.

4. All cats always land on their feet

Yes, it is true that cats, thanks to the greater development of a structure that they have in the ear that, in the same way that happens in humans, it is where the sense of balance is found, they enjoy more stability and balance and are able to fall from foot.

But to say that everyone does it equally well or can do it all the time is not totally true since each cat is different and there will be some that show more difficulty. Likewise, each situation will be different, they will not always manage to land on their feet.

5. One year of dog life is equal to seven years of human life

It is true that 1 dog year is equivalent to more human years, but affirming that this equivalence is 1 vs. 7 is inaccurate, given that progress, physiological changes, show a different rhythm throughout life, that is, the proportion will vary if we make the comparison when they are smaller compared to when they are already greater.

In the same way, race will also influence, since each breed of dog shows different progressFor example, it is known that small dogs live longer than larger ones. It is estimated that approximately the first year of life in dogs is comparable to 15 years in humans.


6. Before the red color the bulls become aggressive

It is a myth to think that bulls get angry when they see the color red. Unlike the popular belief that bulls become more aggressive when faced with the color red, science has proven that these animals cannot distinguish this color. What really angers the bull is the bullfighter's movement and, of course, feeling attacked, not the color of his cape.

7. Fish have a very short memory

The expression "having a fish memory" to refer to having little ability to remember is not true, since contrary to belief that fish only have a capacity to remember 3 seconds, it has been proven that their memory is superior, equaling others animals. They are capable of generating long-term memory, days, months or sometimes years.

8. Ostriches hide their heads when they feel threatened.

This belief is false, ostriches are very fast animals with very strong claws to deal with any predator. Therefore, it is not real that the strategy used to defend himself is to hide his head.

This sensation that they put their heads into the ground is due to the perspective from where you look at them, since they do carry out behaviors that can give the sensation that they are hiding. For example, this type of bird deposits the eggs of its young in a small nest on the ground and repositions them to make sure they are okay. On the other hand, they look for food on the ground and eat it while standing.

9. Sharks can't get cancer

This belief is false, like any other animal they can get sick and have cancer. This myth arose with the publication of a book, without scientific basis, which stated that the cartilage of sharks could serve as a treatment for cancer, although at no time did he point out that sharks could not have Cancer. Yes, there have been cases of sharks with malignant tumors.

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10. The chameleon changes color to camouflage

The chameleon does not change color for the purpose of camouflage, but this change is due to the change in temperature or its mood. It is true that it changes color when it feels threatened, but it does not do so voluntarily or with the aim of going unnoticed.


11. Bears sleep through the winter

Bears do hibernate during the winter, but unlike other animals that do, do not enter a state of unconsciousness. They can notice the changes that occur in the environment, being able to rise to attack if they feel threatened.

12. Elephants drink through their trunks.

It is false that elephants drink through their trunks. These animals use their trunk for multiple actions such as taking food, breathing, communicating or suck water, but where they actually drink is through their mouths, just as other animals.

13. Owls can turn their heads 360 degrees.

It is not true that owls can turn their necks all the way around. No animal has been observed that can turn its head 360º, it has been observed that some owls like the real one they can rotate it up to 270º thus acquiring the ability to see their entire environment without moving from the site.

14. All bees die when they sting

It is not a 100% true belief since not all bees die when they sting, for example bumblebees do not die when they sting instead honey bees, a species known by the name of melliferous, do, since when they sting they detach from the stinger and part of the intestine.

15. If you touch a toad you can get warts

This belief is false as warts are caused by the human papillomavirus which is only transmitted between humans. The bumps on toads, which may resemble warts, are actually glands that store poison. In this way, what contact with a toad can cause us is skin irritation.


16. bats are blind

It is not correct to think that bats are blind since, contrary to what most people believe, bats can see, although they do it worse than other animals and they do use their vision to avoid colliding when they fly It has been observed that some species of bats can even perceive color.

17. Giraffes only sleep 30 minutes a day

It is false that giraffes only need to sleep 30 minutes a day. It is true that they sleep little, compared to humans, for example, but They usually sleep between 2 to 4 hours a day, although they do not do it continuously but at intervals of 10 to 15 minutes. The belief that it is real is that they do it standing up.

18. If you touch a baby bird, the mother abandons it.

It is not true that birds abandon their young if we touch them, since their sense of smell is atrophied, causing them not to perceive a different odor in the offspring. The way it has to identify them is through sounds or the type of plumage.

19. The flamingos stands on one leg in the water so as not to catch cold

Flamingos stand on one leg not because they are cold but because this position is more comfortable for them and allows them to spend less energy and have better balance.

20. Piranhas are very aggressive

It is false that piranhas are a very aggressive species. Yes, they usually meet in a group but not to attack, but to defend themselves against possible predators. That is, they do not attack for pleasure or premeditated.

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