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Gambling at work: a waste of time or a competitive advantage?

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In a society where productivity and efficiency prevail, it seems like sheer nonsense to reserve a moment to play and indulge in serious play. It is common for companies to respond with "We don't have time for games".

Meanwhile, companies do not spend time to unite and improve the relationship between the members of their teams; sometimes they do activities team building punctual and hope that this will solve the problem. And the projects take forever or do not go as smoothly as thought, so that costs increase, which implies losses for the company.

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The role of play in the context of work

How many times have you thought that if the team could work better together, it would be of great benefit to all its members? A lot of money is spent on sales and skills development courses and the aim is for people to be more proactive and for teams to manage themselves, but for this it is necessary to help them to get to know each other, to support each other, to become a team, using various coaching and accompaniment techniques.

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Play in the work context

What can we do to create a winning team? To answer this question, we can listen to Plato, who said: "You know more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation." And this, for your information, was mentioned in the year 400 BC. c. The answer to improve our companies lies in the game, but a game with meaning, a serious game. And now in the 21st century, with all the good communication that technology provides us, we have disconnected from the people closest to us, it is hard for us to talk face to face.

To begin with, I will tell you that Lego Serious Play meetings are designed and facilitated specifically for those who attend them; it is a tailor-made suit for your team in order to obtain better results. Of course, the person who facilitates these meetings cannot assure you of the specific result of it, since this depends on the characteristics, knowledge and skills of each team.

A Lego Serious Play meeting has as its main characteristics the fact that all players participate with the same level of 100% commitment in the meeting, and that go through several phases with the same structure:

  • The facilitator asks a question.

  • All the people respond, creating a model with Lego pieces.

  • Everyone explains their model, everyone listens to each participant.

  • Everyone reflects on what happened.

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Why is this activity necessary for your team?

Because communication is the foundation of any relationship, and when we work with projective communication (that is, when using images, Lego pieces, dolls...) and when using different materials that allow us to make metaphors, a much deeper subconscious level of communication is reached than in direct communication from you to your.

Also, when we work with LSP a non-aggressive communication is made, since at no time is the creator of the model questioned, the model itself is questioned, which allows a much deeper understanding of the creator's points of view.

The first thing that is achieved when using this methodology is to listen to all the voices, and in this way cohesion begins to be created, by working together to reach different agreements; we are getting to know our colleagues, something that often does not happen due to day-to-day tasks and functions. We are not wasting time, we are working with a clearly defined purpose and at much deeper levels of consciousness than when we simply use words. For this reason, it is known as the serious game.

Have you ever played with a child as an adult? If you have not concentrated on the game, if you have been aware of your phone, if you have not paid attention required, he will have blurted out something like: "Be careful, play seriously", because even being a child's thing, playing is something serious. As Plato said.

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What are the benefits of these meetings?

Meetings with facilitators allow us to resolve conflicts on the spot, because conflicts must not be avoided, they must be faced, since their resolution is of the type Whatever the conflict is, it will allow us to grow as a team both personally and professional.

In short, conflict management serves to create stronger teams. When people learn to resolve their own conflicts, that's the beginning of high-performing, self-managed teams.

Working while playing allows us to streamline decision-making, consider all the factors that affect the system and even those that we did not think would affect the system.

Listening to everyone has the consequence that people commit to decisions by consensus, so the agreed actions are fulfilled 95% of the time. Improving processes and eliminating inaction.

Companies that know that teamwork is essential are able to put people at the center. They know that the secret of results depends on the quality of the relationships between their collaborators and of their happiness, since this will produce better results for each of its components. and they know that they need the talent and skills of each one of them so that their teams give their optimal performance.

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In conclusion...

Without a doubt, investing time in playing is not wasting time, it is gaining in efficiency, coherence and agility. It is saving time, it is saving costs, investing in happiness, it is promoting the creation of better results with a greater commitment on the part of all team members. Having a committed team is having a team with a greater sense of belonging, it is working for the common goal, not just for the individual ego of each one.

In karismatia we are specialists in improving teams and we make sure that each person contributes the best of themselves for the good of the team, getting better teams, we accompany in punctual workshops or in follow-up continuous. We use our own CORS cohesion, objective, results and follow-up method, integrating various techniques and methodologies to ensure that people be more aware of their strengths and how much they can contribute to their colleagues so that they can give their best, for the common good and the business.

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