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The 18 best Psychologists in San Antonio (Texas)

The Psychologist and Professional Counselor enhamed enhamed He graduated in Psychology from the European University of Madrid, has a Master's Degree in Internet Business, a Master's Degree in Specialist in Coaching and Personal Development and two Training Courses in High Performance Coaching and in Mindfulness and Meditation Therapy.

His intervention is offered online to adolescents, adults and also couples who may present family conflicts, marital crisis, low self-esteem, school difficulties, divorce proceedings or anxiety.

Enhamed Enhamed works from the cognitive-behavioral approach, a counselor of proven effectiveness that integrates along with other equally effective therapies such as Mindfulness or Acceptance Therapy and Commitment.

The psychologist Augustine de Brito He has been providing a totally individualized psychological care service for adolescents, adults, the elderly and couples for more than 18 years.

Currently his intervention is offered by video call and in his sessions he attends to cases of anxiety, depression, marital crises, addictions, divorce processes and codependency.

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Agustín de Brito has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires, he has a Training Course in Therapy He is cognitive-behavioral and has Masters in Systemic Family Therapy, Specialist in Addictions and Specialist in Anxiety disorders.

the psychologist Maria Sol Stagnitto She specializes in anxiety and emotion management problems, and offers her services to adults of all ages through online video calling.

Graduated in Psychology from the National University of Rosario, this therapist has a Graduate as Psychodramatist from the Mariano Moreno Institute and with a Postgraduate Degree in Cognitive Therapy from the Center height

Her intervention is based on Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, integrated with Mindfulness and Brief Therapy, tools with which she approaches emotional and relational problems, low self-esteem, anxiety disorders, insomnia and work stress problems, among others.

the psychologist Melissa Santamaria she has a Bachelor's degree in Clinical Psychology from Atlantic International University, she has a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology her and Psychotherapy from the same university and she also has a specialization in anxiety treatments and stress.

Throughout her career, this professional has specialized in serving children, adolescents, adults of all ages, as well as couples or families who may be going through a bad time. Currently, her services are offered online with all the possible comforts for the consultant.

In addition to that, her intervention is based on the integration of various therapies of proven efficacy adapted to the specific needs of each client, with whom she successfully treats cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, stress, addictions and personality disorders. personality.

Clinical and Forensic Psychologist Maria de Jesus Gutierrez She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Norte, she has a Postgraduate degree in Clinical Psychology from the same university, She has a Specialty in Legal and Forensic Psychology and she also has Diplomas in Medical Sexology and Disorders of the Developing.

This professional has more than 10 years of experience and is a specialist in caring for children and adolescents of all ages, to adults and also to couples who are going through a bad time, through a type of therapy on-line.

Some of her most notable intervention specialties are autism spectrum disorders, anxiety cases and depression, ADHD, relationship problems, sexual difficulties, drug addiction, codependency and the processes of divorce.

The Clinical Psychologist and Psychodramatist Alexandra Ruffa She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires and has a Psychodramatist Training Course from CAPP.

Throughout more than 25 years of career, this therapist has worked in various hospital mental health institutions and currently offers its services online to adolescents, adults, seniors, couples, families and groups.

In your office you will find a highly qualified therapist to deal with couple crises, relationship difficulties, traumas, infidelities, divorce cases or addictions.

the psychologist Melissa Mirabet She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Belgrano, she has a University Postgraduate Degree in Psychopathology and Cognitive Psychotherapy and also has two Training Courses in Mindfulness and Psychopharmacology in Psychology Clinic.

This professional is director and psychotherapist of the SEPSIAT center, where she attends through the modality online to adults individually, to couples and also to families who may be going through a bad moment.

His intervention is based on Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, of great proven efficacy and with which he attends the cases of anxiety and depression, relational problems, low self-esteem, behavioral problems and stress.

The Clinical Psychologist Diego Tzoymaher He has specialized throughout his more than 17-year career in serving people of all ages, that is, children, adolescents, adults, older adults and also couples.

Currently, her services are offered online and are based on Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, an orientation with which she attends in the best way Possible cases of anxiety and depression, internet addiction, relational problems, impulsivity, stress and anger management deficits.

Diego Tzoymaher has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires and has postgraduate degrees in Cognitive Neuropsychology, Specialization in Anxiety Disorders and Scientific Journalism.

Lizbet K. Garcia-Bravo received a bachelor's degree in clinical psychology more than 10 years ago from the University of Texas at Austin, and she specializes in psychotherapy for adults and seniors (over 65 years of age). age).

This psychologist can help adults who are in marital problems due to codependency, jealousy, emotional disorders such as anxiety, depression and high-stress situations.

Another of the most outstanding psychologists that we can find in San Antonio is Michelle Ruiz, since she is an expert in one of the therapies most endorsed by the scientific community, cognitive behavioral therapy.

This professional graduated in Psychology from the University of Texas and is an expert in therapy for disorders bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and helping people who are under a lot of pressure in their environments labor.

Susie Chavarria-Torres He has a degree in Clinical Psychology from Our Lady of the Lake University in Texas, and his sessions cost an average of $90.

This psychologist also has a certificate as a family therapist, so she can help families who are in conflict situations due to excessively aggressive communication, drug addiction disorders and behavior problems. self-esteem.

Cristina Valencia Serrano She has a degree in clinical psychology from Texas A & M University since 1995, so she already has almost 25 years of experience.

This psychologist can help people of all ages, from 6-year-olds to the elderly and their therapeutic approach part of cognitive behavioral therapy combined with third party therapies generation. This psychologist is a specialist in helping people with anxiety disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and assisting children with intellectual disabilities.

Gaspar Rivera He has a BA in Psychology from Webster University and an MA in Clinical Psychology from the same institution.

This psychologist can help patients of all ages and in addition to offering psychotherapy for psychological disorders and problems mental health, she also offers coaching services focused on helping people who are facing challenges and want to have that extra psychological.

If you find yourself overwhelmed by depressive and anxiety disorders, Rosalva Rodriguez It may be one of the best options you can count on in San Antonio.

This psychologist graduated in Psychology from the University of Texas Pan American in 2008 and part of it in her sessions of an eclectic therapy, thus combining the cognitive behavioral cut, the brief therapy solution-focused and third-generation therapies. The average cost per session of this psychologist is 75 dollars.

To the north of San Antonio, in Shavano Park, we can find another of the most outstanding psychologists in this city.

Tina Sustaeta She graduated 15 years ago in Clinical Psychology from Texas A & M Corpus Christi University and specializes in family and group therapy.

This professional has extensive experience when it comes to helping groups and families such as married couples and de facto couples that she are in moments of crisis or on the verge of divorce due to behavioral disorders, situations of depression or conflicts due to jealousy and infidelities.

Near the Christus Santa Rosa Hospital is the consultation of Anna Rivera, one of the psychologists with the most multicultural experience that we can find in San Antonio.

Ana Rivera graduated from Webster University in 2013 and her average price per session is $100.

This psychologist in her sessions practices a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy with brief systemic therapy and is an expert in treating cases of codependency in relationships and marriages, behavioral disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and irrational fears or phobias.

In Greater Harmony Hills we can find another of the most outstanding psychologists in the city, Alexander Fernando Montero.

She has a degree in Clinical Psychology from St. Mary's University and can help people of all ages, as well as having experience assisting members of the LGBT community.

This psychologist incorporates Mindfulness techniques in his psychotherapy sessions for behavior disorders. anxiety and depression as these help reduce stress and achieve a greater ability to manage emotions.

Between Hollywood Park and Kentwood Manor we can find the office of Maria L Marcon.

This psychologist graduated in Clinical Psychology from Our Lady of the Lake University in 2013 and also has an official certificate in coaching and self-improvement psychology.

This professional can help people from 14 years of age and is specialized in cases of violence and domestic abuse, depressive disorders and spirituality. In addition, she can also psychologically help women who find the pregnancy and postpartum phase difficult on an emotional level.

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I am Guillermo Manrique López, a psychologist graduated from the Santo Tomás University in Bogotá...

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I am a clinical psychologist with experience caring for adolescent patients, adults, couples and ...

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Psychologist Mariana Téllez Silva

Graduate in Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology of the National Autonomous University of Me...

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