How to sleep better if I have depression?
Depression is a psychopathology with a great capacity to negatively affect the person who suffers from it, both through psychological alterations and through the physical wear and tear it produces. And it is that in addition to facilitating the appearance of unhealthy habits, and making it difficult to fall asleep, something that generates a domino effect triggering other alterations in all kinds of organs of the body (including the brain).
Therefore, in this article I will give several tips so that it is not so complicated to sleep soundly and without delays when having depression, bearing in mind that in these cases the solution always involves going to therapy.
- Related article: "Major depression: symptoms, causes and treatment"
How does depression affect the ability to sleep well?
Although it is part of the so-called mood disorders, depression is not only reflected in symptoms that affect emotions; what's more, has implications for the physiology and habits of the person suffering from this psychopathology.
One of them is associated with insomnia. The person with depression tends to need more time to fall asleep, and in addition, her sleep is more fragile and unstable, so the chances of waking up at night and having a hard time getting back to sleep are increased. to sleep. At the same time, it is also very common that he wants to spend more time than usual in the layer, partly because he has not had enough rest. Sleep is of poorer quality and you have less energy, so you spend more hours in a low state of consciousness (or sleeping).
Another psychological aspect of depression that has to do with sleep is rumination., that is, the fact of going over and over again to the same kind of thoughts, usually disturbing or generators of anxiety, without being able to control their appearance or how much time they spend "invading" our awareness. Depression produces rumination through intrusive thoughts based on pessimism and hopelessness, and these keep the person awake.
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Tips to sleep better if you suffer from depression
When it comes to boosting sleep quality if you suffer from depression, keep these tips in mind, but when in doubt, always pay attention to the guidelines given by the mental health professional who is treating you and offering a deal personalized.
1. Go to psychotherapy
Psychotherapy is the context of health care in which you will have guidelines and tools of emotional management adapted to your case that you need to turn the page and overcome this psychopathology. Not going to mental health professionals not only significantly increases the chance that you will suffer from depression for many years; In addition, it will expose you to suicidal ideation. and the attempts to end your life; Don't forget that depression is a serious disorder closely linked to suicides. Therefore, you should not assume that these tips will replace the assistance of a professional.

- Related article: "The 10 benefits of going to psychological therapy"
2. Don't try to block out negative thoughts.
If you do, just you will give them more strength and attract them to your mind again and again, since you will be alert and everything will remind you of what you want to keep out of your consciousness.
3. Keep your mind busy shortly before going to sleep
Do not do anything that requires a lot of effort before going to bed, but it is important that you keep your mind stimulated and somewhat active when it comes time to sleep. For example, reading or doing simple yoga exercises (in which you do not have to force). In this way, the ideas and sensations associated with that experience will keep you "on the go" and they will offer things to think about and occupy your attention instead of the memories linked to the rumination.
- You may be interested: "Rumination: The Annoying Vicious Circle of Thinking"
4. If you take psychotropic drugs, always follow the doctor's instructions
Disobeying the doctor's instructions will expose you to sudden emotional ups and downs, and this will make it difficult for you to sleep. Therefore, do not change the dose without consulting him and take the medications as often as indicated.
- Related article: "Psychopharmaceuticals: drugs that act on the brain"
5. do exercise
Exercising regularly is indicated in most cases of depression, as it helps disconnect and provides stimulating experiences, as well as concrete and short-term goals that put the flow of thought. In addition, the need for rest will make you fall asleep more easily. Of course, do not practice exercise when a few hours later you will go to bed; it is important that you reserve this routine for the first half of your day. Otherwise, your biorhythms will be altered.
Do you want to have the help of a psychologist to deal with sleep problems?
If you are looking for psychological support services for depression or a sleep disorder, I invite you to contact me.
My name is Javier Ares and I am a psychologist specializing in mood disorders, problems associated with anxiety and couple crises; I do face-to-face sessions in my office in Madrid and also online therapy by video call.