Education, study and knowledge

The 9 best Psychologists in Glendale (California)

The Psychologist and Professional Counselor enhamed enhamed He graduated in Psychology from the European University of Madrid, has a Master's Degree in Internet Business, a Master's Degree in Specialist in Coaching and Personal Development and two Training Courses in High Performance Coaching and in Mindfulness and Meditation Therapy.

Her intervention is offered online with full guarantees for adolescents, adults and also couples who can present school difficulties, divorce processes, family conflicts, low self-esteem and deficits in the management of go to.

This professional works from the cognitive-behavioral approach, an orientation with which she attends to Mindfulness or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, all of which are highly effective.

the psychologist Gabriela Sotomayor She has been successfully serving people of all ages for more than 25 years, that is, children, adolescents, adults, the elderly and also families who request it.

Currently, this professional offers an online service of Clinical Psychology and Educational Psychology in Favor of Mental Health, and some of her main specialties are cases of anxiety, depression, relational or emotional difficulties and low self-esteem.

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Gabriela Sotomayor has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous Metropolitan University, she has a Higher Degree in Gestalt Psychotherapy, a Diploma in Psychological Evaluation and a First Aid Training Course psychological.

The psychologist Arodi Martinez he graduated in Psychology from the InterAmerican University College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, he has a Doctorate in Psychology and also has a Master's degree in General Psychology from the same college.

This professional is an expert in human behavior and throughout more than 10 years of career he has specialized in attending online and with all possible comforts to people of all ages, as well as couples and families.

His intervention is based on Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, one of the most used by professionals around the world and with which she deals with addictions, divorce processes, low self-esteem, family conflicts and crisis of couple.

the psychologist Mariana Calefato She has more than 30 years of professional career behind her, she has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires, he has a Master's degree in Hospital Management and Health Services, a Postgraduate degree in Psychoanalysis.

In his consultation you will find a professional specialized in attending online to people of all ages, couples and families who can present cases of trauma or disorders typical of old age and some of his other specialties are anxiety, depression and conflict relatives.

The Clinical Psychologist John Martin Florit has specialized in serving people of all ages online, as well as families who may be going through a difficult time in any area of ​​their lives.

His intervention integrates various therapies of proven efficacy, among which Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and Third Generation, with whom he attends to emotional difficulties, stress, trauma, divorce and deficits in the management of the wrath.

Juan Martín Florit has a degree in Psychology from the National University of Mar del Plata, has a Postgraduate degree in Cognitive-behavioral Therapy in Anxiety Disorders, he has a Master's Degree in Child and Adolescent Clinical Training.

The Clinical Psychologist Diego Tzoymaher he graduated in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires, has a Postgraduate degree in Cognitive Neuropsychology from the University of Belgrano, a Specialization in Anxiety Disorders and a Postgraduate in Journalism Scientific.

For more than 18 years, this professional has attended, together with a team of highly qualified therapists, to people of all ages, as well as couples, applying only evidence-based therapies scientific.

His intervention is also offered online and some of his main specialties are cases of anxiety and depression, relational difficulties, stress, internet addiction and disorder obsessive compulsive.

The psychologist Javier Ares He is an expert in applying Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in his sessions, all in an integrative manner together with Third Generation Therapy, also based on the scientific method.

This professional is a graduate in Clinical Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, has a Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology, a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology and another Master's Degree in Psychotherapy Cognitive-behavioral.

His intervention is offered online and some of the main alterations he attends to are cases Alzheimer's, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, stress, infidelity and drug addiction Internet.

The Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist Ibon de la Cruz He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Salamanca and a Diploma in Teaching from the Begoñako Andra Mari University.

For more than 20 years he has been successfully serving adolescents, adults or older people who may present cases of anxiety, depression, divorce proceedings, low self-esteem, stress, emotional difficulties or disorders of the old age.

His intervention is offered through online sessions in which he integrates Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy along with other effective orientations such as EMDR Therapy or Mindfulness.

The Family and Marriage Therapist Robert J. Olive he has over 26 years of professional experience and is licensed by the state of California.

His intervention is offered by video call to adults, the elderly, couples or families and their main specialties are cases of anxiety, depression, substance abuse, addictions, grief and conflict relatives.

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