Psychologist Matrika Yoga School (San Lorenzo de El Escorial)
- Yoga, Ayurveda, Psychology and Manual Therapy Center in San Lorenzo de El Escorial and Sierra de Gredos. We facilitate from the integration of Iyengar Yoga, hatha, vinyasa krama and Shivaita Tantra. - School founded by Pablo Ferrero in 2012. We offer regular classes in Madrid and Sierra de Madrid. We provide training for Yoga teachers and Yoga and Meditation specializations. We give annual retreats in the Sierra de Gredos and other corners of Spain. María Sierra is the director of the department of psychology and its application in the practice of Yoga. - About Pablo Ferrero: Official Iyengar Yoga teacher by RIMYI, Pune in India. Diploma in yogic studies from the University of Pune and the Bihar School of Yoga, India. A student of Ayurveda, he facilitates Ayurvedic counseling and traditional Indian massage. Disciple of Kashmir Tantra. Osteopath. Degree in Journalism and Communication Sciences. Master in Coaching and Human Development from the University of Barcelona. - About María Sierra: Yoga teacher. Clinical psychologist from the University of Comillas. She studies Lacanian Psychoanalysis. She is passionate about dance and body therapy.
- Iyengar Yoga - Integral Yoga. - Ayurveda (Ayurvedic psychological counseling, nutrition and massage) - Psychology (Clinical psychology and Lacanian psychoanalysis)
We are a holistic center that deals with the integration of psychology, Yoga and manual therapy (Osteopathy and Ayurveda). More than 10 years of experience.