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Sex differentiation: male or female

In this BIOLOGY video we will explain "Sex differentiation: male or female?".

Sexual differentiation: man or woman?. How the differentiation of a embryo that he does not yet have a sex (defined biological sex) in baron or woman. I place a lot of emphasis on what the BIOLOGICAL SEX because we do not have to confuse that you were born in a masculine or feminine form with that you feel like that, nor with your sexual preference, nor with the role you want to play in your life. In this video we are going to speak strictly in biological terms. In the chromosome And there is a gene called SRY. That gene is going to produce what is called the testicular development factor. The factor TDF. That as its name indicates, when it acts on gonads (generic word; structure that ends up developing either in female or male sexual organs). When there's that Y chromosome with that gene SRY that produces TDF, the gonads end up transforming into testicles. In those testicles we find these three elements that we are going to talk about now. A pair of cells from the testicles and an enzyme that is in the testicles as well. It is mainly there, although we also find a little in the adrenal cortex (in very few quantities). Now we will focus on these two testicular cells. This is gonna happen

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from the 6th week of pregnancy or embryonic development. It is when we can already know the sex of the baby.

If you want to know more about the subject "Sex differentiation: male or female?", don't miss this video and practice with the exercises that we have on our website.

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