Registration techniques and stimulation of neural activity
In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain the "Techniques for registering and stimulating neural activity I".
The main techniques for registering and stimulating neural activity. Let's start with the first of them, the most invasive of them (from my point of view). Stereotaxic surgery. This is a technique in which clearly, what is done is, through a surgical operation, material is introduced into the nervous system. Material is introduced into a very specific and determined area, so as to avoid damaging the surrounding areas as much as possible. With which, despite being clearly invasive and aggressive, we go straight to a place.
It is very important, to be precise, to have an atlas of stereotaxy. That is, apart from the device with which the surgical process will be performed. We need to know exactly where we have to go (if it is one mm lower or one mm higher) so that we are not stimulating or collecting samples from a space that is not the one we are interested in. This type of technique serves both to obtain tissue samples, to obtain electrical signals, and to obtain the composition of the
encephalo-spinal fluid or to stimulate. Since we can basically implant electrodes, cannulas, we can remove pieces of brain... it's like a big umbrella (This stereotaxic surgery to say that we are going to put something inside the nervous system and thus we are going to fiddle).To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on "Registration techniques and stimulation of neural activity I "and practice with the exercises that we leave you continuation.
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