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What is the prefrontal cortex

In this BIOLOGY video we will explain "Prefrontal cortex".

First introductory video of the prefrontal cortex. Pre-frontal cortex is a region to which many, many information from many different regions of the brain will reach.. This cortex is a tertiary association cortex or multimodal association cortex. You will receive information from the senses, limbic areas, areas that regulate our internal hormonal state (that is, we will receive information of a very diverse nature) sensory, limic (emotional and memory), hormonal, movement signals (they report my position and actions in the world) and through the thalamus also passes the sensory information. All of this information is released into the frontal lobe. In the frontal lobe we find this cortex, which if it is called prefrontal is because it is found in the most anterior regions (literally the forehead). This region is key to perform executive functions (by executive functions we refer to the behavior that a human being executes in the world; recognize what state I am even if I am not conscious).

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If you want to know more about the subject "Prefrontal cortex", do not miss this video and practice with the exercises that we have on our website.

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