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Studying the brain after death

In this BIOLOGY video we will explain the "Post mortem brain study".

Study of the brain after death. Post mortem research techniques. They are techniques that are done after sacrificing the study animal or after the death of the human being. What we will do is take tissue from that corpse, we will laminate it and we will put different elements. Sometimes they are dyes, other times they are specific proteins... but we will always add something that helps me identify a structure of interest or an element of interest to me. Let's start with the histology techniques. In histological techniques, as its name indicates, it has to do with the study of tissue.

Allows me to see cell structures; It allows me to see the inside of a neuron (its mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, reticulum, nucleus ...), it allows me to see what type of neuron it is (by the shape it has or by the connections it establishes). In this sense, it is very useful as a technique because it serves, for example, as histology validation after performing the steroid surgery technique. In the steroidal surgery technique we accessed an area of ​​the nervous system. Then the animal is sacrificed to be able to do the

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validation by estological technique. That way what we do is; take that part, since we have pointed in the correct area, and when we make the cut + the dye, we will see what we are interested in seeing. Another of its functionalities is to recognize where a neuron is born and where its axon is going. What are your nerve pathways and recognize the incidents and excrescences. Where does that axon go and where it dies in order to trace the synaptic circuit.

If you want to know more about the topic "Post mortem brain study", don't miss this video and practice with the exercises that we have on our website.

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