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Registration techniques and stimulation of neural activity

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain the "Techniques for registering and stimulating neural activity II".

The main techniques of registration and stimulation of neural activity we are going to focus on 5 techniques that are specifically aimed at stimulate the activity of the nervous system. In the previous video we have collected some that are both stimulation and recording. In this case, what we are going to do is apply some stimulus so that we modify the activity of this nervous system. There are two basic types of stimulation possible. Electrical and chemical. Within chemistry we will see the subtype that is pharmacological. Let's start with the electric one. An electrical stimulation is done by implanting electrodes in specific areas of the brain. This can be done, for example, both with a person who is undergoing neurosurgery to For example, see what happens when a certain electrical current is passed in a certain area of ​​the brain. To see what effects on their behavior are generated. Or in his behavior. For example, if the person stops seeing or if, on the contrary, they see light stimuli that do not exist.

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This can happen whenever areas are stimulated cortical. They can induce hallucinations or vice versa, suppress that activity. Since the nervous system works based on electochemical stimuli, if we modify this transmission we produce alterations. In this way we can know which areas are mainly in which functions. In this type of stimulation, I am not thinking at all about causing injury. They are currents of low intensity so that normal transmission is simply affected and it is temporary (after a short period of time, the person returns to normal without any injury). It is an imprecise stimulation because by affecting the electrical activity it can affect several axons of several neurons that are close to the electrode. Since the electrode occupies an area (due to its size) so it is impossible for it to only stimulate a single neuron in this way. Therefore, it is not very precise. It serves in a rough way and depends on the function that we need to do the experiment is more than enough. Now... if we need something more precise we will use chemical stimulation. Because it activates only the somas in the specific place where the synapse is occurring. At that point, is where the neurotransmitters (The balls will bind to the receptor in a precise way, affecting only the synapse that I am interested in investigating).

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on "Techniques of registration and stimulation of neural activity II" and practice with the training that we leave you next.

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